The Ashbury Times

June / July 611

“All The News That Fits, We Print”


Broomis Chosen King


On a recent Saturday night, the Mons Regalis finally made its choice. The gathered adventurers and nobles were led to the site of the Mons and upon their arrival were greeted by Duchess Jacelyn Correlia. Dame Sonia Forthiatis and the Duchess exchanged heated words while Duke Frost Vardik, Duke Broomis Bouchard and Sir Nevin Kendrick expressed their own emotions.

The chosen climbed the path to the fabled stone where, as one, they attempted to step up. An unseen force prevented all but the True King from standing upon it.

Alone, stood Duke Broomis Bouchard.

Furious, Duchess Jacelyn Correlia attacked the new King. She swung wide and drove her mighty blade into the Mons.

All reports of the moment declare that the force of the stone exploding was so great that the resulting smoke screen obscured vision for many yards around.

The wounded nobles were healed, but Duchess Jacelyn Correlia was missing.  Later, she resurrected without problem.

King Broomis Bouchard then called for commoner and noble alike to attend him to hear oaths of fealty spoken aloud and to receive the newly forged crown. The Crown of Icenia was forged by Sir Ulthoc of Nordenn, Marcusagrim Anvilstrike and several others in the Elemental Forge.

Duke Frost Vardik spoke first, pledging blade and claw to the King of Icenia.

Next, the King called forward Dame Sonia Forthiatis. To her surprise, he declared that she would be the Duchess of Brittington. She was given the Ducal Regalia and spoke her oaths.

Sir Nevin Kendrick was then called. His oath was short, but full of conviction. The King named him Royal Paladin and bade him rise.

Baron Harrison Ryatt knelt and was affirmed in his service to Icenia and to Duke Frost Vardik by King Broomis.

Unfortunately, this happy occasion was followed shortly by Xhal’hax, Nevin’s hired Sl’tagn spy, being thrown through the doors of the Black Stag by a man in a golden golem. Xhal’hax confessed to being a double agent, sending information on Ashban movements back to Evorra. On the deck of the tavern, Xhal’hax gave an anguished apology for her treachery, telling those assembled that her family had been taken captive and would be killed if she did not do as the man in the golden golem commanded. He then ran the Sl’taghn through, sending her to her permanent death.

The man introduced himself as Erasmus Vexcel of Evorra and declared Broomis a false king.

Needless to say, the heroes of Fairdale fought his elite soldiers and regenerating gold body to rout, securing righteousness in victory once again.


Editor’s Note: More details about the new King will be forthcoming; we apologize for this condensed version.

Mercenaries Besiege Fairdale


Early last Serpent, the town of Fairdale was encircled and besieged by mercenaries. The two major mercenary companies were The Iron Ring, a Clanless Vansir group led by a warlord called Kohagan the Oathkeeper; and Cold Star, comprised of Elementally-empowered elves led by the Ice Knight, Dame Stella Fria.

Skirmishes occurred with these two factions at several points during the siege, though two things were clear: The groups were not given the order to fully assault and the Vansir and the Celestial elves hated each other. No surprise there.

The Iron Ring fielded many warriors and a handful of healers in their battles. Their strength more than made up for their lack of true strategic planning and battlemages. Interactions with individual warriors were reported to be pleasant if not friendly. The adventuring Vansir of Ashbury, being Sir Ulthoc of Nordenn and the warrior woman Drifa, talked with Iron Ring warriors on several occasions.

Sir Ulthoc, Drifa, Squire Commander Ithica and several others confronted their leader, Kohagan, at his field longhouse. Ulthoc and Kohagan dueled, resulting in Ulthoc’s defeat. When Ulthoc was healed he declared that hospitality was ended and that the Ashban force would attack.

The harrowing fight only ended when Kohagan’s entire elite guard was killed and he was captured. When brought back to the Black Stag Kohagan was questioned and sentenced to execution by Baron Harrison Ryatt. Kohagan had words with Ithica, then was executed by Sir Ulthoc himself.

Kohagan is now permanently dead.

