The Ashbury Times

June 613

“All The News That Fits, We Print”


Tenebrous Defeated;  Black Ichor Cured


            by Stoppard Wellesby

For several years now, several elves of the Ash Forest have been infected with what has been referred to as “the black ichor.” It was recently learned that this infection was more of a hitchhiker than an illness. A dark fey being known as Tenebrous had previously been defeated and imprisoned in the area of the Ash Forest (which bears the same name). It is unknown how, but pieces of Tenebrous escaped, and found their way into various beings, ranging from beasts to people.

Over the course of the years, numerous people had been infected, including the Amani Rangers Qualin Brightoak, Miertholas, Swiftalon, the Kiergani Derek Dreamweaver, Squire Sparticous, Dame Ezri Silverthorn, and Sir Roriiathanderhil Colaenlothrodarhil (formerly Baron Rorii – see article Ash Forest Remains Allied with Ashbury, Ezri Silverthorn named Baroness). The shard of Tenebrous residing within each of these individuals caused in them a great, irrational hatred of each other, which was the source of no small amount of grief for the baronial courts as they worked to keep their comrades from killing each other.

Several months ago, with the help of an enigmatic being referred to only as the Earth Mother, two young elves were able to take the burden of the shard from those afflicted. Sornelintion (also known as Swift Eagle) volunteered to have the shard pushed from Dame Ezri into himself, enabling her to re-enter the Ash Forest and work toward finding the solution. Seeing this, it did not take long for Ketemycos Sunwald to likewise volunteer to take Sir Rorii’s shard as well.

Apparently after years of releasing shards from his prison, Tenebrous had gathered enough power to bring his strength to bear.  This strength first appeared on the night of the 24th of Hawk in the form of strange boar creatures with snake-like tails.  Alternately referred to as either shade-boars or chimera, these unnatural creatures could cause uncontrollable frenzy with a touch or with their breath.  Even more frightening, when injured by a weapon, they immediately mimicked the skill of the weapon user for the remainder of the battle.

These creatures repeatedly rifted into the town of College, attacking with a fury.  It became clear that some force was directing them when, towards the early hours of the morning, the beasts started to rift directly into the tavern in wave after wave.  The assault continued the next day as well, though not always so directly.  At one point all of the afflicted in the town were uncontrollably drawn towards the forest.  While at first it was feared that they would kill each other, this event proved fortuitous when an oddly disguised figure appeared in the woods.

In a rare encounter with Ophion the Centaur Lord, Guardian of the Ash Forest for more than 500 years, the elves learned that allowing the shards to come together – the very thing that they had been trying to prevent – was the key to defeating Tenebrous. But the way to gather the shards was unclear. Not all of the known infected were present, and they had no way to know just how many shards there were in the first place.

Not long afterward all of the elves and dryads present among the adventurers, the entire court of the Ash Forest, and several other allies including Paolo Oscarot, Rowan La’tour and Khorwyn Brey fell into a deep sleep and could not be awoken. While the remaining adventurers carefully guarded their sleeping forms, those individuals claim to have traveled to some sort of a dream realm, wherein they spoke with the Lady of the Forest. In this dream the Lady spoke at some length, and informed the adventurers that she would be able to assist them in defeating Tenebrous. To do so, she would place a shard of her own spirit within the mortal – however that would mean that individual would need to give up a shard of their own. She would be able to grant three such gifts. In short order a good-natured argument broke out over who the champions would be. Everyone present had some great stake in defeating this great evil, and many were willing to sacrifice a shard of their own spirit to do so.

In the end it was decided that the three individuals present who were infected would each choose a champion. Qualin selected the Amani Alyssa Darksnow, while Ketemycos selected Khorwyn Brey; Miertholas selected Dame Ezri Silverthorn. With that settled, the three champions stood before the Lady of the Forest, who went to each of them in turn, laying a hand over their heart and a kiss on their cheek. With each kiss the champions fell. Not long after the dreamers began to awake with no small measure of awkwardness, as many had been piled into the few available Wards for safety. Alyssa, Khorwyn and Ezri however did not awaken. Shya Corak and Natalia Gallonavich attempted to cast life spells upon them, but they remained unaffected. The three resurrected successfully, but awoke with powerful claws, and fey markings on their faces.

