Duchess Resigns; Justice's Title Removed

After an encounter with the undead Baracus Kul, Duchess Mara resigned her position. Soon after, Baron Justice had his baronial title removed by the paladins, including newly appointed paladins Sir Faustus and Dame Kittery.

Baracus Kul had come into town and demanded that the lands of Ashbury be "returned to her people of the Dragon tribe" of barbarians. Justice spent some time negotiating with it and agreed to its demands, and the Duchess, who was acting quite strangely according to onlookers, agreed with Justice and then resigned her title.

The next day, the Paladins announced that Justice's title was removed for a number of causes. (Their reasons are documented in their "Corner of Chivalry" article reprinted below.) The bottom line is that in their opinion he had failed to show respect for the commoners and had lost their respect in return.

Neither the Duke nor the Duchess voted in this decision.

The lands constituting the Barony of Trellheim were converted into a Military District under control of the Duke and Duchess. Sir Radric Hellfax was appointed as Military Governor. The Military District retains all ten of the former Baronial possessions of the Court of Trellhiem.

This decision did not sit well with the other Barons who voiced their protests.

There was a heated debate between Duke Bryan and Lord Hanson of Trellheim over this proclamation. Lord Hanson demanded that under the law, he, as Justice's heir, should run Trellheim. The Duke refused, stating that he did not believe that Hanson would have the support of the commoners.

"If a noble is removed, then the will naming an heir is invalid," stated legal expert Quentin Dunbury. "This issue came up just a few months ago when Eridan's will was not allowed."

Apparently, the Duke and the Paladins decided to keep Trellheim as a Military District in the hope that Justice would work to regain the support of the people and thus earn his title back.

"Justice McCoy can be returned to the peerage of Baron provided he has the overwhelming support of the people, the paladins, and his liege lord," stated Duke Bryan in a Ducal Proclamation. "Despite the violations of the Code of Chivalry, the loyal and excellent service in many circumstances of Justice McCoy has allowed this potential to be considered,"

"It is clear that the Court of Trellhiem has many allies, but has lost the support of many of the commoners of the Duchy," the Proclamation states. "In order for healing to begin, the Court needs to assess their place in the Duchy and walk among the people rather than above them. With the committed philosophy of many members of the Court, much options lay open to them. It is hoped that they will look upon this as a time of reflection and continue their service to the people as well as their Duchess and Duke."

The Duke publicly proclaimed that all oaths of fealty and Oaths of Nobility to Justice McCoy were summarily made null and void, and as an afterthought, he added that all oaths to Morgan Blackbourne were also void. Personal oaths of allegiance were not voided.

The Court of Trellheim does not have a very good reputation among many, if not most, of the citizens of Ashbury, and even visitors from other duchies have commented on the "greed" of its members. It is hoped that this is the first step towards the court's improved reputation.

The Corner of Chivalry: Explaining the Removal of Justice's Title

There have been two additions to the Paladins of Ashbury; Sir Faustus von Neumacht, Chancellor of Ashbury; and Dame Kittery Ann Holindarn Valinor of the Ash Forest. They join Sir Ivan Drake of Blythedale.

We began our tenures investigating alleged violations of the Code of Chivalry by Baron Justice McCoy. We reviewed over 30 written depositions and oral interviews in the investigation. All who stepped forward and testified have our thanks.

When Ashbury traveled back to the First Troll War, Baron Justice issued an order to kill all biata in town but three. The Baron believed these individuals were meddling with time, but the matter of their guilt was contentious. Regardless, the Baron sentenced to death these biata citizens without a trial, or even a chance to defend themselves.

Nobles are not required by law to hold trials. However, it was very unclear that the biata were guilty of breaking any law. At a minimum they should have been questioned. When nobles levy summary justice there should be no doubt as to guilt. The commoners must trust that we nobles will use this great power with the proper discretion.

The actions of the Baron's own Court confirm that even they thought the order was an abuse of power. They rightly tried to dissuade him, waking up sleeping members to try to "calm the Baron down." Justice did modify the order to slaying the biata only if they were bleeding upon the ground, though this too was unjust. Justice should be administered with openness and righteousness, not in secret upon those lying helpless on the ground -- that smacks more of murder than proper execution. A further affront was that he ordered commoners to dispense this so-called "justice" in his place -- many commoners and nobles alike questioned this immoral and unjust order.

The Baron later claimed he merely wished to "frighten" the biata out of town, yet he admitted he would have killed them given the chance. This is a clear misuse of the power of summary judgment to achieve goals other than justice and thus contravenes the Code: "Thou shalt perform thy noble duties be they not contrary to the law of the land." An additional violation is the Baron's inclusion of Lord Kelial in the execution order. Baron Justice had no authority to execute a fellow noble, as this is the responsibility of the Paladins.

Baron Justice likewise ordered the death of the mystic wood elf Azura for adultery, though this was never carried out. While adultery is considered by most to be immoral, it is not illegal. Justice wished to punish Azura for "meddling" in time, but that did not give him authority to arbitrarily and illegally order her death.

In another instance, the Baron ordered his Court not to administer Life spells to any commoners, as he felt commoners were not curing his Court. This is a lamentable situation, when citizens do not wish to aid the nobles who protect them. However, to respond by simply withholding aid to all the citizenry runs against the Code: "Thou shalt protect the weak and constitute thyself the defender of them." The proper course of action was to rebuild the bonds with the people, not to ignobly refuse aid to those the Baron was sworn to protect.

Accusations against the nobles of Trellheim for slaying the vampire Strykna in the tavern were dismissed, as they were acting to destroy an undead abomination. We know the gypsies wished to use Strykna against their race's bane, Angelica, but we cannot condone alliances with undead. We uphold the Baron's decision in this instance. Commoners who opposed noble orders in this crisis have been referred to the Lord Magistrate for prosecution.

