April 2014 Favorites!


Great start to the season! As is tradition, please post your favorite moments and mods here.

I'll kick it off:

-Making a ridiculous amount of trades and coin despite not going on a single mod
-Negotiating a trade discount by literally paying in blood with Benjamin.
-Getting to mess with Dure'dhel a bit while he could not see or hear me.
-Sparring with many newer players on Saturday afternoon.
-Learning merchanting and talking with Tazoulti on Saturday night.
-Back massages on Saturday night. Totally worth the gold.
-Teaching how to throw javelins and other Ragnarok-related shenanigans.

Despite losing my out-of-game ability to speak on Friday, and needing to leave in the middle of the night on Saturday to seek related medical attention, I had a really fun time! Can't wait for the next one!
This was a very fun, and remarkable cleaner fought game!
  • Undead Troll attack - because claws make great back massage tools.
  • Sever the Weave ritual. Ryan's roleplay for ritual casting is always AMAZING, and everyone involved was very involved.
  • Final node/anchor mod - fight was very nicely balanced. If we hadn't fought together, we would have been a lot worse off. Also, dragon magic resistance + giant cloak.
  • All of the dying... I probably took about 400 points of healing this event (including the sever weave heals)
  • Learning news from Rhys' homeland about her guildmates through others
  • Fights seemed very well balanced for close to deadliness
  • Only face shots I got were with spells
  • First event I can remember in the last 3 years where I didn't turn my ankle!
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Had a great time.
  • Showing off my martial skills
  • Crawling like a commando to heal Aranea while a large corrupt was swinging wildly around her
  • Hanging out with Ragnarok and gang
  • Learning about celestial and earth magics
  • Getting a griffon cord, and black wolf patch
  • Seeing the griffon banner on the flag pole
  • Seeing (steven?) corrupt npc 50 slay a character behind him without even looking
At least my typing will be more understandable than my hoarse voice was :p

I had a great time at the event, and I hope everyone else did as well!

-Playing the cocky magister who thought he'd survive the fight only to be rushed and murdered in a matter of seconds. :p
-The Quicksilver Soldier mod, both running it and playing the soldier. Oh the antics that ensued... :)
-Angry Biata Spirits... And me being a tad too angry ;)
-RP Mod with Jonathan. I'm still trying to burn off the energy from how awesome that was :)
-Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, of course :)
-Cameoing as Keeper, teaching Ilana how to teach, and being apprenticed to Asura who can't teach yet. :p
-Kobold Shenanigans and Dure'dhel trading me the Endow Potion of Hat Growth in exchange for a component.
-Corrupt mod after Corrupt mod after Corrupt mod.
-Sparring with Stephen and Greg. It was a well fought match! :D
-Spontaneous "Help me clear out my favorite walking path!" Mod.
-Big beefy Corrupt Golem/Loot Piñata for the Corrupt Anchor battle. I had a lot of fun with that one :)
-A couple of pops as a pirate before realizing that my voice wanted to hide more than my rouge did. :p

I had a great time at my first full weekend event as an NPC (not to be confused with my first time as an NPC :p ) And I hope that everyone else did as well. Not sure if I'll be in attendance at May (fingers crossed) but if I'm not I'll see you all in June! :)
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-Bugbears.....Best middle of the day sill -o-clock mod thingy
-I loved the Corrupt node/Empire Anchor mod, well put together.
-Trying out a caster for an entire weekend, my experience as an NPC and the MI's on Thorador prepared me well I think.
-Hanging with my crew, the Adventure Capitalist.
-Seeing folks I haven't seen in a long time.

I am sure there are other, I am just not good at remembering. I really enjoyed the event!
Best event I've had in a while, great job guys!