In is not clear how, but apparently Tenebrous was somehow aware of this dream.  Only moments after the three champions were resurrected, a half dozen or so charnal assassins appeared in town.  These assassins were attuned to the most powerful warriors present and to the three champions.  The message was clear, anyone who dared to oppose Tenebrous would face summary execution.

After the charnal assassins failed to slay their targets, Tenebrous tried another approach.  Baron Rorii fell asleep by himself and apparently traveled to the same or similar dream realm where he had seen the Lady before, but this time the realm was full of rot.  He saw a giant, bipedal human-shaped ooze who claimed to be Tenebrous.  Tenebrous claimed the Lady was actually an enemy of the forest that damaged it with her powers and offered to make Rorii his champion against the Lady.  Rorii saw through his manipulations for the creature of chaos he was and refused his offer.

That evening with the help of the Dragon Mage Zalinarik, the shards of Tenebrous were summoned forth and coalesced into a dark, oozing humanoid form.  The dark fey creature appeared to be at almost his full strength.  Tendrils of energy whipped from him releasing chaos energy while swarms of shade-boars rifted in at his command.  Anyone who got too close risked being affected by the waves of mind-altering magics spewing forth. Tenebrous’s mind controlling abilities did not stop there. Every time the beast let out an ear-splitting roar he incited rage among all those present, causing them to lose the ability to tell friend from foe, fighting all those around them. Even many of the elves and biata who fought were eventually mentally exhausted.

The plan was simple – keep the champions safe so that they could deliver the finishing blow. Sir Garathon certainly took this seriously, as he was seen almost constantly engaged with Tenebrous, wounding him grievously. Each time Tenebrous was defeated, the champions took it in turn to deliver the final blow, obliterating him in the process. This triggered a Vengeance Obliterate, but the gifts granted the champions by the Lady of the Forest safeguarded their spirits.  His power was so great that he was able to reform three times after being obliterated and when he was defeated for the fourth and final time, Alyssa, Dame Ezri and Khorwyn simultaneously ran him through. A shockwave of chaos magic rippled over the field as Tenebrous shattered, throwing the champions and those around them back some ten paces.

Healers scrambled to those who had been knocked unconscious by the blast, while the fighters finished off the straggling shade boars left behind. There was much relief and elation on the field, as those who had fought their hatred of each other could once again embrace each other as friends.



Ash Forest Remains Allied with Ashbury;

Ezri Silverthorn Named Baroness


            by Stoppard Wellesby

As Icenia crumbles around it, Ashbury has been fighting to maintain relationships with its allies – not the least of which were the elves of the Ash Forest. The barony’s relationship with Ashbury – and by extension Icenia – has been strained at times, largely when the political structure of the mostly human kingdom ground against the traditions of the elves, lead by the Amani Council.

The latest war had the council very concerned, as they worried that Ashbury would not be able to withstand the onslaught. So the council sent envoys to meet with Duke Nevin Kendrik as well as the Ash Forest nobility to determine whether or not they would continue to support Ashbury, or close their borders and secede.

The negotiations were cordial, but terse. Duke Nevin freely admitted that without the forest and its inhabitants, his land bond would suffer. He failed to make a good case however, for what benefit the Forest would have in remaining part of Icenia. That particular task fell to Paolo Oscarot; a human from Caldaria and unlikely diplomat, he was able to present the situation in terms that few could argue with. The enemy Ashbury currently faces cannot be outwaited, as it is literally touched by death itself. Should the Forest not support Ashbury, it would only be a matter of time before it too fell.

There was still a matter of governance, however. Traditionally since becoming part of the kingdom, the baronial seat has been held by a native of the forest. This tradition was strained once in recent history, when Agnar Anti-Tiburon (a Kiergani) was made Baron. He later stepped down and was succeeded by Lady Glenduria Goodberry Manyave, who still sits on the Amani Council. She however named Sir Rorii her heir and withdrew into the Forest, leaving a fair bit of strife in her wake, for while he is indeed an elf, Rorii is a native of Imladar.

While the exact conversation between the council envoys, Duke Nevin and Baron Rorii is not publicly known, the end result was announced shortly thereafter. The council representatives announced that they would indeed remain allied with Ashbury and support the duchy in its fight.

After this announcement, Baron Rorii called up Dame Ezri, his First Knight, and ordered her to kneel. After proclaiming that she would no longer be his knight, he removed his coronet and placed it upon her head, naming her Baroness.

