A call to the Adventurers/Unbounded regarding Fake Malatite

Willem Rivet

*The mindset of this Human seems at once unfocused and intense.*


So...some people know me. I'm a Mystweaver. Some people helped me before...I hope they remember me. Anyway- something happened.

People are selling fake Malatite. It looks like the majority is real, but I found five pieces so far. And there's been reports that some of Hellion's Legion died because they were likely counting on some Malatite that we found that wasn't genuine.

So I'm doing an audit. Come to me with your Malatite. I'll look at it, determine if it is active, inactive, or just a different kind of rock. I'm not actually confiscating anything, even if it is fake, but I want you guys to know.

((OOG: This NPC is going to be checking Malatite tags, exchanging props for temporary tags, taking expended Malatite reps, and issuing new tags for existing/new Malatite. We've been a little uneven in this regard, and we're fixing it. In the future, if there are old tags, we'll fix it, but this should handle the majority. Please bring both the rep AND the tag. If you have outstanding tags, please request a temporary tag from Logistics.))

Lost One of the Mystweavers
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