Stuff you want, but can't find

Question on those barrels you guys want. Did u want to pour the soda in (which I do not recommend) or did u want to put the whole bottle in and have it work like that. I can make the second one easily enough. I have the stuff to do it and the time. I also have the metal to strap it as well. Also would u want a design that had the barrel upright or on it's side. If u want it on its side I would have to make a large barrel that actually held the bottle at an angle inside of it. I also do chests if anyone is interested.
Traeger said:
Question on those barrels you guys want. Did u want to pour the soda in (which I do not recommend) or did u want to put the whole bottle in and have it work like that. I can make the second one easily enough. I have the stuff to do it and the time. I also have the metal to strap it as well. Also would u want a design that had the barrel upright or on it's side. If u want it on its side I would have to make a large barrel that actually held the bottle at an angle inside of it. I also do chests if anyone is interested.


I would say put the whole bottle in, standing on it's top and not at an angle. Although a barrel on it's 'side' would look REALLY cool, I think it would be a waste of space and more of a beotch with the pouring fixings. It would allow you to change the bottles without too much mess and fuss. There are some already made soda dispensing items that will hold the bottles in this position and work as a tap if that will help with the fixin's. I'm currently in the process of gathering my materials to try my own hand at it but I'd love to see someone else's attempt at it too.
yeah. I was going for the authentic look. It wouldn't be too hard for the dispensing mechanism if u apply the use of PVC. I was actually just looking up some coopering techniques. I definitely wont say that I can make watertight barrels the legitimate way but I can make ones that work for soda bottles and maybe I can see if I can make one work with a big water jug. I will definitely post pics and ideas when I start but I wont be home till the 16th and then I have to get started. If you want we can exchange ideas. So far my biggest concern was matching the taper to the curve and bevel but I believe I have worked through that so now I just need to get back home, put together some bending templates and start making barrels. I also am likely to use low grade wood (3/4'' ply, pine and maybe poplar if I feel ambitious). I like using good wood but its not worth doing trials with wood thats $11 a foot.

Now if someone want a chest made of exotic wood I might be able to help you. There is an exotic wood dealer on LI that has some great wood.

So I don't completely thread jack. I am interested in finding a design for a leather helm suitable for a rogue. Helms are the one thing I don't see enough of in the game and I would love to get my hands on an affordable one.
What type of leather helm are you looking for? I had been developing a very simple cap with articulated neck protection for a while. I don't have a template for it but it is rather easy to create - especially if you are any good at leather shaping with water. It can still be done without any of that, just requires a bit of template making beforehand.

I will be curious to see how you design the tap part to connect to the soda bottle without having it leak while still allowing air into the bottle so that a vaccum doesn't form.
wow i forgot about the whole air and vacuum part. Well the tap itself could do out of wood but it would be more sanitary if it were plastic. When it comes to vacuum there are taps that take care of that problem. I would just buy one of them. I havent looked for them yet. I know it's doable seeing as water coolers wouldn't work if there wasn't something putting air in the jug.

As per the cap I was thinking elaborate more than simple. Too many helmets are too noticeably nordic, greek, or roman, so that there really isnt anything that doesn't look out of place. I'm gonna continue my search right now.
I would be VERY interested in a simple leather helmet - basically half a sphere, nothing too fancy, but looking a little better than half a soccerball on my head. Anyone make those cheaply? If not where can I get them?
I'd be into something like that with a baseball cap style thing to provide some shade for my face in the summer. And it would have to be not too hot.
Mendacity said:
I would be VERY interested in a simple leather helmet - basically half a sphere, nothing too fancy, but looking a little better than half a soccerball on my head. Anyone make those cheaply? If not where can I get them?
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