Council Representative Anolid then announced that the Forest would be returning to the tradition of the Baron having a seat on the Amani Council, as now-Baroness Ezri (an Amani and native to the forest) would replace the deceased Lady Elena Tir’Intorialian. Duke Nevin then named Rorii a ducal knight, to serve on his court.


Amaranthus Alive!


            by Stoppard Wellesby (with an acknowledgement to Quyri, for providing an in-depth interview)

            Just last month, the Ashbury Times reported the permanent death of the Brittington knight, Sir Amaranthus Landcharmer.  This newspaper is pleased to report that the previous story was in error.

            It was this mistaken belief of his permanent death that led to an unbelievable series of events on the eve of 25th day of the month of the Hawk.  Shortly after dinner that night, Twilight Elf Qiu Jun-Wu addressed the community of adventurers gathered in College.  He stated that he intended to retrieve the permanently dead body of Sir Amaranthus so that he might fulfill the knight’s final wishes and give him a proper burial. 

            His plan involved a Seek the Whole ritual, a Summon Elemental ritual, and a daring raid behind enemy lines of the war-torn lands of Falkirk.  He humbly begged assistance, both in terms of ritual resources and from stalwart adventurers that could help with the retrieval. 

            The response was impressive and Qiu Jun-Wu quickly received more offers of components and rituals than he could meaningfully use and found it necessary to politely turn down some of the offers he received.

            After much deliberation, Qiu Jun-Wu chose seven other adventurers to assist on this mission: Squire Marcusgrim Anvilstrike, Riddick Dale, Avian Toth, the eagle-kin Quyri, Gebous, Ona, and Rhys Ap Rhuald.  Jun-Wu summoned a life elemental and spellcrafted a Seek the Whole ritual on a hair of Amaranthus so the summoned life elemental could rift the retrieval party near his body.

            The assembled adventurers were rifted into a dark and overgrown area. They attempted to avoid being detected, but it soon became clear that shadowy creatures had become alert to their presence. They grouped together to fight back to back if need be and Avian carefully addressed the dark forms that surrounded them, asking that they might only take the body and leave.  The enemy, obviously warriors of the Order of Tranquility, had no intention to parley, forcing the adventurers to engage in combat.

Quyri struck first with a volley of arrows while the spellcasters in the group unleashed a torrent of binding magic.  The opening salvo was not enough to dissuade their foes and the darkness proved as much as a threat as the Order of Tranquility.  Unable to differentiate death elementals from Marwolaeth in dark, some spells were wasted and some blows proved useless.  The combat quickly intensified and the retrieval team found itself fighting almost entirely on the defensive while spellcasters could do nothing but cast spell protectives and return life to fallen comrades.

Suddenly a great commotion arose in the woods.  The adventurers could hear the sound of multiple sword clashes. Then, to the surprise of all, the armored form of Amaranthus sprung out the trees.  He fought with an unnatural frenzy, attacking all, apparently unable to differentiate friend from foe.  Rather than try to deal with this new problem, the adventurers chose expediency and struck down the knight they had been searching for. 

Once Amaranthus no longer threatened them, Qui Jun-Wu began calling for everyone to group up so that the life elemental could rift them back to College. Squire Grim bravely stepped forward to cover the retreat just as the life elemental started to open the rift.  With only mere seconds to gather and still under the cloak of darkness, none were able to pull Grim into quickly closing rift. Alone and with no escape deep behind enemy lines, we can only conclude he fell swiftly.

            As soon as the adventurers returned to the tavern, there was a flurry of activity as people realized they had returned with a living Amaranthus and without Squire Grim.  While various healers and biata attended to the unconscious knight, Qui Jun-Wu immediately took action to obtain a Sacrifice ritual.  Amazingly, the Romani Larien, and biata mother and child Shya Corak and Nicolai Terellian also sought to make the ultimate sacrifice for Grim.  A sharp and heated debate started between the four of them and bystanders reported overhearing the following.

            Nicolai: “Mother,can a Sacrifice ritual be cast targeting someone other than the caster of the ritual?”

            Shya: “I think so, but it’s been a while since I used one.”

            Nicolai: “Target me, Larien. Use the ritual on me.”

            Shya: “Nicolai! What do you think you’re doing?”

            Nicolai: “Mother, it’s just common sense. He’s a hero who has died to save our kingdom at least twice. I haven’t died.”