Finally, there are the events surrounding the visit of the undead barbarian Baracus Kul. Justice parleyed with the creature for some time, and negotiated an agreement with it. Her Grace was nearby, and repeatedly stated she would only negotiate with living barbarians. Baron Justice actively advocated Baracus Kul's position, and negotiated an "agreement" favorable to the undead. There was to be no fighting for 28 days. During this time, Ashbury would consider completely evacuating the capital for five days, as this would supposedly end Baracus Kul's undead curse. What disturbs us most of all is that the Baron actually advocated the undead's position and was counseling toward accepting her demands.

Justice convinced the Duchess to put aside her opposition, and she approved the agreement he had negotiated. This decision caused an uproar and near riot among the gathered citizens and nobles, who wished to destroy the abomination and railed against this gross violation of the Code: "Thou shalt make war upon evil without cessation." For this single lapse in judgment -- agreeing to what Baron Justice had brokered -- our beloved Duchess has resigned and left our fair duchy.

These various violations of the Code by Baron Justice McCoy cannot be tolerated. Our nobles must stand as examples to the citizenry, as shining beacons of Chivalry. After debating and consulting with other nobles until dawn, we had no choice but to remove his title.

It is our hope that the Court of Trellheim recovers from this removal, and regains the citizenry's trust. His Grace has eliminated the barony of Trellheim and replaced it with a Military District for the time being, but citizens are urged to treat Lord Governor Sir Radric and his entourage with all proper respect.

There are outstanding allegations against Lord Kelial, but these had to be postponed for lack of witnesses. However, given testimony that has been promised us, we expect to investigate this matter in the coming month.

We will continue to insist upon full adherence to the Code from the nobles and squires of Ashbury. It seems of late that these concerns have faded into the background, and likewise, respect for our nobles has diminished. However, we will endeavor that the Code is scrupulously enforced, and shall investigate any and all accusations against the nobility. The Code is a difficult but rewarding path, and we shall be the guardians wary that none stray from it.

The Paladins of Ashbury

Slavers Beaten Back in Attempt on Ashbury

Megan Strom, one of the Administrators of the Drake Technical School, had been missing for a number of weeks. Many people have been extremely worried about her disappearance, among them her brother Mitchell, Daniel Star, Ta'wane and Lupiticus. Although an active search was begun, little in the way of clues were left behind. They were under the impression, however, that members of the Fist were behind her disappearance, especially after the recent attempted kidnapping of Deitrich from the orphanage soon after her disappearance.

Finally, on Friday evening, August 2nd, Ta'wane received word that Megan was being held within a cave about three miles outside of town and that she was slated for death the following afternoon. Ta'wane immediately gathered a group of rescuers, including Mason, Daniel Star, Lupiticus, Azura, Brighthawk, Drak, Sarinne, Baron Alaric, and members of both Stormwatch and Anvil from Ravenholt, to go to the aid of her friend.

When they arrived, they found a very small entrance into the cave, forcing them to crawl through one at a time. As they did so, they discovered that the cave was heavily guarded on the interior, and a major battle erupted.

After fighting their way through to the interior of the cave, they at last came to a central room which was warded. Before the ward could be put up, however, Mason was able to spike it. The suspects -- later discovered to be members of the Fist -- were captured and, although Megan was not present, two other captives who were to be sold to Niman in order to "pay debts" were freed.

One of the agents almost escaped through a secret door, but through the tracking abilities of both Baron Alaric and Azura, they were able to capture him relatively quickly. When they were brought back to town for questioning by Lord Magistrate Naerfen, one willingly turned evidence on his companions. Citing the fact that he was a mercenary who had recently been hired, he claimed he "didn't know what he had been letting himself in for."

Before any further plan could go into effect however, Rasq discovered a message in a bottle floating in the river near gypsy camp. The message led him to believe that Megan was being frequently moved, but was still alive.

Once again, a force was gathered to track her down and free her. This time, Ta'wane enlisted the aid of Dame Kittery, Lord Magistrate Naerfen, Lord Algar, Squire Florin, Mason, Lupiticus, Rasq, Azura, Selina Vardik, Emerald the Sarr, and Xavier among others. The group followed the waterway upstream from where the bottle was found in the hope of finding the place where Megan was being held captive.

About three miles up river, they came across a cave which showed obvious signs of the passage of many people recently. Believing themselves close to their objective, the group entered the small entrance one at a time and, once again, met heavy resistance by those within. Fighting their way through, they came at last into a warded central room. This time, however, they were not lucky enough to be able to spike it, as it was already up when they entered.

Needless to say those who were hoping to rescue Megan were disappointed to find her not present.

Instead they discovered a number of prominent Ashban adventurers being held prisoner, among them the gypsies Kylara, Emerald, Chip and Zamira, Squire Tavernier, Sabar Underhand, Robert Oakwood, and Brynn. They were being held by a slaver known as "Azure."

The slaver released Sabar and Septorian as a show of "good faith" after making those rescuers present leave the room. Sabar was released because he had used his racial skill to resist the Enslavement poison, which had annoyed Azure, who hated to waste such things. In retaliation, he had Sabar's hands and feet chopped off so he could not act against him. Septorian, however, was well under the effects of an Enslavement poison, but was dropped by the rescuers almost the moment he was released and was then fed an antidote.

During this time it was discovered that there was at least one secret door within the cavern complex, as slavers started to attack once again from all sides. Dame Kittery immediately placed a Wall of Force at the hidden entrance, barring further admittance by the attacking slavers, which they countered by adding a second one of their own on the other side of the entrance, making it difficult for the party to follow them back through the opening.

