August event favorites!


NEPA Staff
Heya Folks!
Please let us know your highlights and quotes from this weekend! Share what people did and what you experienced that made the event fun or meaningful for you!
Had a TON of fun this weekend. Thanks to the new and returning NPCs. you guys rocked it!

In no particular order:
  • "Hey Vox... you wanna be a ballista?"
  • "Glass man". That's not going to stick, btw. I'm gonna drop a hammer on someone :p
  • The Circle mod. That was everything I love in a puzzle mod. Clear win/fail conditions, clear goal and a solid way to win. It took legitimately thinking about it to figure it out. I know I talked to people about it, but I've reconciled and consider Stone Storm a perfectly legitimate requirement despite no one ever using it. For the record, I now have scrolls of it just in case. Well written, Henry.
  • Almost exploding while making a mad dash for the cabin to heal. I went down to 12 and the only thing that saved me was getting a food in the ward.
  • Archer duels with Kyle and the lady NPC whose name I never caught (sorry!). I love archer duels.
  • Throughout the day hamburgers. Thanks Chad!
I also enjoyed Logistics. Weird to say, I know, but I enjoyed helping Josh out and thank you folks for bearing with me while I fumbled around the database.
The return of Khorwyn Brey! Alas, I was very much not a fan of myself for this event. I think I blew about 85% of my verbals, could hardly hit anything with my arrows, and needed to get checked for not finishing my damage calls before swinging. But despite all of my own mistakes, I still really enjoyed the event, and so here are my favorite moments!

1. The woods mod on Friday night. Meeting the Crimson Razor, stalking up on the slaver camp, infiltrating them, and getting to do some spy work amid the blue flames and natural fog was awesome. Now if only I'd done the damn mod correctly. :/
2. All things Leaf. I love Eric's new character, and getting to reminisce about Khorwyn's old rogue self was great.
3. Normandy and Melimir! Two super cool new players who were totally repped like they'd been playing for 10 years. Glad you guys could bunk with us, and admired how you just jumped right into the game.
4. Dueling a Death Knight...with my bow. Thanks go to Dom for playing him, and to Frank as Huleen for finishing him off. That was a great fight, and totally worth the quiver of Serious Vorpal arrows I sank into him.
5. Role-playing with so many cool characters - Vox, Alto, Ulthoc, Ezri, the Crimson Razor, Nicole, Simon, Kita, Zat, Amy's little girl biata. It was a RP-heavy weekend, which was great!
6. Successful espionage, and assorted other failed attempts at it.
7. Henry's spectral...whatever. Hysterical!
8. Fighting Scott's undead gryphon rider. Yes, I do have three Cloak Gifts. :)
9. Surprising Garathon by drawing my swords before swearing fealty to him as my new Baron. And so what if I got a little choked up, okay? :p
10. The final battle - from the use of the ballista at the gate to fighting down through and back out of the woods again, the whole thing was challenging and fun. I'm so glad we got down there, and hope we get to use the woods again soon...(cough)...Ash Forest event...(cough)

Well, if I missed anything I'll try to post it again later. I look forward to seeing you all again next month!

- Dave E.
The good:

1. Watching two rogues with opposite personalities try to work together to untrap a room in a short amount of time.
2. Having great help behind Monster Desk. Thanks to Henry, Collin, Donna and Kyle!
3. Watching Mike G really get into his characters, even when it's just a crazed gryphon
4. The Crimson Razor! "It's the Crimson Razor, dammit, not the Garnet Razor. Damn newspaper." Thanks for running that, Scott!
5. The final battle through the walls of Thrommel to the Healers Guild and the final encounter with the Thessi
6. The great NPCs, including many newbies, who worked their butts off and loved having characters to play in the tavern with plot hooks and important information
7. Seeing a plotline that was first established when Ashbury began over 20 years ago finally come to a conclusion. Don't screw it up from here, guys. ;)

The bad:

1. My screw up with the modules, wherein I mixed up the hooks and thought Group A had messed up when in fact they were right and I had given the hook to Group B. My bad.
2. The bees! Well, no one was hurt. That was interesting ...
3. Dealing with Ulthoc's high standards. "That's not enough evidence!" OK, let's throw in another letter. "Still not enough." OK, here's a logbook. "We need more." OK, here are some painguards, is that enough? ;)
Some favorites in no order:
Informing the Baroness as she is pining for another ritual caster that she should check her squire.
Henry's Wizard. Realizing how few Celestial casters were in town. Still not sorry for not having a Stone Storm
The Final Battle. Battle of motion that morph over the course of events adds so much flavor
Alternating disarms.
Being able to make b-lines to my team mates in trouble to ensure-no-rez.
RP with Amy Reese
Talking songs with Kida
Gold sniffing wylderkin. Find me a Golden truffle!
Mod team that laughs at an APL cause it is unscaled by default and it wasn't that close.
All the young blood...on both sides. Keep it up.

