IG Posting: Trystan's retelling of Cyprian's Graedess prophe

Long before the blast it fell.
Step in shadow all is lost.
Slide between to make it well
The silent blade which brings the frost

It strikes to see what's underneath,
and peel back layers as I grin.
In darkness, all he sees are teeth
slicing ever toward the beast within

A Graedess blade forged long ago.
A siren song, without a doubt.
To sing beside his tale of woe,
and let the Wrath inside him out.

This blade was made for Gaje souls.
Until the dark, arrested, brings
the light to fill it full of holes.
When she of flame, and crimson sings

Seeking in the Northern lands,
to graduate and find it then.
The birthright given to dark hands
where silver standards fly again

-Trystan Dracmere, KBN