Finally, after fighting to a virtual standstill, and with no way out for Azure and no way in for his would-be aides, Naerfen offered to trade his life for those of the prisoners. Azure accepted the offer and ordered the rescuers outside of the cave until he could also leave. When the party emerged from the cave, they were met with resistance from a group of slavers who had been waiting for them. Yet another nasty battle ensued. Septorian, angered over his capture, waded into the midst of the fray and fell, only to be given a killing blow by one of the slavers and died before he could be saved.

Azure, using this time to his advantage, left the cave with Naerfen and his prisoners in tow, taking them out through yet another secret passage, and then releasing them across a bridge from the rescuers. Naerfen was also released and told the rescuers that the former prisoners were under the effects of Enslavement elixirs and under orders to attack anyone who approached the bridge from any direction for the next ten minutes.

Emerald the Sarr, Rasq, Azura and Selina Vardik walked downstream and attempted to swim across and head Azure off, but were too late. It seems even their combined skills in tracking were unable to match his, and they lost the trail moments after finding it.

Ten minutes later, their orders ended and the rescuers were allowed to approach the released captives. They were all fed Enslavement antidotes as quickly as possible, including Naerfen. Some were under orders however to resist de-enslavement, and they fought taking the substance. These victims had to be brought down and force fed antidotes. None of these prisoners had any word of the missing Megan, however, so it seemed as though those who sought to rescue her were back at square one.

Distraught, and fearing that their friend had met her death by this time, Daniel Star, Lupi and Ta'wane anxiously awaited word of Megan's resurrection. When nighttime rolled around, however, and word was still not available, hope still flickered, albeit feebly.

Finally, information was received about a barn outside of town where unusual activities were occurring. Deciding one last time to investigate, Ta'wane once again put out the word that she needed assistance.

The first to volunteer their aid were Baron Alaric, Sarinne, Garth Seysayer, Chastity Valderguard and members of both Stormwatch and Anvil from Ravenholt. These volunteers were joined by Sir Faustus, Squire Florin, Daniel Star, Jearith, All'x Doomhaven, Brighthawk, Hawkwing, and even five visitors from Haylem. The group headed to the abandoned barn.

Before they reached the edge of town however, they were set upon by four undead spider-like creatures. (See the article on the next page) Even with their large numbers, the group was seriously damaged by this encounter. Brighthawk and Hawkwing, fearing that their friends would not escape with their lives, ran back to town and returned with reinforcements as members of the then-court of Trellheim arrived just in time for them to witness the end of the battle.

The would-be rescuers, severely weakened by this encounter, did not allow this to stop them, but continued onward, determined to do their absolute best or die trying.

Finally, they came to the abandoned barn where they believed their captured friend to be a prisoner. Although the barn appeared completely deserted from the outside, it had obviously been recently reinforced so as to withstand an assault.

The group entered one at a time, and were immediately assaulted by agents inside who were well prepared for the group's attack. Those in the front ranks, including Marsan, Northstar, Garth and Baron Alaric, kept up the pressure on the slavers, no matter how often they themselves were downed. Those at their backs continued to heal them and to exchange places with them whenever need be so that there were always "fresh" people in the front ranks.

When they finally entered the next to the last room, they were almost stalemated, but Baron Alaric had the foresight to climb into the barn's rafters, where he was able to attack via spells from above, turning the tide of battle. In addition, Sir Faustus was able to Imprison one of the slavers, and Daniel Star and Ta'wane were able to use him as a shield.

Eventually, they were all defeated except for two who hid safely behind a ward. The rescuers were finally able to see the objective of their mission -- Megan -- with her feet and hands cut off. She was unconscious.

In an attempt to get the slavers to let down the ward, Daniel Star, Selina Vardik, Ta'wane and All'x all began negotiating for her release. Meanwhile, reinforcements began attacking at the front entrance in an attempt to aid their companions trapped inside. Those not involved in this little bargaining session defended their companions, keeping negotiations free from the added stress of another battle. Finally, fed up, the obvious leader had his underling Death him so that he could escape by resurrecting elsewhere.

Ta'wane, upon the urging of Sir Faustus, used her Gypsy Curse against the still-living slaver. The curse however seemed to backfire. Unable to remove the curse without touching the victim, all they could do was continue attempting to bargain for their captive friend. All'x came up with the offer of a magic item he owned and, finally, the slaver agreed to drop the ward on the condition that all of the rescuers except for Ta'wane and All'x leave the area, and that they could only stay if they dropped their aura so they could not attack him.

The two casters agreed, and the others left the room and waited just outside.

When the ward was dropped, Ta'wane immediately spiked it, while All'x jumped in and began casting Flame Bolts. Upon hearing the battle begin, Daniel Star and Selina rushed right back in, and the slaver fell within moments.

Megan was immediately cured, and all returned to town, prisoners in tow, and began a celebration in the tavern.

Kidnappers Caught at Orphanage Party

The Drake Technical School's recent celebration in honor of its founders and supporters had an unexpected dramatic twist when those invited found themselves involved in a kidnapping led by operatives of the Fist.

Among those local supporters invited were founder Sir Ivan Drake, along with Duchess Mara, Duke Bryan, Baron Konrad, Dame Kittery, Sir Angus, Lord Kelial, Lord Algar, Daniel Star, Lupiticus, Petra, Javier, Smith, Killian, and Dreath.

Mitchell, the Administrator of the orphanage was there to greet the guests and along with Ta'wane, who spends much of her time as a volunteer teacher there, introduce d them to all of the children who call the Drake school their home. Normally, Mitchell's sister Megan, would have been there to greet the guests also, but she was nowhere to be found, even though the celebration was at her instigation.

The staff did their best while working against the excitement the children were under to maintain as normal a schedule as possible. Throughout the party, tutoring and counselling sessions with various teachers and doctors continued throughout the day. In addition, the children put on a play for the guests, Theopholus the Storyteller told stories, and even Killian got into the act, entertaining the children with songs and jokes.