Joe Siegel
Mod team that laughs at an APL cause it is unscaled by default and it wasn't that close.

I'd almost forgotten about that. I think the lowest one there was high 20's. It figures - we finally hit a scalable mod and we throw that out the window LOL.

My favorites:

The layout of the tavern itself looked like a place where small groups gathered and talked in hushed tones – it perfectly lent itself to the feel of the event. And as usual, the decorations and rearrangement of the room helped with the suspension of disbelief that we were in another estate. I’m impressed you keep finding new ways to rearrange that space.

The fights were well statted – tough but winnable, and definitely lose-able if we were dumb. Good job there.

Henry’s Thrommel town guard just before the end of the wave battle was a nice touch. That’s exactly the kind of person we were trying to protect in this whole thing, and to have vindication in the existence of this archetype felt really good. Aww heck, All things Henry.

Mike G's Charnal Assassin. I knew that fight felt long but somebody told me it was literally almost 30 minutes. I apparently need to learn to swing harder. Thank you for a clean, fun fight, Mike.

Collectively coming up with a new plan for squire training. You guys are in so much trouble...

Amaranthus's flashback. And then we thought he was coming out of it, but instead it was "Oh crap... BEEEEEEES!" That was a new one. Let's not repeat that.

The last wave battle was fantastic – the drainage channel acting as a wall was an effective visual as well as physical barrier, and gave the archers and casters a new element to work in. This also gave the shield fighters a new and interesting role. Fighting through the paths to mimic streets added a great new dimension, having to split forces, guard our rear and legitimately not be able to see where the NPCs were spawning from. Overall the set up of this battle was spot on.
The last wave battle was fantastic – the drainage channel acting as a wall was an effective visual as well as physical barrier, and gave the archers and casters a new element to work in. This also gave the shield fighters a new and interesting role. Fighting through the paths to mimic streets added a great new dimension, having to split forces, guard our rear and legitimately not be able to see where the NPCs were spawning from. Overall the set up of this battle was spot on.

I agree. It really FELT like we were fighting in a city. I normally have suspension of disbelief issues, but Michelle is right. This was was well done.
Guys, we had a great time. I honestly cannot express how great everyone was to us.

In relative chronological order:

1) Roleplaying with Mary and fisherman dude (sorry I never got your name!) in the tavern, and getting involved with a bit of intrigue.
2) NPC monster dude shunning all non elves, and everyone coming up to me telling me to go out there even though I was swinging for no effect. That battle lasted forever. I ended up bleeding out a lot, but you guys promised to pick me up when I inevitably fell and you did, especially Leaf, I am sorry you got hurt man it was great having you around!
3) The Legendary Sea Crab of Thrommel, and the look of confusion on everyone's face when we talked about it. (I think I blew every incant here)
4) The Fey/arcane bee mod. Even better was everyone's reaction afterwards when we were talking about fighting bees.
5) The newbie mod with new PC's fighting new NPC's that almost turned into a party wipe. I am pretty sure there were 4 out of 6 of us bleeding out at one point.
6) Being withered on the ground, useless. And the resulting realization of "shoot that's an undead griffon." I have no business fighting that!
7) Saturday night everyone was out hunting painguards. It was myself, Normandy, Amaranthus, and Ulthoc sitting in the tavern when two painguards rifted in. At first we thought, "OK we really couldn't be in better company; they got this, maybe we can flank or provide support." Well Ulthoc took an immediate packet to the eye and had to go out of game, leaving a painguard for Amaranthus and one for us. There was definitely an "oh crap" moment there. We did not last too long, but it was a blast.
8) Getting chosen to go on the super important intercept dude mission with 2 Barons, Simon, and 2 others (I am sorry I do not remember your names). Them looking at me and just telling me not to be a hero and do anything stupid. I am sorry it didn't work out, it would have been a blast!
9) Our first encounter with the undead alone. Right after we got there, Normandy and I were outside the tavern at the bottom of the stairs. He came running at us, and we knew the haven of the living was just established so we run upstairs. All I could think to say was "We brought company!" and the whole room looked at us like we were insane.
10) The final battle! Seriously, holding the line at the healer's guild was crazy. They threw an assortment of undead with different abilities at us, and we held. It was awesome. A shout out to Alto here for handing me a stack of serious vorpal arrows before hand, it was pretty cool to throw out some real damage. Up until then when NPCs looked at me confused and asked me to repeat my damage it was because it was 2 haha. Turning that into real damage felt great!
11) The Smoker's guild of course!
12) House Blythedale for taking us in and saving us from Henry's attempt at recruiting us to NPC camp. Everyone one of you were great to us!

The two most important ones:

The NPCs! You guys worked your butts off for us all weekend. It showed, and we appreciated it. Seriously it was because of you we had as much fun as we did.