As for the Cold Star, the Ashbury Times are happy to report a far less depressing ending.  Raven Nevermore led a strike team against Dame Stella Fria later that night, but diplomacy triumphed over swords. The Good Ice Knight agreed to speak with the Ashban nobles in the Black Stag. Baron Harrison Ryatt, despite the busy night he’d already had, spoke with her on the laws of Icenia. She described her history and her mission, to rebuild her keep after the Dominion War, adroitly and charmingly.

She agreed to cease hostilities and recall her troops from the field.

Sir Brice Found Permanently Dead


     It is with great sadness that The Ashbury Times must report the permanent death of a shining example of Knighthood.  Sir Bryce Sinclair, Royal Knight and member of Queen Sidraste’s Household, was found permanently slain while the Adventurers of Ashbury were in the Duchy of Evorra

     The nature of the attack which slayed him is unknown.  All that is known is that a commoner of Evorra came in looking for Squire Commander Ithica, reporting a body found in the woods wearing a white belt.  Squire Ithica was able to identify the body due to a dueling scar, and brought the body back before the collected adventurers for a proper funeral. 

     Sir Bryce Sinclair was born Icenian, and served for twenty years with distinction in the Icenian Army before becoming a Squire.  He gained the notice of Her Majesty, and quickly rose through the ranks of the Peerage.  He served as a Royal Knight with distinction, alongside many of those who now serve the Kingdom as Dukes and Duchesses.  He at one time lead the Icenian special operations force known as the Icenian Dragoons, and many rumors persisted that he had been closely considered for the position of Duke of Ashbury when His Excellency Duke Frost was given the position, and would certainly be considered for any future openings of Baronial and Ducal seats.

     As this is breaking news, it is unknown if either His Grace Duke Frost Vardik or Her Grace Duchess Sonia Forthiathis are yet aware of the situation.


Unusual Black Creatures Appear in Western Ashbury


In early May, reports began of unidentifiable black creatures wandering around Dara’s Grace.  The first of these creatures was seen in an independent farmstead, far from any villages or towns.  Two farmhands were working in the field when it appeared.  Due to its unnatural silence, neither noticed the creature until it started attacking one of the farmhands.

The attack was brutal and efficient, killing one farmhand while the other ran off to get help.  By the time he returned with assistance, the strange creature had moved on, having dealt no damage to anything non-living and having taken nothing.

This first incident proceeded similar incidents throughout Dara’s Grace.  By early June, these unusual creatures were wandering freely about the estate killing living sentient creatures, both citizens and monster races.

Information is still scarce on these strange creatures, but some things have been learned about them.  They are completely black and formed of some sort of coherent dark energy.  They take on a mostly humanoid shape, though wield no items, wear no clothing, and never speak.  All of the creatures have a symbol imprinted on their foreheads that resembles a stylized letter “A” from an ancient script.

No purpose has yet been determined for these creatures, but they seem intent on destroying intelligent living creatures.  They strike with their arms, bludgeoning foes and occasionally draining life force directly.  Some curse their enemies while others can kill with raw energy.  Also, every single one of them appears to be completely unaffected by spells from the Curse effect group.

The frequency and strength of these creatures has been increasing since they first appeared.  There was actually a decrease in both strength and frequency of these creatures in early and mid June after they appeared for the first time in Fairdale.  Though, they appear to gaining in power again and reports claim these creatures have appeared as far as Brandywine, Battlewoods, Kurash, Bristol, and Dover.

The presence of these creatures is a disruption to trade routes, army maneuvers, and average citizens.  As such, Seneschal Trevor Donovan is seeking any and all information about these creatures and the Duchy is offering a reward to anyone who is willing to assist in diminishing this menace.


A Link Between Creatures and a Cursed Tomb?


During the gathering in early Serpent, the creatures described above began attacking randomly in and around Fairdale. 

To make matters worse, some adventurers were randomly going Berserk around the same time these beings started appearing. 