When asked, the staff gave accurate information on the children to prospective adoptees, whether for good or bad and, by the end of the day, many of the children had found new homes. New "parents" include Lord Kelial, Baron Konrad and Dame Kittery, Lord Algar, Squire Lupiticus and Sir Ivan. All of the children who left the orphanage were quite happy with their new families, although they were sad to leave their other friends and their teachers behind. The children all made certain to extract promises of visits from their favorites, and can't wait to show off their new homes to their former guardians. In addition, one of the maids, Nadia, was even taken into the employ of Baron Konrad as a Nanny for all of the children adopted by him and his court -- a total of eight!

There was one scare however when Fist agents almost succeeded in kidnapping one of the children, Deitrich Moore. A visitor using an assumed name had been ingratiating himself to the orphanage's employees under the pretense of wishing to adopt a child, but when Mitchell left Petra to watch over Deitrich, the man was soon able to escape her notice and abscond with the child.

When his absence was discovered, the other staff members herded all of the children into the central room, while the invited guests all went after the culprits.

The battle was a difficult one, as the child had apparently been enslaved. When the adventurers came across the kidnapper, he ordered to child to run. Soon it was apparent that he had accomplices, and the battle raged through the narrow streets and alleyways of Ashbury for more than a half hour. At one point, Baron Konrad and his companions were all either dying, in need of Life spells, or paralyzed, but fortunately, the kidnappers were more concerned with escape than with killing, and other guests discovered them bleeding in the street and came to their aid.

Just when it was certain that the kidnappers had escaped, some local peasants pointed the direction in which they had run and the battle was engaged anew. The Fist agents were eventually brought down, but the search for the child continued for quite some time after that. He was eventually discovered hiding a few blocks away.

The Duke took the lead in investigating the captured Fist members, but what he and those helping him discovered has not been made public.

Afterwards, the celebration continued as planned, and supper was served. Those who had new homes to go to left after supper with their new parents, and the others were put to bed eventually, since all of the day's excitement seemed to keep them up much past their bedtime.

Although the orphanage has practically emptied out for now due to the mass adoptions of that day, it is expected to fill up again rather quickly. It is a sad truism that there are always more orphans needing homes than there are homes for them, especially given the dangers of living in Ashbury.

Cadmus Reappears

The sorcerer Cadmus returned to Ashbury in his wooden form recently. He wandered through the forest surrounding the central city with two of his enslaved dryads and confronted many Ashbans. He eventually came into the area of gypsy camp and placed himself in a Circle of Power with a tree within. He opened a portal into the tree so he could escape at will, and sent his dryad minions to attack. As the dryads were dispatched, he would summon more from the nearby trees. With their great ability at earth magic, battles raged long and heard and many Life spells were needed.

While within his Circle, he spoke to many Ashbans and travelers from Haylem. He told the Ashbans that he had dispatched the Dryad King Rhyme and taken his place as Tree King. This has apparently increased his power, as he showed that he no longer maintains his golem form through normal ritual magics as he stepped out, appearing as a dryad in form.

Cadmus gave his demands to Ashbury. First was the execution of Sir Faustus for the murder of his sister. Sir Faustus had executed his sister as a necromancer after Cadmus' first attack. Second was three deaths each for Lord Aloryn and Baron Konrad for the three deaths that his minion Wormwood took. Third was the return of the magic items taken from him and his minions and the execution of those holding them. Fourth was the death of all those who fancied themselves Defenders of Tyrra and the outlawing of that group.

Sir Faustus faced him and told him his demands were ridiculous and they would never comply. Cadmus told Faustus that he could surrender himself to his justice now and take one death or be hunted to his permanent deaths by his assassins. Faustus said he had no worries about his assassins but appeared shaken when Cadmus reached into his pouch and took out a magic crystal skull that one of his assassins had previously taken from Faustus. He warned them to comply with his desires and then again sent dryads to attack. He also vampire charmed one Haylemite who, after being ordered to by Cadmus, nearly killed Olin, one of the Defenders of Tyrra.

Lord Hanson was there and confronted Cadmus when he realized that he was not on Cadmus' list of enemies. "I can't believe it!" Hanson declared. "A villain who doesn't want me dead!"

After the group facing him was weakened, Cadmus lowered his Circle as if daring anyone to attack. He walked to the middle of gypsy camp before leaving through one of the trees in the area.

HARD Attacks Again

Last March, Ashbury became aware of an organization known as HARD, Humanity Against Racial Diversity. This organization works to break up any attempts at peace between the civilized races and the monster races. Their current target was the lizardmen.

Attacks from enraged lizardmen began Friday night, August 2. The lizardmen would scream about the insults done to their people, how the humans would attack them, and how peace was broken. The lizardmen fell into three distinct groups: the "lowlies," who have no leadership and are a disorganized group; the "Brethren of Mishrak," the most violent of the lizardmen; and the "Rigelians," who at one time were subjects of the lizard man vampire Rigel but have lived at peace with Ashbury since Duke Bryan signed a treaty with them after a quest to recover the Duchess' sword.

The ploy of HARD was revealed by a member of the Rigelians who realized that a small group of humans was responsible for these actions, and not the duchy or the baronies as most thought. Apparently HARD would dress as members of noble courts and attack the lizardmen in order to stir up hatred.

One lizardman named Slithe recruited adventurers from about the town to rescue captives and negotiate with lizardman leaders. During these adventures, letters were found revealing HARD's plan and their next target. Another letter was found among the possessions of "The Brain," the goblin leader of the Smartguyz tribe.

It became clear that by putting together all of the letters found, the location of HARD's next attack could be discovered and thus prevented. However, the adventurers of Ashbury either did not share the information or simply got the information and refused to act, and on Sunday morning, August 4th, the docks at Yegril were overrun with lizardmen shouting "revenge." Many deaths occurred before the lizardmen were forced back into the water.

