quick pipe foam question.


Is 3/4 inch ok to use? I know it may make a log, but the weapon will be for blocking anyway. Im trying out my skills, and I dont want to make an illegal weapon, just in case I can actually do it.
Yeah... 3/4" is acceptable since it is bigger than 5/8" (by 1/8" in fact!)

As long as you are sure you are talking about the wall of the insulation, and not the inner diameter of it.
It seems that it is both, since it fits a 3/4 inch pvc, and it measures 3/4 thick...weird stuff I found it in my basement, it is kindof old.... I think I shouldnt use it actually. Oh well, It was good practice.

Follow up question. I konw it is ok to bend pvc for Bows, and swords(Ive seen a few) but is it acceptable to bend pvc for a staff, to make it look more like a tree branch. As long as I keep it away from being a weapon trapper of course.
As long as you don't create a weapon trap, and it ends up looking like a staff... sure

The only problem with bending PVC is that it weakens the pipe during heating.

And PVC fumes = bad.