-Rhys epic saves. The cloak out of nowhere was awesome!
-Getting an apprentice
-Ragnarok's break down and the subsequent 'I will put you in the circle' talk as well as everything else I put him through. Good sport
-Helping show Kari how to rogue
-Aranea getting threatened by Foss
-Hanging out in the tavern friday night with Cho Ko Nu
-Aranea's table of goodies
-Talitha and York teaching all the good rogue skills
-The honor duel
-Katira's 'you just sounded like Talitha' moment.
-The Pre-Saturday night fight NPC's. I couldn't look at the one in the blonde wig with the makeup cause if I did I was going to laugh and be unable to speak
-The same NPC's who played the family early saturday getting their portrait done
-The boggle I was waiting on actually having been killing blowed a few minutes earlier
-Getting to fight with Socora on the saturday night mod
-Alexander complimenting the jacket and shirt I made before the event. That made my entire weekend!
First off, Peter (Cho Ko Nu), I hope you are feeling better.

-- To the Bugbear NPC that started off the Boggle mod with a charge - EXCELLENT! Nothing kicks off a fight better!

- The ceremony acknowledging being a part of the Gryphon Guard and the Black Wolves.

- Hosting the first of a, hopefully, series of Fighter Guild instructions.

- Watching adventurers put the lessons into practice

- The pirate ship mod. I was waiting for someone to be thrown out of a "porthole" into the vast sea outside :)

- Being taught patience and how to throw weapons by two good teachers

- Helping finish destroying the 5 Empire anchors and 3 Corrupt nodes!
Ah it was a great event, thanks everyone for coming out, here are a few of my favorites from an old man npcing perspective as I randomly think of them.

- The looks of excitement followed by disappointment when Ted came in carrying the basket of broken dreams.
- Foss's Slow learning about Ted in stages, "Wait, and THEN he takes the food to ORPHANS?...II love this bear!
- Troll Battle with the useless Kobold minions, good clean fight, too bad that bad guy is gone now :-(
- So many good old fashioned corrupt mods, too bad the new stuff couldn't come out from the solace nodes.
- Night time Big corrupt mod - It's nice to see a more complicated phys rep and strategy be figured out without having to be too obvious about it.
- Cho Ko Nu crazy trading, how did he get sooo much money?!
- Tastey breakfast...sooo much bacon!
- Return of some lesser seen and old players - we had about 5 blasts from the past this game, great to see ya'll!
- Were Lizard, Had to escape 3 times and creep back in from another direction but I finally caught Asher unawares
Wow what a great event! I had a blast and want to thank the notorious/illustrious owner, plot & logistics teams, and the NPC’s! Here are some of my favorites in no particular order:
  • So….much….ritual…casting…. I think I cast close to 40 rituals, and burned close to 300 components when it was all said and done. My thanks to all of the patient ritual marshalls!
  • Crafting 2-back to back 18 rit items was epicness of epic proportions! The first set of rituals took much longer, but after the first 18 were finished, we were really in a groove at that point.
  • I really enjoyed all of the true empowerments and teaching others how to ritual cast. The disrupt weave rit and associated RP was FANTASTIC! It’s that kind of hardcore RP that makes me love this game!
  • Attempting to teach Katira how to be assertive and somehow become betrothed to a “dirt mage”.
  • Teaching others how to use/command a golem, I’m glad you didn’t break it! ;)
  • In the middle of a mod realizing that Shadow’s Light was actually working together for a change instead of being our usual “specialist” selves running around saving the world. Who knows what we would actually accomplish if we always worked together ;)
  • There were so many awesome RP moments this weekend, it’s hard to single them all out!
  • RP with Socora and Foss…rebuilding a broken Foss…do you want to aspire to be something greater than you are or do you want to be “just another adventurer” :)
  • Fixing the C-guild with one act; I’m not sure who is going to teach who, but someone is going to get schooled!!!
  • Teaching Ragnarocks some respect. I went easy on you, other Vornae would not be as “kind” ;)
  • The sat night corrupt anchor mod, it was well balanced, however I cringe to think how it would have went if we didn’t have 4 uber-empowered anti-corrupt paragons! The town did a great job, I am glad to see new leaders step up!
  • Not being in the golem was actually preferable as I was able to channel the true power of the Vornae to fade into and strike out of the shadows at the flanks of the onslaughts of corrupt on the adventurers. Thanks to York and Tal for running with me as we bounced in and out of the shadows ;)
  • Disjuncting and rifting shenanigans in the tavern; drinks pouring themselves, paper flying in the air with words appearing on them…I hope all adventurers do what I did and just ignore them! Rules of adventuring, don’t drink floating cups of liquid and don’t listen to strange voices…etc ;)
  • It didn't happen at the event, but due to severe sleep deprivation, last night my wife caught me talking in my sleep. Apparently I was calling out spell incants, what really got her was that I rather loudly said “I Command You to Return the Chair to Me!” after which I woke myself up. She calmly looked at me and said “Resist – you are going to have to get your own chair” and went back to sleep.
Kind? I would call two lightning storms and a flame bolt kind. Never the less you bought me a favor from Sigurth so its not all bad :)