HARD is apparently still out there, and any citizens with information about their activities should report to the proper authorities.

Second Thieving Competition to be Held in Ashbury

Noted Voltan merchant Vestrin Bellicose has rented a small home in Ashbury city and is inviting thieves to break in.

No, it's not what it sounds like.

In Volta, thieving skills are valued and are not "frowned upon" in polite society as they might be in more civilized Ashbury. In fact, one of the highlights of each year's Voltan Tournament is a thieving competition.

Last year, Vestrin's entry was tested here in Ashbury first. Not one group competing was able to complete it, so Vestrin figured it was good enough for the "much more talented people in Volta," and in fact, his test was very popular in Volta. It is a great honor (and very profitable) to have your design chosen for the Tournament. Winning designs then tour the duchy, much like a traveling circus.

In order to test this year's model, he has traveled into Ashbury and is inviting all to participate.

The basic rules of the competition are:

1. No more than 3 people in a group. Among those three people, they must be able to pick locks, disarm traps, and read and write.

2. Participants must complete the quest within 90 minutes or the test will terminate no matter how far along the participants are.

3. There will be treasure scattered about that participants may take, but no traps or locks may be removed. Further, all locks must remain in working order_participants will be docked points for each lock that is found to have been bashed open, shattered or destroyed.

4. All participants must sign a legal waiver stating that they are participating of their own free will and will not press charges for any damages that they may incur while in the test.

5. If the participants get into a fight with anyone within, they must keep whoever is within from dying. Killing Blows will be prosecuted as murder. The "monsters" within will not administer killing blows nor throw death spells but they are under no obligation to heal any participant bleeding to death. None of the traps will use Death or Instant Death elixirs.

6. Participants are allowed to take whatever they want into the test as long as they can carry it. Protective spells are allowed and encouraged.

In addition, Vestrin has announced that he will be awarding a special prize to the team that does the best. Scattered around the building will be a series of "tokens." The team that returns the most tokens will win. The farther along you are, the more tokens there will be. And, of course, all of the tokens are very fragile and susceptible to fire, acid, and other traps.

Those who wish to make their names known as competitors may also wish to take part in Vesrtin's betting pool, where scores will be posted in the tavern.

Vestrin will of course keep the identity of those participating a secret unless the participants, for bragging purposes, request otherwise.

Last year's winning team was led by Mortimer Fallon and also consisted of then-Sir Konrad and Squire Kittery. Mortimer unfortunately has passed away since last year's competition.

In second place last year was a team led by Baron Thomas. It is certain that new entries for this year's competition will find some advice from the experience of those who participated last year.

Vestrin requests that all interested groups register in advance at the Dragon's Flagon.

Spider-like Atchar Attack; Enemies of Rucchi

A group of large attercob-like spider creatures made an appearance in Ashbury recently. The intelligent creatures said they were merely in town as tourists, and asked where the local graveyards were. Chancellor Faustus identified himself, and the creatures asked if he served Duke Pansolore, as they were told he was the reigning Duke. The Chancellor took this to mean that the creatures were minions of Pansolore and he attacked. The spider creatures resisted and almost killed the party of over twenty powerful adventurers.

The court of Trellheim came to their aid just as the battle ended, and Lord Hanson identified the creatures as Atchar. They are said to be the mortal enemies of the Ruchi, the Earth-natural creatures from the frost peaks, who traveled to warn of the infestations of the foul creatures last year.

Currently Sir Balynthalus of Nordenn is the Rucchi's chosen to wield the biomace, weapon of the Rucchi military leader Field Marshal Arcus, and he has sworn to help them eradicate the Atkar. Originally the mace was awarded to Lord Morgan, who betrayed the honor by trading it away. The Rucchi are testing Sir Balynthalus to see if he is worthy, and have so far been very pleased, although they have given the knight of Nordenn a year to get the artifact re-spirit-linked. Lord Morgan destroyed the enchantment that the Ruchi bestowed upon it so that it would not be lost to one unworthy.

The Rucchi are pure earth creatures that are particularly susceptible to chaos magics. The Atkar are said to be undead creatures of great power, and thus are actually defeating the powerful Ruchi because of their Chaotic nature. One was seen chatting with Pansolore when he decimated the forces of Ashbury earlier this year. Pansolore was heard to be surprised that he could not control it, and they are reported to have worked out some sort of deal together.

Pansolore, the self-proclaimed "Duke of Ashbury," was heard calling for the heads of the Ruchi during that battle. A few rucchi had stood by Sir Balynthalus during the battle, but would not attack the invading army of undead unless they threatened the wielder of their gift. When the knight engaged the lich himself and was cut down, Field Marshal Arcus' personal healer Ambassidor Lartim went to Sir Balynthalis' aid and was pounded into the ground.

Barony of Nordenn Leads Hunt Against Vampires

An elder vampire named Elvese came to Ashbury recently to try and claim territory for himself and his minions in the aftermath of the destruction of Anwar DeMedici. His efforts were stopped by a group of adventurers led by noted vampire hunter Sir Darius Steelblade along with Baron Kirath, Sir Bretton, Sir Balynthalis, Squire Caleb, and Deven Du'leges. These six participated in a just-revealed ritual called the Ritual of Woe. This turned the six into a party of dedicated vampire hunters, supplying them with a Stake of Woe, rendering them immune to fear and charm, and allowing the leader to solidify a gaseous form.

Throughout the night, the party fought and killed fledgling vampires sent to attack and weaken the town. Finally, as Elvese realized that many were being staked, he challenged the stakebearer to come to his lair for a final battle. The group was led through the woods into the hills by a gaseous form and entered Elvese's lair. Here they were hard pressed, but fought and permanently killed over twenty fledgling and mature vampires. Finally they were worn down to their limit and were about to leave when Elvese came out demanding their surrender. Elvese placed himself in a Circle of Power and sent the last of his minions to fight the noble adventurers. When the undead were cut down, Elvise realized he had lost, dropped the Circle, and went gaseous. The adventurers followed and Darius used the abilities granted by the ritual to solidify Elvese and the group dispatched him before he could cast a single spell. They then sent him to his final rest with the stake of woe.