Everyone who helped us get involved, showed us the ropes, and put up with our incessant questions. Those who came up to us and introduced themselves and went out of their way to make sure we were having a good time. Thank you so much!
Now that I've had some time to settle down and get some rest, here are my favs:

ALL THINGS NPC!!!! Seriousl6, each and every NPC worked 110% this event. You guys are rockstars,

Which also leads me to a very touching realization I had in the car on the way home. You guys are all my family, and it was never more evident than at this event. Thank you for Loving me how only a LARP family can.

Okay, back to favs:
1) Hired help. Vox, you rock!
2) The Morph......Way to really mess with Nikoles head. "Kill him!"
" But thats the Count! "
"I know! Kill him!"
3) Me Wee Lambs! You guys were great! Thank you so much for adding such a great element to my weekend. I NEVER would have guessed thus was your first event with the equipment you guys were packing. Kudos!!
4) Taking charge, stepping up, and making Nikoles voice heard in both importsnt meetings in the Healers Guild.
5) The "newbie training" mod that went very smoothly.
"Everyone see Frank? Ya, he's a wall. You cant go past him." Fighting ensues, I back up into Frank. " Ooops, thats the Wall Frank, sorry!"
6) Epic espionage, sabotage, scheming, plotting and other dubious political Biata stuff.
7) Amaranthous and his outburst at Baroness Ezri.
8)Sunday morning cheese!
9) Actually finding out that, rather than fight on the front lines, my small group decided to stand with me when prepairing to overtake Thromels Stone. It tugged Nikoles heart a bit that, given the choice, each and every person stayed with her. Thsnk you guys.
10) Actually meeting the Gryphon, hiding and protecting her as we fought to catch up eith the others, then wisking her away to the Thromel Healers Guild all with my wonderful team at my back.
11) Guarding the Gryphon, poised to cast a Circle at the first sign of trouble, and not needing it because my team rocked!
12) Watching my team of very carfully selected members really come together, fight FOR eachother as well as alongside eachother, and watching as, like a beautifully choreographed dance, everyone worked together so well.
13) Count Ulthocs orders to "Handle" The stone between the Councils, or "I'll deal with it..... and you wont like the way I do it".
14) The intense RP with Zat, Stephan, Amaranthous, and a few others immediately after His Honors orders.

And, though not nessicarily a "favorite" moment, but still something I will talk about for a long while...:
"Guys, we're in a hold!"
"Okay, guys, you cant be moving around in a hold, rea..."
"N.O!!!!!BEES!!!!!!!!! REAL BEES!!!!!"
And almost immediately after, asking Dave E: "Do I hear 'Arcane Bee'?"

Im sure there is more, but I never manage to think of them all on the first shot.
Well that was a fun event! I suppose it gets a few bonus points since it was the first thing I have really done since the baby came.

Here are some favorites in no particular order...
1. Blythedale! I love my guys and they make the game worth playing.
2. Khorywn's vow of fealty. I didn't see it coming and it was awesome.
3. New guys! Melamir and Normandy you guys came ready to play and hope you had as much fun playing as we did having you. I have never given up my spare magic sword so much.
4. Talking people of the edge. This event was full of tough decisions and I know it strained some people, but that's part of the fun!
5. Amy Resele! You can stop NPCing in my general direction. First you murder me, then you creep me out, and then you played a little kid who had all her toys taken. All I could see is my son. Kid stuff gets me every time. So now I am going to run every time you come near me.
6. Combat! Not only was this one of the toughest combat weekends, but the final battle especially was really cool. I loved the multi path city fight.
7. First real event as the Baron of Blythedale. It's really fund to see my character fulfill a main part of his arc.
8. I call forth a Bee Storm! Crazy. What I thought was really weird was how quickly they disappeared.
9. Swinging 20 earth! Boy that was fun! When you start playing this game you never quite believe you will get up that high.
10. Thank you Kris Kitts for correcting my insensitive monster taunt. For those who missed it Garathon was trying in vain to taunt a Pain Guard into combat. This is obviously not something he generally does so he is rather inept. He then used a gender specific taunt which caused Kris's character to correct the Baron mid battle. She was of course right and the Baron was wrong! It was a bad taunt and I apologize. Baron Garathon will use gender neutral taunts at monsters from now or refrain from taunting all together. :)

See you all next event... From the Dark Side!
10. Thank you Kris Kitts for correcting my insensitive monster taunt. For those who missed it Garathon was trying in vain to taunt a Pain Guard into combat. This is obviously not something he generally does so he is rather inept. He then used a gender specific taunt which caused Kris's character to correct the Baron mid battle. She was of course right and the Baron was wrong! It was a bad taunt and I apologize. Baron Garathon will use gender neutral taunts at monsters from now or refrain from taunting all together. :)

Rule #3: Don't be a buttnugget. :) Everyone slips up and everyone gets better.

My favorites have names, and those names are: Frisco, Emily, Sean, Samara, Tracey, and Bill. And Donna. Donna, Donna, Donna - she is a champion.
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