Recent content by Bond

  1. B

    Chapter Changes Announcement - 4/11/14

    Thanks to Emily for providing a comprehensive post on the upcoming staffing changes. It's true that we're finalizing the sale of the chapter to Eric, and the above staffing changes are what will be going through in the very near future. To the current staff, thank you for your many hours...
  2. B

    Favorite Moments June 2013

    Re: Favorite Moments - Playing a corrupt Friday night, even though we got rolled pretty bad. - Playing Rufus' cousin and merchant-ing to the PCs on Saturday. - Two charmed lizards expressing their affection. - Surprise attack on the corrupt as an echo on Saturday night. - The underwater undead...
  3. B

    Looking for formal scrolls.

    Greetings, I am searching for the following formal scrolls in Tarndale or the Golden Horn: Damage Aura Earth Aura Spirit Link Preserve I'm in possession of several formal scrolls I would be willing to trade as well as coin, production items or services. Please contact me if you are...
  4. B

    July 2012 Event!

    I've used them, its charcoal only in the grills.
  5. B

    July Overnight Details

    PCing Hugh.
  6. B

    Gameday Pre-reg

    Be there as Hugh.
  7. B

    Looking for people going to Oregon Event

    I'm in the same boat, looking for a ride for December. Can pay for gas, provide back rubs, read aloud to you, etc.
  8. B

    Seriously where are the Fav Moments?

    The whole game was amazing, I'll try to pick some gems for you. -Marla flirting with everyone who walked into the tavern, then finding out she was married. 0.0 -Gabe's (Don't remember the characters name) reactions to Marla. ("Mum!") -Zeth being chased by the littlest Sarr. -Raganzi explaining...
  9. B

    The House of Nails invites you to join at our table.

    I would be honored to again share a table with mistress Nakia and master Teth. Please reserve a seat for me and consider the payment my pleasure for the joy of dining with these individuals, if they will allow me a place at their table. -Elec Xiloscient.
  10. B

    Looking to purchase. Damage Aura scroll

    I am looking to purchase a Damage Aura scroll, preferably one which will create an item that would retain it's properties while traveling throughout Fortannis, but a scroll that would not would also be considered. I would be willing to negotiate a purchase in coin or other assorted goods...
  11. B

    Contact info
  12. B

    the 18th

    I'd love to go, but I typically work Saturdays and wouldn't get off until 10 pm or so if you guys are leaving the day before.
  13. B

    Looking to purchase

    Slice, I have a full celestial book I'd be willing to part with. If you're still in need of it we could discuss a trade now or in a week when I plan to rendezvous with Krieger, I assume you will be present as well. -Hugh M.
  14. B

    The New Rulebook

    Same here.