The Royal Academy is currently researching this new ritual and expects it to be available in the near future.

Pansolore's Minions Target Court of Trellheim

Members of the baronial court of Trellheim were ambushed in the woods on a recent night by minions of Pansolore. The court was traveling to the docks of Port Frederick on a mission for the Royal Academy of Arcane Arts and Sciences. It is as yet unknown how these vile creatures discovered the court's plans and managed to set the ambush.

The undead managed to thwart the Trellheim mission to recover an ancient tome of Vampire lore. The tome is reputed to contain historical secrets of the origin and powers of Vampires, and includes several archaic rituals which can be used to combat the undead.

The ambush was apparently orchestrated by the undead baronial court of Trellheim and lead by the wraith lord baron himself. The arch wizard Mordaki, who has been spirit stored into a diamond golem, was also present to acquire revenge against Lord Hanson for the destruction of Mourna.

The combat was fierce and it looked as though the entire court might have been slain. Several members were able to escape and fled to Ashbury city only to return minutes later with reinforcements.

Even with this help, Modi Ioki suffered a death in the conflict and some of the undead managed to escape with several magic items, including an enchanted long sword. Fortunately, the undead baron was captured in an Imprison spell and was later destroyed after being identified at the Midnight Guild Hall.

News From Around the Duchy

Alhanoroel: A group of poachers had found ways to avoid the patrols of Amani Rangers and enter the forbidden areas of the forest. They were using these methods to poach magical and endangered creatures. The leader of the poachers, Reginald van Strom, was stopped by a group of adventurers led by Lord Aloryn.

Bartleby: At high noon on Healer's Day, August 3, a single man dressed in black walked to the town square of Bartleby and declared the town of Bartleby to be his own.Confronted by thirty individuals of the Guard and twenty members of the Baronial Army, Loscarnos De Morg-anna pulled back his hood and with a laugh, hurled powerful spells to the ground creating hundreds of undead at his command. Enormous skeletons,charnal monstrosities, ghouls, spectres, and other unidentifiable undead creatures quickly eliminated the standing forces and murdered all of the citizens of this estate who could not flee fast enough. Hundreds of resurrections are occurring all over Trellhiem. Permanently dead citizens have been put to work on enormous fortifications, and more undead creatures are being created by the hundreds. The estate has been renamed "Strykna," and clearly the Shadow Mage intends to stay.

Safehaven: An explosion at one of the labs in the Lord Britimore School of Alchemical Studies released an unknown alchemical substance into the surrounding area. This substance has mutated the wildlife in nearby Tilomon and caused the local Tarmar rabbits to be able to alter where they seem to be. These creatures are now attacking the local populace. Baron Konrad has been acting to reduce the population of altered animals, and the number of attacks have decreased.

Mishrak Fens: A backlashed ritual apparently caused a large chaotic nexus in the fens. This nexus had the effect of reversing the lifeforce of creatures in the area and releasing creatures made of pure chaotic energy. Squire Caleb Hand and his companions on the Court of Trellheim were able to destroy the center of the nexus and rid the area of the effect.

The Wold: Two confirmed sightings of new unicorn births in this area have fueled excitement of unicorn watchers.

Magistrate's Report

by Lord Magistrate Naerfin Kel'tier-lin McEwan

First I would like to apologize to the merchant who had a locket stolen from him recently. It is unfortunate that mistakes are made in the course of investigations. Everything will be done to locate the woman who has made off with your property.

With that said, there is a reward for the return of the locket and/or the capture of the woman who made off with it. Descriptions of both are on file with myself and the ducal guard.

To close out some old business, Galoran has been executed for his crimes against Lord Aloryn Runeweaver.

In a case Naansa the Dark Elf levied against Deven Du'Leges, I have ruled in favor of Naansa and will be working out final arraingements with both Nansa and Deven at the next gathering.

There have been many disturbing reports of theft recently. While there are some suspicions as to who were involved in several of them, there is still not enough evidence to bring them to trial. I encourage anyone who witnessed such a crime to come and speak with me. Testimony can be kept confidential.

There is an ongoing investigation as to the gypsies' actions on the night the Barony of Trellheim staked the vampire Strykna. These charges will be dealt with shortly. I would like anyone who has information, or was in the tavern at the time, to please speak with me before Sunday, September 1st.

Letters to the Editor

Throughout the tumultuous history of Ashbury several leaders have risen and fallen, each leaving the citizens a legacy of mistrust and misgivings. With each forceful succession the bonds of integrity and loyalty have worn thin between the nobles and the commoners. Once again our Duchy faces another fracturing, displacing our unity and hindering our prosperity. The Barony of Trellheim has been dissolved, returning the estates into a unified military district, dedicated to the defense of the western frontier. Although I have been placed in charge of this great task, I must honor the man I have graciously served over the past four seasons.

Many citizens may view Lord Justice McCoy as a man set on a path of insurrection and genocide, but this is a picture portrayed by odious rumors and shallow lies. I only wish I could take the time to convince each citizen of Lord McCoy's incomparable history of service to the Duchy. However, this very act would discredit my loyalty to the Duchy and further denigrate the status of Lord McCoy's name.

I will not defend Lord McCoy's nobleness nor will I refute the testimony and charges brought against him. Lord McCoy will continue to pursue the proper legal channels to reclaim his title and reform Trellheim under his rule. In addition, once the proper line of succession is established I will yield my title to the legitimate heir of Lord Justice, respecting his predetermined lineage. If the price of greatness is responsibility, I do not know of a man more willing to accept the consequences of his actions and remain steadfast to his convictions.

