PASS ARC Proposal: 2.1 Ritual Update: Toolkit of Convenience replaces Workplace of Convenience


Alliance General Manager
New Hampshire Staff
Proposed by ARC 5-17-23

Summary: This ritual would entirely replace existing Workplace of Convenience Rituals, with additional charges being added for lost conversion value using the 1.3-->2.0 matrix. As this is moving from an extendable ritual to a times ever Ritual, ARC also proposes that the value of any extender (or remaining LPs of duration) be factored in to the conversion as well. Any remaining points should be rounded up to the next increment of 200 and additional charges added pursuant to the conversion value.

Vote: Rules Proposal from ARC for 2.1 [PASS]
The following chapters voted for this policy: Atlanta, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Denver
The following chapters voted against this policy: NEPA, Minnesota, Chicago

Synopsis of Conversations: The conversation regarding this proposal centered mainly around providing examples of how this ritual will work in practice.

The text for Toolkit of Convenience will read as:

Toolkit of Convenience​

Catalyst Required:None
May Be Extended:False
Duration:Until Used
Casting Time:5
Ritual Target Type:Item [Toolkit]
Ritual Choice:Additional Charges
Scroll Type:Enchantment
NPC Only Ritual:False
Role Play Only:False

The Toolkit of Convenience Ritual enchants a Target Toolkit and adds both additional charges and uses for those charges. A standard casting of this Ritual adds 10 charges to the Target Toolkit. The Toolkit’s charges can continue to be used to supplement a character’s supply of Crafting Materials, as if it were a normal Toolkit, costing 1 gold per charge. Additionally, the Toolkit’s charges can also be expended to provide the following benefits, with each charge costing 1 gold to use:

  • Provide an additional 10 CM worth of materials. This benefit can be used in addition to a regular Toolkit charge, up to 4 times in a given batch.
  • Increase the size of a given batch by 10. This allows a character to spend additional CM beyond their normal maximum for a particular batch.
  • Allow Ritual Components to be consumed instead of Crafting Materials for one batch, with each component counting as 5 of the appropriate Crafting Materials. Any value beyond the size of the Crafting Batch is lost. LCO Ritual Components may not be used in this way.
  • Allow Ritual Scrolls to be consumed instead of Crafting Materials for one batch, with each Ritual Scroll counting as 20 of the appropriate Crafting Materials. Any value beyond the size of the Crafting Batch is lost. LCO Ritual Scrolls may not be used in this way.
  • Allow a Catalyst to be consumed instead of Crafting Materials for one batch, with the catalyst counting as 50 Crafting Materials. Any value beyond the size of the Crafting Batch is lost. LCO Catalysts may not be used in this way.
When this Ritual is initially cast, the Caster may elect to add additional charges to the Toolkit of Convenience. For every 5 charges added the Difficulty increases by 2, and an additional 4 Reagents are consumed.

This Ritual requires 8 Reagents to cast as listed on the scroll. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.


This Ritual can not be Spellcrafted.