Security Bill Passed in the Western Duchy

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Minnesota Staff
*This new law is put in place of the Western Duchy*

For the period of one year this new bill will be made into law. After the year is over the effectiveness of the bill will be reviewed by Duchess Lazarri. If these measure prove satisfactory the law will become permanent in the Western Duchy of Erabella.

1. The Barons and Knights of the Western Duchy may enact summary judgement to criminals in their districts of control. If they choose to forego this power the crime will be judged as normal in a court of peers.

2. With oversight and permission from their Baron or Knight, Squires are able to pass judgement seen in part one.

3. Barons and Knights found to be abusing this power or enacting this power outside of their district, will be brought before a tribunal of peers, overseen by Duchess Lazarri. This tribunal will determine any corrections, punishments and reparations needed due to the abuse of this power.
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