Kitchen - September event


Hello once again my friends, and welcome back a final time this season to everyone's - especially Beryl's - favorite place in all the lands of Fortannis, the Happy Husky Tavern! *wait for applause and thunderous cheering*

As always, we have tried to be mindful of everyone's allergies and preferences. My kitchen will be pork and shellfish free, we've stayed away as much as possible from sugar substitutes and corn syrup.

Friday night! Lady Greycloud's Spicy Mac! That's right, she decided she was going to make SPICY Mac, and let me tell you, she's defying the laws of physics with this one. She's gone beyond proving me wrong to the level of proving the universe wrong with how much cheese she can force into this thing. Warning, it's going to have a bit of a kick to it. With spice level being so subjective, I'll just say you've been warned. I might have another surprise for you along with the mac ... we'll see how it transports. Served ... 10pm ish? Sometime around there.

Saturday Breakfast! Egg & cheese breakfast burritos. I'll have oatmeal, a few hard boiled eggs, or fruit if you aren't a burrito style person. Instant coffee and creamer on request, BYO mug. If you grab a metal mug from the stash, realize the hot water is going to make the handle hot. It's in your best interest to throw a ceramic mug in your kit. Yes Laura, I'm talking to you. Squire's breakfast will be going on during this, feel free to drop in and ask Squire Edwina all about the Code! Served from whenever Iganeous wanders into the Happy Husky (usually around 7am) until 9am.

Saturday Lunch! Sammiches ... choice of PBJ (I'm keeping this behind the counter to avoid cross contamination for our nut allergy folks), turkey, or chicken. Once again, we are pork free so no. That's not ham. It's chicken, or it's turkey. Yes, I'm sure. Cheese choices of cheddar, cojack, and mozz. Chips and maybe squiremelon if I remember to stop and grab one .. and they look good. They're a bit out of season at this point, there was one left at Aldi and it looked pathetic. So we'll see what Cub has. Served at, shockingly enough, lunchtime! Probably somewhere between noon and two.

Saturday Dinner! You've waited all season for it, it's finally here. Chicken Dianne! Served with rice and fruit salad. Probably garlic cheese bread too, we'll see if Squire Edwina and I leave any for the rest of you. It's really good stuff, Lady Greycloud makes it ... well, she doesn't knead the bread or anything like that, but she assembles it from the components.

The kitchen is warded. Please stay out. No storing gear, no hanging out, no "but I just need . . ." No. If there are meds or some reason you need to use one of the refrigerators (why does refrigerator not have the letter "D" but Fridge does?) of COURSE please see either Squire Edwina or myself and we will make sure you're able to.

Monster Camp - I have a few items for you also, I'll drop them off before game!

Your friendly neighborhood Husky
~Brad / Sir Zihr
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