Also, I must thank Baron Konrad, Baron Tristan, Baron Kirath, and Lord Bretton for offering their services, support, and wisdom. I have always respected each leader and I hope my command will remembered with equal distinction. In addition, I wish Mara Tirane tranquility and safety throughout her sabbatical, and I hope she will consider returning to oversee the administration of the Duchy. Finally, I recognize the absolute faith the Paladins, the Lord Chancellor, and Duke Bryan have in my abilities and moral fortitude. I pledge an oath to the Code of Chivalry to remain faithful to the Crown, preserve the Duchy, and reunite the Barony of Trellheim through an acceptable heir. This I swear and failure is not an option to be faced with honor.

Sir Radric Hellfax

As I prepare to return to my homeland I wished to take a moment to send my thanks to all of you. I was shown excellent hospitality, a remarkable penchant for friendship by the entire populace and to my somewhat shamed acknowledgment your fine skill at keeping me alive when it seemed I wasn't attending quite well enough to that task on my own.

Each of our lands have many pressing matters which will prevent a proper thanks to all who took a part in making my journey. It was a journey that I will be eager to repeat when time avails itself and so I must ask now that you accept this posting as a token of the gratitude that will remain with me when I speak the tales of my journey to your land. I am certain that our relations will continue for many years to come. May you all fare well in the endeavors that await you.

Alaric Malinruin, Baron of Capulus, Duchy of Ravenholt

A Little Birdie Told Me

by Sue D'Onym

Get your programs! Can't tell your nobles without a program! They come and go faster than this paper can keep up with them!

My goodness! How is little old me to keep track of all this? There is a list at the bottom of this page that I think is accurate, but I could be wrong.

Well! Duchess Mara has resigned and tried to commit suicide again. Wait a minute. . . the last time she did that, it was when Baracus Kul came into town and demanded her surrender. This time, it was. . .when Baracus Kul came into town and demanded her surrender. Absolute coincidence, I know.

Duke Bryan has reportedly refused to accept the resignation and has stated that he is sure everything will be worked out. Meanwhile, ex-Baron Justice's supporters are insisting that if she is allowed to continue to serve as Duchess, then he should have his title returned, since he also didn't attack Baracus Kul. Yes, dearie, but Mara doesn't also have a list of other charges against her. (The Paladins are reportedly refusing to disclose all of the charges against Justice).

As soon as Baron Justice was removed, both Corrine and Doroon immediately resigned their squirehoods in protest. Most of Trellheim court members were in the process of swearing oaths of loyalty to Justice's heir Lord Hanson when Sir Radric stepped up and said that he would be a better choice for Baron. A heated discussion then followed as the Duke and the paladins stood across the field under the assumption that the debate was about whether to attack the ducal court. All of the court members supported Hanson with the exception of Caleb and Modi, who voiced their support of Radric. Apparently Modi and Caleb were furious over Hanson leading them into Pansolore's trap in the woods which resulted in Modi's death.

Modi almost died a day earlier as well when he was attacked by a pair of dwarven assassins, but was saved at the last minute by Morlox. Modi is convinced that the assassins were sent by the dwarven king Kelanor. Not very noble of him.

Marr, showing off a new club that he had found (normal), recently offered to trade his fine possession for Thorn's (magic) mace. He received a polite "no." What a surprise!

War between the baronies of Capulus and Blythedale? Almost! After being attacked and attempting to fight back against two assailants, Killian was successfully waylayed. An adventuring group called "Anvil" from Ravenholt saw Killian cast spells on his attackers before being waylayed and assumed he was the aggressor when the assailants ran off crying "He attacked us." They bound and searched the unconscious jester, finding several official documents from the Mages' Guild. As they did this, Baron Alaric of Capulus (Who once was the leader of Anvil) passed by in the company of the court of Blythedale, but failed to notice the bound and unconscious jester because of the darkness of night. Anvil was about to go into town and verify their captive's identity when Killian awoke from his waylay. Thinking he was being kidnapped, and taking advantage of not being gagged, he screamed for help. Blythedale, recognizing the screams of their comrade, ran to his aid, preparing for battle. Both sides almost came to blows in the darkness before Baron Alaric realized that these were friends of his! Explanations were made and all went back to town together. Killian, however, was noticeably avoiding Anvil while they were in town.

Killian by the way is now an official Mages' Guild member! Shalizar has been overheard saying she knows how Daphne Green feels about Robert Oakwood. (The Official Daphne Index, which keeps track of how many people resurrect in the Healers' Guild as opposed to going elsewhere, is at 50% for this month!)

Northstar, self proclaimed "Protector of All Damsels in Distress," has been seen spending a lot of time with Shalizar. Although "Damsel in Distress" hardly describes the Guildmistress, she seems to enjoy his company and says she "enjoys seeing him run." However, after the last encounter between Northstar and Shalizar's love interest Unrok, one can only guess if a duel for the Guildmistress' affections is inevitable.

The Drake cousins organized a picnic recently to thank those who had donated to the Drake Technical School for Wayward Children over the past year. It is reported that the Duke, Duchess and Dame Kittery all snubbed the affair, but Lord Aloryn, never one to miss a free meal now that he's a hobling, was in attendance.

Aloryn recently met a hobling called a "riftling." This individual had bright red bushy eyebrows and claimed to be a higher evolution of the race. Aloryn was seen "rift-popping" across the field with him (they were actually just running fast while giggling) and has been said to be looking for bright red dyes for his brow.

Natasha has been seen more and more in the company of Sir Ivan Drake. What is it with Paladins and gypsies? It went as far as Natasha abandoning her team to travel exclusively in the company of the court of Blythedale.

