Crazy Orc Armor

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My wife wants some wicked WoW-like Armor for her high Orc. (And i may want some too ;)) We do cosplay and we were figuring to do a sort of foam, plastidip and paint combo to make the armor look like giant, hulking armors of metal and spikes.

Without anything else added to this armor, and they simply look huge, heavy and metallic, would they be 2 point, Heavy nonmetallic armor, 1 point, Light Nonmetallic armor, or would they get no armor points at all?

If we added a layer of thick, armor grade leather (3/16" thick) leather underneath the foam, would that change its value?

If we added a layer of steel underneath the foam (18-16 gauge), would that then count as 3 point?

Trying to clarify this stuff before i start the crafting of things. ;)

I appreciate your help.

"1 point: Light Non Metallic Armor. This
level is awarded for the following types of materials:
leather, leather scale, padded cloth,
naugahide, suede, doeskin, vinyl, heavy canvas,
bone, rope and wood."

The ARB is super-specific regarding the kind of materials that are necessary in order to receive an armor rating. While it does provide a variety of materials, it does not allow for other options, at least as written. As a result, as a marshal, I would not be able to provide you with an armor value for foam/plastidip armor.

Adding armor grade leather/steel beneath the foam would absolutely warrant you receiving an armor value, but only for the areas that are actually covered by those materials. So, if you have a steel chestplate, and foam/plastidip pauldrons, even if it's a single armor piece, you're only getting armor ratings for the chestplate.

Because of this, I recommend ensuring that your local marshals are able to determine where the legal materials are located, because I don't want you getting either less than the armor you deserve, or later having someone calling cheese on your armor rating because someone accidentally rated you higher than you should have had.
While it's not included in the original material description, plastic plate can also be an acceptable "heavy non-metallic" armor. Some folks also use wooden barrels.
I've made some "plate" armor out of kydex, a fairly cheap thermoplastic. While all my stuff has been created for Dystopia Rising, once I start playing Alliance, I'll turn my skills to creating fantasy looking armor.

In the interim, here's a bracer I just made:

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