By order of Her Majesty Queen Beah

The Queen has opened up her personal treasury and bought up great numbers of supplies from the Eiran Colonies. It is her sincerest wish that this gesture will help to reintroduce currency and civilization to the borderlands. Please be advised that at this time the crime of counterfeiting has been judged to be treasonous, and will be punished as such.

-Lord Chamberlain Francis Southkin
This will not likely alter the manner of trade many of the merchants currently rely upon. In other words, many merchants now primarily trade with outposts and other Bastions, so to them, a hundred suits of armor and long swords is worth more than coin, and you may have better luck trading large supplies of weapons and armor, or even food, for something like a ritual scroll. However, within the Bastions, with food, for example, coin should be more readily accepted, as its worth is likely to increase, and stabilize.

Yet don’t be surprised if a merchant traveling with a band of hobling privateers wants weapons rather than coin during an auction.

Lord Galloway