Tavern night foods


*UPDATED* Tavern night meal info:
- Stew: Contains beef, potatos, carrots, celery, onions

- Salad
- Bread
- Chips (Thank you to Porch)
- Cheese balls & crackers (Thank you to Porch)
- Pretzels (Thank you to Porch)
- Carrots, celery, cucumber, and hummus (Thank you to Porch)
- Other sides TBD from donations

- Coffee, basic black (Candace is making me thank myself for this)
- Mocha (Candace is making me thank myself for this)
- Teas (Thank you to Val)
- Cider (Thank you to Bob)

- Chocolates (Thank you to Katie)
- Cupcakes (Thank you to Jessica)
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