PASS ARC Proposal: 2.1 Dryad Racial Update


Alliance General Manager
New Hampshire Staff
Proposed by ARC 7/12/23

Summary: This proposal will modify the earlier 2.1 Disadvantages to Dryads. Instead of not being able to wear or use metal Game Items except for coin (old 2.1 language), this change will adjust the wording to the following:
“Disadvantages: Processed metal of any type generates discord within Dryads and they will avoid the use of metal weapons and armor. The manipulation of metals through heating, melting and forging throws off its “energy.” This dissonance has a negative effect on any Dryad who is near it. Coins in a pouch or metal rivets in leather will not bother them, but a metal bracer wrapped around the forearm would feel extremely, distractingly uncomfortable. The level of discord becomes unmanageable when the quantity of metal is large enough to serve as a weapon or armor. This prevents dryads from using metal or silvered weapons as well as wearing armor that is primarily composed of metal.”

Vote: Rules Proposal from ARC for 2.1 [PASS]
The following chapters voted for this policy: NEPA, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: None
The following chapters voted to abstain: None

Synopsis of Conversations: This topic has had a fair bit of discussion since the early 2.1 revisions. There was concerns raised by players and owners about how Dryads would be able to interact (or not) with various aspects of the game if they were prohibited from utilizing all metal Game Items. This proposal addresses those concerns by reverting the mechanical disadvantage back to a flavor/cultural one.