Pre-Registration: The Fight Against Bleak (Sept 30 - Oct 2 Season Closer)


Our September 30th- October 2nd Season Closer will be at the MUCC Cedar Lake Outdoor Center (2500 Pierce Road) in Chelsea, MI.
The price for this event will be $60, but anyone who preregisters will only have to pay $50 and earn 30 goblin stamps in addition. Full-time NPCs are free to play. Tavern food will be an additional $10 for the event.

Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm EST on September 26th. Please send the following information to
  • How you want to spend any build/goblin stamps
  • Magic Item information (item number, expiration date, and their effects)
  • Spells, Formal, and Production
  • Whether or not you will be eating tavern food
If you're a first time player, still shoot logistics an email so that we can help you with character creation and other things ahead of time!

  1. Ian P (Banradi)
  2. Annette S (Cyn)
  3. Matt F (Mathis)
  4. Dave M (Ardos)
  5. Baylan B (Taios)
  6. Chris T (TadRon)
  7. TSM (Lukas)
  8. Genevieve P (Collete)
  9. Carrie S (Pebbles)
  10. Nate B (Shiny)
  11. Tristin W (Fredrick)
  12. Blaine S (Vallow)
  13. Michelle S (Winessa)
  14. Robert P (Petra)
  15. Cory W (Rayne)
  16. Amanda F (Liddia)
  17. Rob D (Kit)
  18. Nick P (Foss)
  19. Elliott K (Kozan)
  20. Victor D (Nommeric)
  21. Dan L (Halfdan)
  22. Kierra P (Saro)
  23. Sal M (Trellis)
  1. Chris I (Bleak)
  2. Chad S (Bleak)
  3. Travis G (Bleak)
  4. GJ (Bleak)
  5. Alison (Bleak)
  6. Beverly (Bleak)
  7. Jared (Bleak)
  8. James (Bleak)
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Tomorrow's the last day to pre-reg and get $10 off your event! If you send it in afterwards, you'll only get the 30 goblin stamp benefit.

I know there's a number of you who have told me you're going, but haven't actually pre-regd. Now is the perfect time! :)

Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
