Back by popular demand. Dagger Duel!!!


The Gilded Claw is is happy to announce that we will be sponsoring the dagger duel during this tournament.

Rules are
Two participants fight until one gives up, drops the rope, or succumbs to their wounds.
Each shall only use a dagger in one hand and hold a rope in the other.
No armor or protectives allowed. This includes but is not limited to spells, potions, elixirs , or magical items.

There is a one gold buy in.
First place takes one third of the pot and a useful magical item
Second place takes one third of the pot
And the last third of the pot shall go to helping all the refugees in and around Flameheart Keep.

Lady Darksun

Any questions please contact me privately.
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I'm so in.

Sir Amaranthus Landcharmer
Ithaca are you seeing this? I am thinking rematch...