My favorites in no particular order:

-My, as peter would put it, Ragnarok-related shenanigans.
-Killing blow all the kobalds we were trying to save Friday night. Did I mention I hate kobalds?
-Friday night going up to Greg (playing an undead) and swinging for 6. The look on his face when I explained I got a second prof.
-Getting taught how to slay by Alexander (playing some mercenary who's name I cant remember). Diffidently the best teaching RP I've ever had.
-First aiding and then refitting Valentino while Dave was right in front of me with his back turned.
-My honor duel. I lasted longer that I would've thought. Nice touch with the celestial sword btw.
-My new teacher. Diffidently the one who will get Raggles in shape.
-Pooling my gold with Sigurth to get my first magic item that actually has a benefit.
-Everyone assuming my reaction to magic armor was because I was a barbarian, not because I have a freaking flawed magic item around my neck!
-Well I own a ritual scroll now. Sooooooo useful to me.
-Dragging all the corrupt back to be eaten? by Von Gryphon and Rhys.
-My Ragnarok mental break down and all the people who got to see it. Most fun I've had in a while.
Great game you guys, I wish I could have gone out on more mods but I am just recovering from being sick so I didn't want to risk getting icky again!

-Foss' fear of Aranea. What a perfectly timed backlash. :p (Still sad about that web item....)
-Valentino's military crawl to save Aranea. She was impressed.
-Buying a sell-sword to protect Aranea. I didn't die so it worked out well for me I suppose.
-Making half of the town extremely uncomfortable. Spiders have feelings too! ;)
-How smoothly the Sat. night mod went. Good job all, and it was terrible sad to heard about our one res. To be fair, I was expecting quite a few more with so many shatter spirits being thrown!
-The bugbear mod with the Adventure Capitalists. You know a mod is good when most of the group ends up bent over laughing.
-Hanging out with people I don't often get to, namely the Adventure Capitalists. Also, sitting in the tavern and RPing more than just swinging a sword. It was so important for me to switch to an alt and get to explore a different part of the game!
-Mama bird's meatloaf. Soooo good.

Thanks all for such a great game! :p
It was definitely good to get a full weekend in, and all the things that came with that!

