Search results

  1. Lynx

    Traps and large area's

    I need some serious marshal help on this one. I asked in the national thread and got a very generic answer, essentially a re-explaining of the rule. In large enclosed areas that can be considered as multiple game rooms, open space that is ig inside like a cave, can you trap one specific area, or...
  2. Lynx

    New trap rules

    With the new trap/game room rules I was curious about trapping a large space, a barn for example with no internal walls. Let's say this barn could be split into about 7 separate game rooms. If a player, plot member, or npc wanted to only trap one part without it being an ig outdoor area, so...
  3. Lynx

    Alchemist for hire

    Hello all, The time approaches once again and I shall be coming back to town within weeks. If you have need of alchemy production please fill an order with me. I can make most anything you desire in large quantities. My prices are double the standard production rate but I may be willing to...
  4. Lynx

    Seeking Celestial Spell book

    Hello all, I am seeking someone who can assist me with obtaining a celestial spell book as I have begun the art of celestial casting but have yet to get my book. If anyone is willing to help I would greatly appreciate it. Please let me know a price range for the service as I'm unfamiliar with...
  5. Lynx

    Necromancy and plants

    Hello all, I am seeking information regarding the out of control garden and the gardener in charge of said garden. I am in pursuit of something quite interesting regarding the combination of necromancy and plants. I do not wish to divulge information yet, but will share what information I have...
  6. Lynx

    Alchemists for hire

    Hello and greetings to all! I will be arriving in Strayden shortly and setting up shop. Lynx alchemy is taking orders now. Don't be fooled by hordes of undead, alchemy has its place in every battle. I've got it and i can make it, large quuantities and low prices. Not to mention a small portion...
  7. Lynx

    Who needs alchemy!?

    Hello again everyone. I have a surplus of production capability in alchemy and would like to offer up my services to the people of the ceriopolis. I can make anything within the alchemists realm in large quantities for much cheaper than your ordinary alchemist. So please allow me to fill an...
  8. Lynx

    Seeking Ward

    As I find myself returning in the coming weeks I have learned that my magic capable companions will not be present during my return. This puts me in an awkward situation as I no longer have access to a ward for my lodgings. If there is anyone who would be willing to freely, or with payment...
  9. Lynx

    Alchemist for hire

    Hello to all, My name is Lynx Paragrue and I will be returning to the area in a months time. I am offering up my services as an alchemist to anyone in need of them. If you are interested please let me know and we can discuss prices later. Thank you very much.
  10. Lynx

    Alchemist for hire

    Hello everyone, My name is Lynx Paragrue and I am an alchemist for the Brothers Creed. I am offering up my services as an alchemist for anyone who needs it. I am a journeyman with a lab so I can produce fairly large batches of whatever you need. You will pay the production cost plus 1 copper...
  11. Lynx

    Need Alchemy?

    Hello everyone, My name is Lynx Paragrue and I am an alchemist for the Brothers Creed. I am offering up my services as an alchemist for anyone who needs it. I am a journeyman with a lab so I can produce fairly large batches of whatever you need. You will pay the production cost plus 1 copper...