Operating on curiosity and slim hope, a group of adventurers led by Derek Dreamweaver and Baron Sir Harrison swept the woods near the contested lands searching for a rumored pool of Cariosis which they thought could be related to the strange black swirling half-formed creatures.  A dozen adventurers joined in the sweep but no pool was found.  On the journey back to Fairdale however, the group came across more of the attacking creatures and fought a long and draining battle throughout the woods and riverscape tracking the creatures each time the appeared further and further from Fairdale. 

Drak, Raven, and Khorwyn, led the Baron and the adventurers through the pouring rain to a Tomb which had recently been unearthed which had an archway at its entrance with a rune similar to the one seen on the faces of the attacking creatures.  It must be said that Guildmaster Nathan Westwind was among the adventurers at the tomb but Baron Harrison did give permission for the Wizard to enter with the rest of the group despite his recent troubles involving other excavations. 

Once inside the tomb the group made their way through multiple levels of winding stair ways and catacombs until they found a room with a massive swirling portal which seemed to be made of the same material as the beings.  Squires Ithica and Garathon of Blythedale among others attempted to enter the vortex, but were severely injured for their attempts.  Creatures continued to pour out from the portal and the group fended them off the best they could while they explored some of the other levels of the massive crypt. 

A room with a broken sarcophagus was found and several treasure rooms seemed to have been looted recently.  Many items seemed to have been pillaged from the crypt and the group decided it best to leave and report back their news to Fairdale and investigate this issue further after resting.

Later, a Sarr who had been carving runes into the blades of some of the towns adventures recently was questioned about her methods and motives once it was determined it was only those weapon holders who were experiencing the Berserk effects.  It seemed nothing would rid the wielder of the curse, and Guildmaster Westwind was able to identify that once the weapon was taken by another, the curse would eventually transfer to the new holder, but why and how long it took were still unknown.  The Sarr seemed oblivious to the curse all together and explained she was only practicing her craft but admitted she had only recently purchased the graver she had used on the adventurers weapons from some shady characters she met on the road near the location of the Crypt.

She turned the graver over to Baron Harrison who had the Guildmaster confirm it was cursed and then set off with a smaller group to return the tool to the tomb.

The party made their way to the chamber where the Guildmaster explained he felt the graver was pulling him toward, and while the adventurers fought the swirling cursed humanoids, the Guildmaster and Derek Dreamweaver tried to work out how to put the graver to rest and stop the creatures from attacking. 

In a nearby chamber, Nathan and Derek found several unfinished carvings and tried to use weapons, magic, and the graver itself to modify them to no avail.  Soon a spectral being appeared covered in symbols and whispering that “Art is Blood” and with some reluctance the Guildmaster cut into his own flesh and touched the blooded graver to some of the unfinished carvings in the room.  This allowed him to begin working the graver into the various materials continuing the half-finished carvings. 

While Derek shouted the symbols to Nathan and guarded the door, and the rest of the party held off wave after wave of the cursed beings, the Guildmaster completed each of the carvings which eventually stopped the flow of the cursed beings from the portal.  The graver was placed in a safe place in the crypt using Raven’s Golem strength and the party returned to Fairdale to announce that the curse on the weapons had been lifted.

Still, many other trophies are still at large after the recent crypt robbery so travelers around Fairdale are warned to stay vigilant and report suspicious activity to the Ducal Army, Nobility in Fairdale, or the Mages’ Guild.

Retribution at Durremyne Reef


On their recent visit to Evorra, a group of adventurers investigated a lighthouse off the coast which had suddenly gone dark. The lighthouse was supposed to warn sailors away from the dangerous Durremyne Reef, but without the beacon, many ships had run aground on the shoals. Those lucky crewmen that resurrected told tales of an unnamed dread in the dark waters.

When the adventurers arrived at the reef, they were met by a horrific sight: bloated corpses floated in the water, and the wrecks of ships were decorated with the heads of their former crew. Inside the lighthouse, they encountered a number of mindless, sea-weed-like creatures that apparently had been placed there. They also discovered the charred corpse of the lighthouse keeper, hung over the broken lamp which he had once tended.

The following message was smeared on the far wall in human blood:


This is the fate of those who cross the Sl’taghn.