- Terminated Briar, knocking down Katira and being carried away by Daves were-lizard. Nothing like a good scare and simply accepting fate--was a year waiting for that one.
- Breaking Carly into fit of laughter. I only remember it was about swimming, and the motions I made.
- Saving 48 Kobolds.....yep, "saving". until I hear otherwise.
- Badgerkin welcoming us into their circle without harm--and even providing 2 circles of power for me botching a double circle.
- Failing another Ritual. Then Terminating, and getting it flawed with 30% chance of success. The OOG cheers when that 2 (success on 2, 5 and 7) was rolled was incredible.
- The marriage of Dure'hdel and Father was a sight to behold. Enjoy your 2 lovely sons...
- Good ol' Corrupt Mods. I love the non-3 LT style Corrupt fights.
- The Duchal Guards being adamant about not letting the Hierophant of Scales out of their sights...only to leave 5 minutes later. Some Guards...
- The creation of the 5 new UnCorrupt Lords---what a scary team to go up against.
- Accomplishing everything the town needed to accomplish
- Seeing the growth of Horizon with each group adding something to it. Can't wait to see this become a key trade route within the Valley.
- Another challenging Sunday morning mod.
- Good food as always!
I could not have asked for a better Event to get back into the game!! Awesome NPCs, Great mods, meeting and re-meeting so many lovely people was wonderful. M y personal favor tie moments though:

- All the Rituals I was involved with, Definetly some of the most intense RP experiences I've ever had, although the Vengeance ritual was my personal favorite.
- "2 gold to let us pass." That bugbear mod was easily my favorite of the whole event
- The saturday night mod was intense but really fun
- Making friends with my new Dryad buddies
- Delicious food
- Joining the keepers, you guys are all super cool, thanks for letting me be part of the club
- Learning patience from the Keeper of Secrets
- Getting taken up as an apprentice by Ashura, and gaining admittance to the Celestial guild
- The boggle stole my chair mod. Are we ever going to get that poor townie his chair back?

Overall it was an awesome event, now I have to come back in May... darn it.
One further thing.

- The look on Alexander's face during the boggle mod when, as the final spider creature of the mod, Artemis waylayed him. Ever see Wile E. Coyote when he chases the Roadrunner off a cliff and hangs there in mid air, not really sure what to do next? Artemis waylays spider creature ... two second pause while Alexander racks his brain - you could see the steam coming out of his ears - then BOOM ... click ... "Got it!" he exclaimed as he crumpled to the ground. Priceless!

Plus excellent teamwork on the adventurers part by distracting the creature to allow Artemis to bring to bear his full potential as a rogue. Once again Kudos to all.
So many favorites!

The three Corrupt node mods - super fun, even just watching the one I was not on from a nearby hilltop.
Briar's spell parry - awesome
Valentino persuing a fleeing Corrupt shooting it in the back at poink blank.
Dure'dhel's ritual casting, and breaks between getting silly as the night went on.
Aurora in battle, so fierce with the polearm.
Kadien taking the initiative to run a fighters "guild" practise.
Dagger practise with Kari.
Saving the Kobalds from the young adventurers, and doing the "lawful/good" thing.
Putting the flag on the pole.
Seeing Kadien, Valentino, and Aurora earn their Gryphon belts and Black Wolf sigils.
Cho Ko Nu the unseen messing with Dure'dhel
Scout Andre (were lizard) falling back through the circle when leaning his chair because he had absorbed the Lunar magic
Asher's ritual casting - always exciting!
The spider-kin, so creepy!
Lily doing role call
Friday night tavern meeting - very helpful to share information.
Ilana slamming the door on the Blue Drake - trying to protect us from it.
Artemis telling me about Ragnorak issues.
Foss telling me of Wayside.
Cho Ko Nu's trading post.
NPC farmers and tradefolks RP.
Wondering why the bar was not making any money...