            Qui Jun-Wu: “I promised him he’d come back. I failed. I’m the one that has to do this.”

            Larien: “He’s my friend. I got this scroll for him. I got the last reagent minutes ago. It’s a sign!”

            Shya: “I’m doing it.  I have cast a Regenerate on myself. Do you have one?”

            Having gotten the last word, Shya waited patiently in the earth circle for the spirit of Squire Grim Anvilstrike.  The argument proved meaningless when it became apparent that his spirit had not returned to this particular circle. 

            Acknowledging that his resurrection was occurring in another circle, Shya and Jun-Wu set about the task of cleansing the mind of Sir Amaranthus while the Vanguard sang a Corrheim battle hymn and hoped for good news.

            Both efforts were rewarded.  While he was still missing memories of his past life, Amaranthus returned to his senses in less than an hour.  And, when the morning breakfast bell rang, the town was shocked to see Grim calmly eating breakfast as if nothing had happened.


Duke Obliterated!


            by Wyn Porom Lo Dacti

            Our beloved Duke was taken by a traitor to this great land.  His name is Ryniel and all must know that this foul elf, claiming to be a member of the Order of the Shield, dared lay hand upon the righteous body of our true lord.

After discovering the site of struggle, a loyal Amani Ranger found her way to Dame Ezri and reported of the Duke’s disappearance.  Showing all what it truly means to be chivalrous, Dame Ezri acted immediately and gathered a group containing Baron Rorii, Ashrik of the Ash Forest, Simon of the Ash Forest, Qualin, Anna Rainwillow, Gebous, and Aisling of the Hunt.  This brave party followed the trail of this miscreant to the edge of a cavern.

The cavern was filled with dark twisted tunnels, most too small for even a hobling to maneuver through.  It was an appropriate setting for the vile acts being performed there.  Venturing into the darkness, the group came upon no less than twenty elves who showed the lunacy that is so common in evil.  Valiantly fighting their way down into the deepness of the cavern, the group eventually discovered a chamber.  In this chamber the traitor Terrick stood in a Circle of Power.  He seemed to be speaking to someone not visible to the group, most likely a sign of his obvious madness.

Thinking quickly, Gebous trapped Terrick and his two minions inside the chamber with a ward spell.  Not yet realizing the true evil of Terrick’s deeds yet, noble Baron Rorii attempted diplomacy.  Terrick was quick to brag about his goals of “preparing the people of Ashbury for the evil to come,” which he considered justification for the fact that he had just obliterated the Duke minutes before. 

Hearing of this vile act, none wished to remain near the traitor, choosing instead to leave him to rot in the ward.  How he was able to escape and assault the Ash Forest the next day is anyone’s guess, but the fact that he allied with the dragon mage Morganna might offer an explanation.

Court Jester, Court Wizard Added to Ducal Court;

Not the Same Person This Time


            by Azili Mistwillow

For the first time since Duke Aramis Llyrr, the duchy of Ashbury has both a dragon mage and a court jester on the court.  And unlike last time, these two aren’t the same person.

The first of the new additions rifted into the tavern at College on the last Saturday morning in the month of the Hawk.  He was a tall bald elf and abruptly went about creating permanent circles, investing Alda, Kailani, Larien, and Natalia Gallanovich in one and Nathan Westwind, Grim, and Ketemycos in the other.

He said little while going about his business except for a single ominous statement.  “The Duke has just been obliterated and is about to resurrect.”

That started a flurry of activity, including an odd response from Amani Captain Ranger Dothaniel who ran off to report that he was out of his tower, whatever that was supposed to mean.  Meanwhile, various people who seemed to be “in the know” pointed at him and whispered about him in secret.

Eventually Duke Nevin resurrected, which wasn’t really funny at all, but that didn’t stop Qualin from making a joke about it.  In fact, he made many jokes about the Duke throughout the weekend after he was appointed as the Court Jester.  Were they funny?  Sue D’Onym will certainly have more say about that in her regular column.

As for dragon mage, apparently even dragon mages need to eat, for he stayed around for dinner.  After dinner, the duke announced that his name was Zalinarik.  There were lots of oohs and ahs.  Then the Duke announced that he had offered to be the Court Wizard.  Sounds like an offer you can’t refuse.