Our sister, Xhal’hax, trusted you air-breathers, and forged an alliance with you. To repay her trust, you took her family captive and slaughtered her. Now, you murder our children, who we are forced by nature to leave defenseless on your shores.

Is this how land-dwellers treat other races? Is this how they treat those who they call friends? The mighty Sl’taghn do not suffer traitors, and so we will no longer suffer air-breathers.

You have been warned.



The Sl’taghn are a monstrous race of fish-like humanoids that inhabit the seas off the coast of Evorra. When they are born, they are human in appearance. Therefore, they must live on land until they begin to exhibit their fish-like qualities as they near puberty. The horrific acts at Durremyne Reef come in the wake of a proclamation by Evorra that all Sl’taghn “changelings” found on their shores be put to death. For more information on the Sl’taghn Xhal’hax, see the article above.

The visiting adventurers successfully dispatched the sea-weed creatures and relit the beacon. But this may not be the last they have seen of the Sl’taghn.


Nordenn Declaration


The Barony of Nordenn recently released the following declaration:


Decree of Friendship and Support from the Barony of Nordenn to the Isles of Camulous, and all Principles


 The People of the Barony of Nordenn, under the leadership of His Excellency, Baron Sir Harrison Ryatt, officially recognizes the status and sovereignty of the Nation of the Isles of Camulous and its Council. 

All citizens of the Nation of the Isles of Camulous will be recognized and protected under the Law while traveling within the borders of Nordenn.  This includes all Children of Camulous, Satyrs who have been granted citizenship upon the Isles, and any other race of beings which the Children of Camulous’ Elder Council ascribes citizenship to.  

Tradesmen from the Isles of Camulous are welcome to ply their wares anywhere upon Nordenn soil.  Until such time as an official Trade Charter can be drafted, the standard import tariffs must remain in place.  The Court of Nordenn, however, does extend an open invitation to the Isles of Camulous to send a representative to discuss further trade negotiations at any time. 

The longstanding tradition of Friendship and Support between The Barony of Nordenn and the Isles of Camulous will be upheld.  The Children of Camulous refugees which had settled in the estate of Crystal Falls for safety and protection, are hereby given the option to remain as they are now as free and protected citizens of the Barony, or they can return home to Dolphin Isle should they choose.  The Court of Nordenn will provide passage for all those wishing to return home, free of charge. 

In accordance with that longstanding tradition of Friendship and Support, the Barony of Nordenn pledges, without need of a treaty, to lend Aid and Protection to the Isles of Camulous when needed to the best of the Barony's ability.  Further, should information regarding an enemy of either Icenia or the Isles of Camulous, such as any nation which openly uses or approves the use of slavery or necromancy, be uncovered by the Children of Camulous, Nordenn officially declares that any such information passed to Us privately would be welcome, and the source kept public or private based upon the wishes of the Elder Council of the Ilse of Camulous.  In addition, the Barony of Nordenn promises to relay all knowledge of potential threats to our friends, the Nation of the Isles of Camulous, as soon as any risks to their sovereignty are known.   

We welcome the Isles of Camulous into a new era of authority, sovereignty, and prosperity.

Baron Harrison Accepted by Orc Council


In an attempt to unite the peoples of Nordenn behind him and his accession to the Baronial Seat, His Excellency Baron Harrison has been speaking to the leaders of each of the races that make up the Barony of Nordenn to see what will be required for them to be able to accept himself and the Court of Nordenn as adopted members of their respective societies. 

On the morning of Saturday the 4th, Jagdah Karal Stormfist of the Orc Council of Peppercorn arrived in town to discuss how this could be accomplished for the Orcs.  It turns out that there was an organization who had been terrorizing the Orc population, burning villages and killing innocents.  They called themselves True Nordenn -- and if the Court of Nordenn wanted to be thought of as Orc Warriors, then they needed to handle the problem for the Council, the way Orcs would -- kill them and return their with their heads.