Well done everyone on a very successful event!
Thanks to all the PCs and NPCs for everything they did to make this event what it was! Even after numerous naps and long nights of sleep, I'm only now starting to shake off post-event exhaustion, but I can't wait for the next event! Here are some of my favorites, in no order:
  • Ritual all-nighter! Twas an absolute blast to hang out with y'all all night and finally use all the scrolls we've been saving up.
  • The Basket of Broken Dreams. So many components gone...
  • I have had a blast with all the Thickpelt Bugbear mods I've ever run, but this one might have been the best, despite only having 1 NPC.
  • Coming out as Cyrus Westguard, complete with all the awesome armor I could wear.
  • Tree-chopping competition between Dan Hamms and Ragnarok.
  • "Are you in need of healing? Too bad, I'm a dirt mage!"
  • Various people's responses to the presence of the Weird in town. There's just something disconcerting about their kind, isn't there?
  • Low-level Corrupt Anchor mod! Playing a card with absolutely nothing but PTD Disarms was more fun than I initially imagined!
  • The long-awaited return of the Hierophant of Scales, complete with fairly-unreasonable arrest!
  • Entropic Corrupt Anchor mod and the four "Paragons" being awesome.
  • Playing as the Attercob founders of "the Rising Stars", a group of monstrous races that stands for equality between all races.
  • Crest Zephyr mod, complete with as much Harbors Far paraphernalia as I could find and the resulting Dread Pirate Winters.
Certainly there is more that I am just blanking on. In any case, now it's time for me to start working on the next event, and I hope to see you all there as well!
Such a GREAT weekend - so many memories..... in no particular order:

"Flying" into take out a node, trying to get every one to leave at the end only to realize that Briar wouldn't leave without his "stick" which apparently had a recall on it?? York telling me not to be behind him when I yelled to withdraw - only I wasn't even close to him - I am just that loud :)

Fighting side by side with Bethanne on Sat night - trying to protect the others who were working on bringing down the circle around the node. So many eviscerates - falling to the floor after one and hearing someone say "that looked so realistic" when is was!! I was aiming for one of the tables - ouch. Having Foss "shun" me when I was hit with a berserk command before I could even 'resist' it - I made him leave the building :)

RPing with Foss on an advanced alteration mind meld. Dur'dhel wanted me to try and "fix" him prior to his being knighted in Wayside next market day. He repeatedly zapped me with celestial magic while we were connected - melted my brow feathers!! Talk about intense - though I don't know how much I was able to accomplish. Guess I will have to go to this knighting to see.

Getting the best massage of my life from Kadien - thank you Lou, your the BEST!

So glad to see Emma back with us again - I like your dryad, Ilana

Thank you, Aranea, for the bringing treats - loved the brownies.

Speaking of brownies - being silly after eating one Fri night and Kitera sent me flying on the battle field - without even trying to.

Thank you to Kat, Kendra, Stephen and Jemina for helping in the kitchen :)
man, there were soo many things that went on first the nasty troll mod with the kobolds which was quite interesting. then the node battle was pretty intense and both the mine fight and the clearing out the rats in the grainery. all was well done. and kudos to the staff and the NPCS for a excellent event!
David Raatz
Oh, let's see...

Running in from a mod to check my bread. Baking as a plant creature is ultra exciting and I suggest you try it sometime.

Alexander officially naming Abigail a recurring NPC. She's the real deal, guys!

Yvor Beetle and Alexi Rattenbarg. "My associate and I are fish merchants; we sell the fish. We don't catch the fish. We buy the fish at low price from fisherman, then sell the fish at much higher price!"

Helping accidentally start a random mod about wolves and a canvas(???)

Having 50 body and being hit by a lightening storm. 50 assassinate+soaking the storm=Wow I feel pretty cool (then I got hit again and down I went. But still!)

The corn. Daaaang was it ever yummy!

Watching an idiot try to chop down a tree... Using a club.

Dirt mage. "He really likes dirt..."

There was going out with Alyssa and Kendra to be crunchy rats for Dave, only to find out the big guys were the ones coming after us. Our cards were considerably bigger than origanlly intended. Okay, I'm being facetious; being a tough guy out there is absolutely terrifying and nerve wracking and how can Dave and Alexander even do it all the time?!

But seriously. I had so much fun and it was great to see you all again! I got to hit hard from behind so many times and it was awesome. Andrea gave me an idea... Bring some gold and silver, cuz Benedine's gonna sell fresh bread and other baked goods!

I'll wrap this up here and thanks again guys for the memorable event!
Hey. I cut down that tree considerably fast with a club.