Two Letters

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Minnesota Staff
Two Letters Sent to the Adventurers of Erabella. These are copied and sent to out to be be seen by any adventurer.

The First Letter

Dearest Adventurers,

We are the Movement of Free Esnal. We are writing to request your assistance in our revolution to rid Esnal of its oppressive caste system and bring a new elected government to power. We are all migrant workers in Heliorinas, the Dark Elf nation, and we came to realize we can do better for all Wylderkin in Esnal. We have heard of how you aided the revolutionaries in Erabella when you first arrived to Evodia, and we hope you would help us in our pursuit of freedom.
Our commune is currently surrounded by parts of the Heliorinas Army and an Expeditionary Force from Esnal to douse the flames of revolution before it has a chance to spread to Esnal itself. There is an old tavern building in the no mans land between the commune and the army encampment for you all to use and hear our plea for assistance.

We hope you can help us bring new light to our people.
- Council of the Movement of Free Esnal

The Second Letter

To the Adventurers of Erabella,

We the Joint Task Force of the 3rd Army Corps of Heliorinas and the Expeditionary Battalion of Esnal request your aid as a neutral party to assist in the quelling of a revolt of Esnalian migrant workers in Heliorinas. We believe you, acting as a neutral party, may be able to convince the rebels to surrender peacefully. If they do not choose to surrender we would then request your aid in ending this rebellion by force before it has a chance to spread to Esnal. For your services we will reward you handsomely.
There is an abandoned tavern in no-mans land that is being refurbished for you to stay. We also know that in this region of Heliorinas there are contracts for aid by the Dark Elf communities that would be available for you to take if you desire additional work.

The Generals of the Joint Task Force of Esnal and Heliorinas

O.O.G. If you would like your character to visit one of these groups, you may submit visiting one of them as a Major Action in your IBGA to find out more about either group.
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