Emerald the gypsy, enraged after being released from enslavement from the Fist, decided to take up a weapon to complement her spells. She asked Dalar of Stormwatch to assist her, since he is both a proficient caster and weapon fighter. Once instructed, she then proceeded to beat Dalar senseless. I guess the Fist better not enslave Emerald again.

Naerfin has always been partial to pretty things of both sexes, and when a young woman came to him and complained that a mean old man had stolen her locket, she actually got Naerfin to allow her to hire a couple of adventurers who break into the home and "steal the locket back." Needless to say, the lady was a con artist and the locket belonged to a prominent merchant in town, so Naerfin's reputation takes another plunge.

That's all I have for this issue. Until next time, remember -- If you can't say something nice about someone, come sit by me.

The Nobles of Ashbury


Duchess Mara Vila Nicosia Tirane Nordenn

Sir Faustus von Neumacht

Duke Bryan Islevarr Nordenn

Sir Agnar Anti-tiburon

Sir Angus McEwan


Sir Konrad Valinor

Sir Algar Winterwind

Dame Kittery Ann Holindarn Valinor


Baron Tristan Greycloak

Sir Ivan Drake

Sir Tsubatai Connor Ijima

Sir Pinaeus Brightblade


Baron Kirath Mournblade

Sir Balynthalis Wellbringer

Sir Darius Steelblade

Dame Sonya Dawntreader


Sir Radric Hellfax

Sir Hanson


Lord Aloryn Runeweaver

Lord Kelial Vardik

Lord Zachary Blane

Public Notices

CONGRATULATIONS and Commendations to Kirath Nordenn in his ascension to the position of Baron of Nordenn. His just and righteous hand shall lead the people in honor and prosperity. You are the living embodiment of the Code, and your service to the people will forever be history's most favored moment. Special thanks to Lord Bretton Nordenn who forever cleansed the crimes of his father against the land and the people of Nordenn. Good luck in your quest, you have freed the land and people, now free yourself. Duke Bryan Islevarr Nordenn.

ASHBURY REGISTRY OF TEACHERS. Referrals for a wide range of skills. Discretion assured. Teachers: get students without spending all your time recruiting. See Prof. Turlough Kuranes.

NATANYA: I promise you'll get Blue Magic sung to you soon - K

WELCOME, BROTHER. It has been a long time coming, but you are now of the tacho rat. - Ta'wanÆ

PEOPLE OF ASHBURY: Natasha is now and shall always be a part of my family and clan. To insult her honor or question her judgement is insult not only to her but to me. I will brook no disrespect towards her or of her character in my presence or otherwise. Anyone having a problem with this is free to contact me at anytime and I shall be more then happy to educate them by honor combating them to death . The reason for this posting is that it has come to my attention that a few feel she is honorless and they have been quiet busy trying to malign her character spreading lies and half truths. Stop hiding in the shadows cackling untruths for my wrath knows no bonds when those I cherish are threaten. - Modi Thaddeus Ioki of Clan Sanderz

TEACHER WANTED: To instruct on mastery of all weapons. Inquire at the Ducal Manor House.

LOOKING TO BUY common and uncommon Earth Formal components. Also do 1-5 level Formal. Find Maximus.

FREE DETECT MAGICS cast at the Ashbury Mages' Guild every hour on the half hour during Guild hours. (Listen for the bell). Hours are noon - 6 pm and 8 pm - midnight. Also: Magic items Identified, Ritual Components researched, scrolls bought and sold (discounts for large quantities), and Rituals cast. Until further notice, only one Sarr is allowed in the Guild at a time. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause the lawful citizens of Ashbury.

DANIEL STAR: You're going to be in "trouble" again very soon. - A

I, MICHIKO ASAGA TSURARU, do formally apologize to Feyd, Alex, and Naansa for my actions. I offer my life to you in an effort to restore my honor. I do not wish your death or worse to dishonor you, but humbly ask for your assistance in the matter of Kinslayer.

THOSE WHO HUNT the shadows: Fear the light.

KELIAL VARDIK: We shall be seeing you soon. Oops -- that's right; I'm sorry, I forgot you're in hiding. Regardless, I'll find you and put you out of your misery soon enough, you coward. I guess we now all know who has the backbone in your family. - H

TIGREST: Nice to meet you, I can teach you much. Mach Mach - Tara

PAY A SILVER, WIN A SACK OF GOLD! Tickets on sale for the Drake Technical School for Wayward Children 50/50. One silver buys your chance at winning half the money raised. Last year's receipient won 25 gold! See Killian or Sir Ivan Drake for tickets. Feed the orphans! (Please do not gamble if you have not yet fed your own family.)

HAGEN AND KELSEA would like their announce their engagement, private invitations to follow soon.

To "AZURE", Frost, and others of your ilk: The game is now afoot and the players all in motion. You may currently possess the gem, but we have something of yours now, too. Tit for tat. The next move is up to you.

FARANGO: I have it. - Varag

TO THOMAS, Konrad, and Ivan: Was not able to make it in recently. I hope you are working on my problem. There is a month and a half left. - D

TARABELLE: Thanks for the wonderful cups. They came in handy. - Corrine.

ERIC WOLCOTT: I do not see why you should be so concerned with people using their own language in the Public Notices. Letters to the Editor would be understandable, but most Public Notices are gibberish even in the King's Language. So lighten up a little. And if we started our own paper, you might be out of a job. So be careful what you wish for, you might get it, kan rafiq.

THE ASHBURY MAGES' GUILD would like to congratulate the following new Apprentice: Killian Drake, Barony of Blythedale

Correction: In the writing last edition, the wording made it appear that Nordenn was named in 480 E.R., in actuality Nordenn's illustrious foundation was in 87 E.R. This strange anomaly is of course related to the time problems occuring in Ashbury. Gunther Darnok named himself after the lands he was given to protect, not vice versa.