The advantages of having a dragon mage on the court quickly became apparent when Zalinarik helped to defeat the evil fey known as Tenebrous.  Of course, the disadvantages also became apparent when Morganna arrived the next day specifically to pick a fight with him. 

The advantages of having a Court Jester have yet to be seen.

Elven Terrorists Attack


            by Wyn Porom Lo Dacti

On a Friday evening, late in the month of the Hawk, terrorism reared it ugly head in the Duchy of Ashbury.  Defiling all that is a good and true, a mixed group of elves and undead attacked the tavern in the town of College.  These traitor elves were marked with butterfly tattoos and unleashed mind altering magic by some unknown method.

Conveniently, these traitors to nature and kingdom were quick to share the name of their organization, calling themselves the “Sons of Branwen,” allowing all true patriots to easily identify them.  Despite being repelled easily in their initial attack, these raving lunatics attacked repeatedly over the next few days.

Dealing with evil is rarely simple and this group has proved no exception.  While they claimed to be Sons of Branwen, Tyfin, a spokesperson for the group, claims they are impostors who are befouling the name of their organization. 

The Sons of Branwen are a separatist movement, and an embarrassment to all who live in Barony of the Ash Forest.  They are seeking to exile all non-elves from the Forest, and is little better than FOIL (Free Our contamInated Lands), a radical group that has not been active in a while but which generated much distrust. It is almost hard to imagine how any group could sully their name.  But these insane, necromantic impostors are actually worse.  Supposedly, their true name is Dyethmor’tirith, which translates to “crazy dark watchers” and they are led by a renegade Amani Ranger named Ryniel.

While little more is currently known about these terrorists, some of their foul methods have been uncovered due to the diligence of the magnificent Wizard Nathan Westwind.  This paragon of the community determined that these paranoid delusional elves could somehow absorb command magic and use that magic at a later time. 

At this time that is just about all that is known about them.  Since the tattoos they bear are identical to those worn by Sons of Branwen, the only way to identify the Crazy Dark Watchers is by observing whether they innately use command magic or travel with necromantic abominations.  But since there is currently no proof that this isn’t simply a splinter group supported by the original Son of Branwen, it is best to avoid all elves with butterfly tattoos.

Bardic College Actors Amuse


            by Azili Mistwillow

About an hour after the battle with the gross Tenebrous creature, the Bardic College Cosplay Club was generous enough to provide much needed entertainment. 

Despite the fact that many of them were already present, Simon, Mouse, Alda, Kailani, Squire Grim, Erdenerva, Kantil, Jovunn, Laguna, and Castlebur all entered the tavern late Saturday night.  These weren’t clones or people from another time or twins or any of a dozen other weird things that have happened in this duchy before.  These were actors!

Diverse actors from the Bardic College Cosplay Club had decided to impersonate many of the more famous adventurers.  The impersonation was purely for amusement and many of them were surprisingly spot on, if a tad mocking.  Notably, none of the actors impersonated a noble, for seemingly obvious reasons.

The timing was perfect and the adventurers were highly amused, though none of the actors ever did explain what the word “cosplay” means.  Oh well, maybe next time.


Fae Bitters for Centaur Lords


            by Stoppard Wellesby

On the evening of the 24th day of the month of the Hawk, an Amani Ranger named Ashara requested assistance from the adventurers that had traveled to the Ash Forest.  She explained that the centaur lords needed fae bitters, something that could only be obtained in the fae realm.

At first she received more volunteers than she needed, but that number dwindled when she explained the details of the request more fully.  Because only fae were permitted in the fae realm, the adventurers would have to dance and sing constantly to avoid being discovered.  Furthermore, the realm itself could beguile the mind easily.  Finally, the journey required trusting a fae to rift the adventurers to and from the realm.

Eventually, six were chosen: Dame Ezri, Simon, Kailani, Erdenerva, Lia, and Alor.  They rifted to the other realm and were immediately dazzled by the inhuman realm.  Five of the adventurers were able to perform well enough to trick the fae, but one wilted under the onslaught of the realm.  Lia collapsed, nearly unconscious, and needed to be supported or carried almost the entire time she was there.

Despite this, the adventurers proceeded.  The fae bitters they needed were each in the possession of a different fae and they found it necessary to negotiate with these fae to get the bitters.  Each wanted something rather esoteric from the adventurers.  There requests were for “something blue,” “something beautiful,” “knowledge of something important to each of the adventurers,” “a dance,” “pinky wrestling,” and “the worst fear of each adventurer.” 