A team made up of His Excellency Baron Harrison, Sir Ulthoc, Telokh (the three ranking members of the Court of Nordenn), Aubry Darksun, Gregor Gallonovich, and Nuheran (all currently walking with the Court and seeking membership) approached what Jagdah Stormfist said was the “hideout” of the organization.  Inside was an odd assortment of monster races (including trolls) and constructs.  Deep within the structure were the apparent leaders of the group, who struck His Excellency rather than choosing to surrender. 

After being apprehended, they were brought forth, and Jagdah Stormfist was made aware that they could in fact be brought back to Nordenn for obliteration, rather than simply being killed once here.  She seemed rather pleased with this idea.  She then made the following decree to all present, in both Orcspeak and the common tongue. 

Harken! The court of Nordenn has triumphed over hatred, over greed, and over the Kuntal Trial. The alliance between the humans of Nordenn and the Orc people is preserved and our friendship rekindled.”

Following the speech, she produced a cup and dagger.  Cutting herself and all members of the Court of Nordenn present, she mixed their blood together into the cup, then each drank from it, reforging the bond between the Orc Council and the Court of Nordenn

 “I mark Lord Harrison,” she announced, “who is recognized as the ruler of the Towers of Nordenn, and an honorable man.”

Gigantic Black Stag Seen in the Ash Forest


A gigantic black stag was seen uprooting trees and smashing its way through the forest.  It fled to the east, to points unknown.  Our office has received little information about the creature or its destination, even following formal requests.  An official statement was received, sent by a Karriel Lightbow:  “The beast left the Forest. It has since been tracked and killed. There is no further information you need know about it at this time.”

Orc / Ogre Relations Worsen Near Fairdale


The relations between our two most dentally emphatic races seems to have taken a turn for the worse recently.  It is common for some tribes of Orcs and Orgres to constantly engage in one-up-manship with each other.  However, tensions seem to be rising between the Severed Head Orc clan and a local village of the Nokhoi Clan of Ogres.  The dispute seems to center around the Nokhoi using “tuskless assassins” in their traditional back and forth games. 


Tragic Day for Royal Mages’ Guild


On the 5th night of the Serpent, the mangled remains of Assistant Guildmaster Armand de Soto of the Royal Mages’ Guild were found at the foot of his guildhall tower. Wizard Armand had committed suicide, leaping from the tower and falling to his permanent death earlier that night. He had served the Royal Guild faithfully for many years, and his post as second-in-command to Royal Guildmistress Lizarra Trynn was well-earned.

De Soto leaves behind a wife and two children. His family was shocked by his suicide, claiming that he had seemed perfectly normal to them. But sometimes these things cannot be predicted.

Guild business must go on, despite the tragedy. Guildmistress Lizarra appointed her apprentice, Wizard Jade Hammond, as her new Assistant Guildmaster. Hammond has vowed to honor Wizard Armand’s memory by performing his duties to the best of his ability.

About Hoblings

by Kialda Loa


A note for the adventuring community:

The following article is a personal reflection taken from the pages of my journals.  I chose to publish my perspective because of my desire to make the world at large a more understanding place.  I by no means am attempting to offend any individual, race, or cultural identity.  I am reflecting upon my personal experiences and observations in an effort to make a comparison of lifestyle.  Thank you for understanding, and it is my hope that the insights of my experience can bring peace to all races.

Hoblings – A Comparison of Values  

During a gather a few months ago, I had the opportunity to meet and observe two Hoblings relaxing in the Black Stag Tavern in Fairdale.  They were participating in a card game known as “Blackjack.”  I was enthralled by what these people found entertaining:  To be pitted against one another in competition, to hold coin at such a high value that risks and gambles into the unknown were seen as exciting, to fabricate a complicated system of numbers and meaning to “win” this competition … all for amusement.  What I did not realize at that point was just how dire the consequences could be for me and my people from a race that has such a different set of values.

This past gather, I found myself involved in a misunderstanding of both culture and value.  A Hobling merchant approached my Kiergani friends and me to “hunt a beast that was attacking the workers” of a nearby mine.  The first cultural misconception is that the Hobling thought Kiergani were hunters for hunting’s sake, and had no moral or ethical opinion.  From my understanding, Kiergani hunt as a way of life in the Forest, but see the protection of the Forest as their first priority.