Eventually the adventurers fulfilled these strange requests and returned to the mortal realm where Lia could heal from her ordeal.

Goblins Attack Farm


            by Wyn Porom Lo Dacti

Once again, evil attempted to pervert the good people of Ashbury.  This evil was nothing new, but a persistent one that has plagued the land time and again.  Goblins!

An honest, hardworking farmer whose only goal in life is to earn a fair living found her livelihood threatened by these foul creatures.  Like any brave citizen, she attempted to repel the green menaces with her sword and skill, but even her patriotic past serving as a brave soldier was not enough to dispatch the evil.  Humbly she sought assistance from the Amani Rangers, discovering by happy coincidence, that many heroic Ashban warriors were temporarily in the area.

Heeding her hue and call, six of the finest came to her aid.  Modest, as most true heroes are, few of there names were recorded, but let all good folk remember that Balls, Ocean, Aikitza, Shay dea’Saryn, an unknown white tiger-sarr, and another brave fellow came to her aid.

They were forthright all and marched boldly into the fray.  The goblins, entirely without honor, resorted to deceit.  Only one was visible in the farm, but this goblin was simply bait to lure them close.  Then at least a dozen more emerged from the tall grass, surrounding the brave warriors.

Foul trickery sadly bested upfront valor as the courageous heroes fell to sword and spell.  Tactically retreating, Akitza pushed herself to her very limits, never thinking of her own health, only concerned for her dying companions, to gather reinforcements.  Many members of the Hunt, and the eagle-kin Quyri, known for their bravery in many lands, lent their swords to the endeavor.

Rushing to aid the fallen, these new heroes were ambushed using the same cowardly tactics that had felled the previous group.  But, as all good men know, evil can never triumph when challenged by the good and true.  The heroes soundly defeated these purveyors of evil, graciously sharing the spoils of battle with all who fought that day.


News From Around the Duchy


Elindil:  The annual Elindil derby resulted in scandal earlier this month when the winner was accused of being a unicorn in disguise.  The accusation was deemed to be unfounded, but the owner of the horse could not explain how his steed was able to so overpower the others in the race.


Fenmarch:  It has been many years since the legendary Bog Monster has been sighted – a creature the locals call “Boggie” – but recent sightings have scared the local children.  Some claim this is just an attempt to get adventurers and tourists into this poor area to bring business, but locals swear it’s true.


Roderick’s Rest:  A recent mine collapsed led to thirteen resurrections and one permanent death, devastating this small community.


South Point:  The wylderkin of the island of Synvia have once more asked that their island be named a separate estate and that they be given freehold status.  This has been an ongoing quest for many wylderkin;  however, they tend to be very disorganized and not much gets done.  This current effort has the blessing of former Baroness and Amani Council member Glenduria Manyave, however.


Two Towers:  The estate continues to prepare for the upcoming festivities in August, but there has been a rash of disappearances that have led to paranoia among the citizenry.


Healer’s Guild Report


The Guild remains open in Fairdale. 

I need to meet with all biata to discuss a matter of importance.  Please meet with me at midnight at the next gathering (on the equinox), after which I must leave to go to Bloodstone.

As I stated in my last Report, some unusually creepy unusual items have been discovered;  you’ll know them if you see them. If anyone finds such items, please see the Healer’s Guild. As far as we know they are not necromantic, just disturbing. Do not show these around. We do not know enough about them yet.

If there is anyone wishing to join the Guild, please see Balls for a pre interview.

Once again, please watch out for new or weaker people than yourself. I always fear for the lives of everyone when I am not there.  For those who can, please take at least one or two spells to help others, such as Sanctuary, Purify, or Awaken.

Guildmistress Zatarina Norik

Simon’s Celestial Guide


            by Simon of the Ash Forest

Welcome to my Guide to Celestial Magic. In each installment, I will be examining one of the nine circles (or levels) of Celestial Magic.

First a word on what this is not. This is not an attempt to tell you the proper names of magical spells, nor the history of them. This is also not a guide to how to use spells per se. This is plain and simple a tactical assessment of magic to aid younger adventurers in deciding what to learn and to further discussions of tactical applications of magic among others farther down the road. Everything here is reflective of my own opinions alone.

This second level of Celestial Magic features an array of magics from the universally useful to the universally useless. In between are some spells that can be very useful in select situations. Two in particular, Magic Armor and Repel, get more useful to more you practice with them.


Lightning Bolt

Incant Syllables: 7

Advantages:  It does damage. Can disrupt Magic Storm, Chaos Storm, Fortress and Desecrate. It has one of the shortest incants for its level. It is not common to find creatures immune to this magic.

Disadvantages: It is a one dimensional spell that can only destroy.

Usefulness Assessment Scholars: Remember your role is generally to inflict burst damage. This spell is available even to beginning scholars at a point when your fighter friends will run into problems with tough hides on some monsters. At higher levels it makes for a good Spell Shield breaker.

Usefulness Assessment Templars: Same as scholars but it is reduced somewhat by the primacy of Magic Armor (see below).

Rating: Scholars: 8 out of 10; Templars: 5 out of 10


Magic Armor

Incant Syllables: 12

Advantages:  Its the warriors Parry for casters. Of course you have to put it one before you need it, but you can use it for yourself or your friends. Its the only thing that blocks a waylay attempt (ignoring magical items and helms for weak waylays).

Disadvantages: Only the ability to get the incant off quickly (it has the longest incant at its level) and the possibility of using the spell at a bad time.

Usefulness Assessment Scholars: It allows you to defend yourself or your allies from the next weapon hit that comes at you. This means that when you see a foe wind up for a exceptionally skillful strike you can cast it then and protect yourself or your allies.

Usefulness Assessment Templars:  The same as for scholars, but you are more likely to be the one who needs it. After all you are filling in the warrior’s role but more likely than not you have less of the defenses than your warrior allies. This will allow you to make up some of the difference.

Rating: Scholars: 8 out of 10; Templars: 10 out of 10



Incant Syllables: 7

Advantages:  It can stop a foe where he stands and keep lines from advancing unbroken. It is not a bad Spell Shield breaker either with its short incant. You can also pin an ally being dragged off to give you a chance to retrieve them. You can cast it on yourself and then imprison yourself later on to make it harder for your enemies to drag you off.

Disadvantages: Between the number of monsters that are immune to this spell and those that can rip free from it, there are a vast number of instances where this spell will lend from no use to a minimal respite. Banes are also more common an issue than with Lightning Bolt.

Usefulness Assessment Scholars: That pause I mentioned? It can be vitally important to you, and it is the means you have to fill the gap in a line ... by halting your enemies and preventing them from exploiting it.

Usefulness Assessment Templars:  The “pin an ally and pin/imprison” combinations are valid for a Templar, but other than that the percentages work against you. You have your weapons that can fill a hole. Train in your defense there and use your magic elsewhere.

Rating: Scholars: 6 out of 10; Templars: 3 out of 10



Incant Syllables: 8

Advantages:  It can stop a foe just like pin, but it cannot be ripped out of. Many powerful foes who can resist battle magics will allow themselves to be affected by this magic rather than resist it. Even if you do not maintain the magic, it still forces them back ten feet. Remember you can still cast or fight with the hand you do not raise.

Disadvantages: You have to keep an arm raised towards to your foe to maintain the spell ... but there is no other duration requirement.

Usefulness Assessment Scholars: This spell can be more useful than Pin, especially if there is one creature in particular you want to keep from the line. It is really useful if you have Magic Storms, Earth Storms, or archers handy.

Usefulness Assessment Templars:  It can reset your distance, but since you really want to kill them in melee it is of minimal use. Templars utilizing two handed weapons are even more crippled from functioning by using this spell.

Rating: Scholars: 6 out of 10; Templars: 3 out of 10



Incant Syllables: 9

Advantages:  It gives you some armor.

Disadvantages: You just lost the ability to use another of the spells above for each time you memorize this spell.

Usefulness Assessment Scholars: Not much. You are not supposed to be in combat. Get some real armor or some arcane armor later on, but the amount of protection afforded by this magic is minimal. 

Usefulness Assessment Templars:  You have more armor available to you than the scholar. This spell is a bad trade off compared to other spells.

Rating: Scholars: 1 out of 10; Templars: 0 out of 10


Letters and Missives


            My many thanks to those who arrived in College these few days past and assisted with the destruction of Tenebrous. We could not have done it without your help.  Alyssa and Khorwyn, it was an honor to fight alongside you both.