Upon entering the nearby woods to locate the mine, my Kiergani friends and I did indeed come across this “beast,” but we were also surprised to see the Forest uprooted and scorched as far as the eye can see.  We were even able to converse with the “beast,” who informed us that he was merely protecting the Forest from the harmful effect of the extent of the work of the miners.  The second misconception is that the Hobling thought the beast had an illogical bloodlust, and the workers were innocent victims.

In our earnest desire to save what remained of the forest, my friends and I destroyed the mines and planted new trees.  When we returned to the local tavern, there was much to be discussed with the Hobling miner.  The third and most important misconception, in my eyes, was how the Hobling was valuing silver more than the life of the Forest and Earth.

Speaking with this Hobling merchant granted me much insight into a different culture.  I must admit, I do not know if the zealousness of this particular Hobling is common among their people as a whole.  In fact, I am inclined to believe against it, for the amount this Hobling had destroyed in the pursuit of silver was against even the local laws, and the actions are now being scrutinized by the authorities of that area.  So I would say with some certainty that not all Hoblings searching for business and coin would go to this extent.  However, I will still chronicle the opinions expressed by that individual Hobling, for the purpose of inquiring into the values she expressed and explaining how they are seen as a misconception in the eyes of Children and Autumn and, from what I know, the Kiergani as well.

This Hobling woman informed us that obtaining silver is mandatory in life, from dining equipment to weapons for protection.  My Kiergani friends explained that they live in the woods for months, eating and drinking naturally, and protecting friends with hand-crafted weaponry that had no need for such mines.  I explained that manufactured silver is in fact unpleasant for my people, and being around too much of it can cause aching and burning.  In no way do our people need it for tools of any kind.

This Hobling woman informed us that mines of that magnitude are necessary or silver will not be found.  My Kiergani friends explained that much silver can be found in mountainous areas that are more suitable for mining, and I explained that natural metals can be found near rivers and among rocks in specific areas of the Forest that could be reached without the burning of the land. 

The Hobling woman explained that the loss of such a large and “successful” mine was detrimental to her people and her way of life.  My Kiergani friends and I all earnestly explained that the loss she felt paled in comparison to the loss we felt.  Where she was losing a business venture, we were losing our homes, and perhaps even our brethren.  I would find it hard to fathom that Hoblings find their business just as important as the lives of their family, though her speechlessness on this point neither confirmed nor denied that assumption.

Again, I wish to clearly state that the intent of this reflection is not to criminalize one race of people.  I have adventured with and befriended a number of Hobling, and I find their personalities amiable and interesting.  The intent of publishing this reflection is to clarify the differences in our values, in the hopes of avoiding such an unpleasant confrontation in the future.  I encourage any and all discourse in response to the opinions I have expressed.  It is my hope that more people will come to love and protect the Forest, or at least tolerate and compromise for its sake, for it is the most beautiful expression of life in the entirety of this world.  

Mages’ Guild Report


Evorran Reports:


I am disappointed that I have not received a single report from any Guildmembers prior to the writing of this publication.  Several Members assured me they would be joining the mission and some had promised to send back word of the goings-on during that gathering.  I am afraid I will be assigning no Guild points for the gathering in Evorra.


Member News:


Initiate Kogara, Raven has come forward to speak for you, thusly, you have officially achieved the status of Apprentice within our Guild.  If you are travelling near Fairdale in the coming months, please seek him or myself out to receive Guild assignments to further your standing.  Welcome.

For his consistent advocacy of and involvement in the Celestial Mages’ Guild of Fairdale and for meeting all pre-requisites for advancement including mentoring other Guild members, Running the Guild in my absence, successful investiture into our Circle of Power, and his many generous donations of time, resources and magic, Guildsman Raven is hereby granted the rank Senior Guildsman and shall inherit all of the responsibilities and benefits befitting his station.  Raven, I will contact you when I can to discuss these when time permits.  It is an honor to have you in the Guild, and to welcome you to this somewhat exclusive club, since in the short history of our Guild only yourself and Symerille have ever achieved this Ranks.  Congratulations.