            There is still much to be done. I ask anyone with information regarding the afflicted members of the Sons of Branwen to please contact me at the baronial manor in Zinfelendin. If I happen to not be present, messengers will find me.

            In Service,

            Baroness Ezri Silverthorn

            Amani Council


            To the people who found me out in the wilderness,

            I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for finding me. I have no idea who you are, who anyone is for that matter, but to whoever you are, Thank you.

            There are many people telling me I am a knight, and that I have all these responsibilities and duties to fulfill and right now its all just a bit too much. I get a lot of headaches and the constant finding of new emotional reactions to situations with no knowledge as to why, is quite taxing. I am going to take some time, alone, to see what I can do to regain my memory. I don’t know how much, if any, will come back. I’ll come visit people during gathers and such, but for now, I think I just need time.

            Thank you again.

            The man they say is Amaranthus


A Little Birdie Told Me


            by Sue D’Onym

Before I start today, a little gossip about changes here at the newspaper.  Eric Wolcott is insisting on more transparency, so all the writers have to be credited on each article.  Stoppard Wellesby is the stuffy one who only cares about the facts.  I don’t think he likes me very much or Azili Mistwillow.  Apparently, we are “shallow.”  Finally, there is Wyn Porom Lo Dacti, which I suspect might be a pen name.

Now to talk about people you actually care about.  Did anyone else hear the sounds of wood breaking and feel the walls shaking after Tetsu and his wife Alyssa Darksnow “celebrated” her victory over a charnal assassin?  The “celebration” only lasted for about ten minutes or so, but as one adventurer pointed out, that’s like eight hours for a high orc.

Speaking of celebrating, the Vanguard was definitely not in a partying mood when a Bardic College actor appeared impersonating Squire Marcusgrim Anvilstrike.  The team started yelling at him.  How was the poor guy supposed to know that the squire was still missing and presumed dead? 

Ketemycos clearly seemed more upset than the rest of the team.  Was he genuinely that upset or just trying to impress Kialda Loa, who insisted on bearing the bones of the Jade Skeleton, despite multiple offers from Ket and Kailani to relieve her of the burden? Though, maybe she shouldn’t trust her “sister.” The young dryad was seen discretely taking notes throughout the weekend.  She might very well be the new Ash Forest Court Spy. 

And speaking of new court positions, Qualin has quickly taken to his position as Ducal Court Jester, though the humor might be wearing on Duke Nevin Kendrick.  He made it a point to note that, by law, Qualin couldn’t be found guilty of mockery of a noble title.  I wonder what Anna Rainwillow thinks of all this after she married him again this weekend?  Also, how many times have those two gotten married now?

On a more serious note, Qiu Jun-Wu and Esten exchanged some sharp words at one point after Esten told the elf that he was Galanthian.  Later that evening, when Esten wanted to go on the mission to recover Amaranthus, Qiu Jun-Wu made it clear that the Galanthian was not invited “because of his views on necromancy.”  Opinions don’t matter that much, do they?  I wonder what Qiu would think of Ophion the Centaur Lord who claimed that “chaos magic is not evil.  Mortals harnessing power beyond their ability is evil.”

Speaking of Amaranthus, it seems his “friends” spent much of the evening repeatedly waylaying him for his own “safety.”  With friends like that...

Finally, did anyone notice that when Zalinarik pulled the ichor shard out of Qualin, he instantly died?  Thankfully, a healer was there to restore his life.  But what about Miertholas, Swiftalon, Derek Dreamweaver, Squire Sparticous, and Sornelintion, all of whom were not present?  Didn’t they die too, and was there anyone around to bring them back?

Well, that’s all for this month.  Be sure to keep those cards and letters coming, and remember – If you can’t say something nice about someone, come sit by me.


Public Notices


LOOKING FOR an Earth formalist who would be willing to help me with a ritual I would like to cast.  Please contact me privately. I have the scroll but need help obtaining the components and casting the ritual itself. - Eitiri Anvilstrike


THE PHALANX is seeking the following ritual scrolls: Cloak, Bane, Expanded Enchantment, Spell Store, Arcane Armor, and either Boost Duration or Preserve Duration. We have the standard compliment of coin, components, and ritual scrolls available as compensation. Please contact me at your convenience.  One Shield; Meaningless Without All Others - Riddick Dale