Let it be known that in the event of my absence during any official gathering in Fairdale, it is the Senior Guildsmen who hold rank over all Guild duties, holdings, and goings-on, lest I name an acting Guildmaster that will be equal in standing to the Senior members but may speak with my voice if ever the need arrives.

Inquiries about Guild standings as well as progress reports on open Guild projects and assignments should be directed to Guildmaster directly.  Thank you.


Archwizard Nathan Westwind

Guildmaster, Fairdale Mage’s Guild

Elemental Warden of Icenia


Healer’s Guild Report


The guild meeting will be at 10 pm on Friday night of the upcoming gathering. Special food and other things will be available during the meeting time. Our agenda is light so hopefully it will go quickly, to be followed by party time. 

If you are lacking travel companionship or are fairly new in town as an adventurer and in need, I will gladly help with Cure Light elixirs from my personal labs.  Come see me.

Guildmistress Zatarina


A Little Birdie Told Me


By Sue D’Onym

Hello, dearies!  Time for another installment of the News They Don’t Want You To Know!

Just the other day, this columnist was approached by a man of diminutive stature who insisted upon a private meeting with the Ashbury Times. Apparently he had a message of utmost importance to deliver to the people of Icenia. This man, Conrad Starch, staunchly believes that Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale was not a human, as most people believe, but in fact a dragon of “goodness and order” disguised as one, because mankind is simply not yet ready for a being so pure and excellent to exist among them.

They may present a united front during his Grace’s tournaments, but the members of Blythedale seem to be a mess on the battlefield, recently blundering their way into Squire Ithica’s death in Evorra.  Though the Commander was able to resurrect and eventually make his way back to the gathering, a number of adventurers overheard the team bickering amongst themselves over who was at fault for the death; the undisciplined court members, or the glory-hound Squire himself.

Meanwhile, in Nordenn, in a semi-public and brief ceremony, His Excellency Baron Harrison Ryatt named the Kyralia Telokh as the new Baronial Seneshcal.  While kneeling to accept this position from His Excellency, Telokh also swore his allegiance to the Baron of Nordenn, using a Vansir oath ring!  And what was Baron Harrison’s first order of business for his new Seneschal?  “Get me two obliteration sets, for the traitors known as the ‘True Nordenn’.”

Apparently the stone elven mage known as “Sir” Symerille has been studying construct designs with an old woman in the Fairdale area. Is it possible that he finally created a permanent home for his mind?  He seems to be talking to himself and muttering.  Has he been spending too much time in a construct?

The Kergani Leona who is often seen palling around with Mages’ Guildmaster Nathan Westwind and who has even been rumored to be invested in the Guild circle has recently been spending a lot of time with her own kind including the Amani Ranger Drak and Saradys of the snake tribe.  One keen-eyed reader also noticed her sporting a serpent bracelet that looks suspiciously similar to the ones Saradys wears.  Is the wild elf considering joining the snake tribe, or is she simply excepting gifts from all of her suitors? (If so, more power to her!)

That’s all for this month!  Just remember:  If you can’t say something nice about someone, come sit by me.


Public Notices


WIZARD FILLIUS VON ZIMMER, former Guildmaster of the College Mages Guild, is retiring after over half a century of service to the Royal Mages Guild. He is choosing to spend his retirement in the lands across the sea to the far south. The position of College Mages Guildmaster is being filled by Wizard Eddard Yolan, who is a decorated member of the Royal Guild.


LOOKING FOR Heal Golem / Construct and Create Construct Scrolls and Lightning Struck Oak Branches. Please seek Symerille out at the Mages Guild or leave word. Top prices paid.


CELESTIAL GUILD is looking for Ritual Scrolls and components. Top prices paid. Please seek Symerille, Nathan, Ren, or Raven at the Fairdale Mages Guild. Identifications are made and privacy is assured to the extent of the law as required.