The Ashbury Times

June 609

“All The News That Fits, We Print”



Starkenstein Falls, Dominion Defeated!


May 17, 609 is a day that will go down in the annals of history. For on this day, the tyrannical Rotes Getragen, also known as The Dominion, was destroyed in a single, devastating blow dealt by the adventurers of Ashbury. Icenia’s war with the Dominion had raged on for more than three years. In that time, they proved themselves a more than formidable enemy, and many thought the war could mean an end for the free people of Tar’Navarria. Things were getting so desperate, Thessi suggested a military alliance with Icenia, a move uncharacteristic of the elitist biata nation. The Thessi Ambassador’s help was denied.

A few days prior, a blind woman in brown robes entered the Black Stag tavern with a large book. She chose a story, to which some could only assume was the History of the Rotes Getragen. Before long, the book seemed to glow, and the woman winced, gripping the book and pulling open to a specific set of pages. When she spoke, the words seemed to boom loudly:

“This gather will be a night where one of the Prophecies shall be tested. It shall either be proven true, and great Order shall come to the land, or it will be proven false, so that the other Prophecies may flourish.”

With that, the blind woman rifted away.

Her words seemed to hold a vision of their own, as suddenly Fairdale was sacked with a plethora of Dominion and Undead troops. The battle was fought long and hard, with the adventurers gaining victory by the skin of their teeth. It would seem this would set the stage for the battles to come.

A group of nobles and representatives arrived soon afterward that included His Grace Duke Frost Vardik, Dame Keegan McCafferty of Falkirk, Duke Broomis Bouchard of Brittington, Dame Regent Sonia Forthiatis, and representatives from Imladar, the Reclaim, and other places as well. This council seemed to sit in secret for quite some time, before Amaranthus Landcharmer was told to join them. Soon afterward, the squires were ordered to setup a perimeter about the table. One can only guess what information was discussed before Amaranthus was dismissed - seemingly by an annoyed Duke Frost. 

Soon afterward, Dame Regent Sonia addressed the town. There were missions that the adventurers were need to be sent upon, and would be under the jurisdiction of the crown. The Baronies, groups, and even individuals were gathered for such tasks.

First to be called was the Court of Blythedale, led by Baron Ivan and Squire Garathon. They were sent to a hidden cave where the Dominion had been stock-piling undead for later use. They successfully neutralized this threat and returned safely. 

The adventurers of Black Forest as well as former baroness Azura and her fellow mystic wood elves were then called to aid in another mission. A group of trap specialists from the Ducal Army had located a ravine where a legion of Dominion troops had set up camp. The team was tasked with holding the line long enough to give the trappers time to get into position and set off several large explosive traps. They succeeded, and the troops were buried in an avalanche of boulders.

Dame Regent Sonia then called upon the Healers’ Guild, led by Guildmistress Zatarina. A team of ducal army scouts had become disabled and surrounded, and needed to be extracted. The Regent herself led this mission, and assisted the fighters in holding off the Dominion troops while the healers assessed and healed the wounded soldiers as best they could with what limited resources they had left. In all only one soldier was lost, though he later resurrected successfully. 

After that soldier resurrected, Rowan of the Healers’ Guild accompanied him back to the barracks only to find that the Ducal Barracks were under attack! The adventurers of course came to their aid and with the assistance of Duke Frost and Dame Keegan defeated them. However this proved to be a diversion. When the adventurers returned, they found that Fairdale had been overtaken. At rough count, over 500 dominion troops had the tavern surrounded.

At that moment, Duke Frost, Baron Rorii, Baron Ivan and Dame Keegan felt called together. Simultaneously, the four nobles called upon the power of the land bond, and the land itself rose up and smote the Dominion where they stood. This however severely weakened the Duke, who was tended to by a very concerned and somewhat confused Dame Keegan. Apparently the land had never called upon her before. 

After sundown, Dame Sonia returned, this time seeking Baron Rorii and the joint team of Ash Forest and the two members of the Ducal Army who were not away on other maneuvers: Sophie and Flint. They were tasked with the careful defeat and extraction of one of the slave pens in the area. The problem here was that each of the slaves had been, well, enslaved to kill any non-dominion who entered. The team subdued their attackers with non-fatal force, stabilized their wounds and transported them to a waiting detachment of royal soldiers who would remove their enslavement and heal them fully. 

As the night wore on, more teams were called upon to complete the missions set for them. Dame Keegan assembled a special strike force to infiltrate a dominion camp. Sources will not reveal which adventurers were summoned for this task, or exactly where they went, but they were successful in their mission: to retrieve the coordinates that would allow the Icenians to strike into the heart of Starkenstein using the stone table discovered in the caverns below the Black Stag. 

As these missions were going on, talks were raging about the plan for the following day. The plan was to enter Starkenstein and cast a Destroy Formal Magic ritual in an attempt to destroy Starkenstein’s already sundered homestone. Opinions on this varied widely. Some thought it was a good, quick way to destroy the Dominion. Others were outraged at the fact that there could be innocents within the city. Still others were deeply insulted that the nobles would even think of destroying something as important as a homestone. In the end, however, the nobles decided to abide by the Code tenant that commands them to “fight evil without cessation,” and they began planning the assault on the Homestone.

The following morning the final two missions began. The Stormblades were called upon to stop a Dominion ambush. While they were successful in defeating the scouts they encountered, they were unable to prevent a trap from being set off. The trap destroyed and blew up a large chunk of the side of a mountain that crushed many Icenian camps below.  Many troops were forced to resurrect because of this failure, and some died their permanent deaths. 

The Mages’ Guild, led by Guildmaster Nathan Westwind, had better luck against a detachment of trolls carrying a Dominion banner. They successfully defeated this group, robbing Reidic Legion of yet more of their support.

Just before the strike was to begin into Starkenstein, the final decision on who would be given the grave task of destroying the homestone had to be made. Shya Corak, with obvious discomfort, offered her services to Dame Sonia. The Regent was hesitant to accept not knowing how something like this would affect a biata not attuned to that stone. More concerns were brought to her however when she was told that Shya was among the adventurers the previous night sowing dissent amongst the people about the decision. Sonia was forced to discuss with Shya the painful truth of what would happen if she did not complete the ritual to the best of her ability. Shya was insulted by this, but thankfully, Rowan of the Healers’ Guild was also an earth ritualist of notable skill, and offered to do the ritual in Shya’s place. 

Dame Sonia and Duke Broomis then called together the assembled adventurers and nobles for a final and certain strike into Starkenstein. She warned them of the dangers they would face, and told them that they might not return from this mission. If they were to turn back now, no one would think the less of them. Not one person turned away.

Just as the final arrangements were made, the Regent was heard to be arguing loudly with Duke Broomis as he pointedly remarked that she would not be accompanying the adventurers into Starkenstein. Her anger was obvious, but as the Duke reminded her that Icenia - their people - needed her alive, she conceded to staying behind. 

With that, she thanked those before her for their service, and asked them to serve once more, literally going into the heart of the fire, into Starkenstein itself. Wishing them luck in their grave task, she bid them goodbye.

Flint Boulderback sent up a rallying cry, and all the adventurers echoed their support. They marched down to the caves beneath the tavern, where they found the table. Shya Corak had discovered how to activate it, and as she touched the sigils of the table, it began to glow. There was a great lurch, and the adventurers suddenly materialized in the heart of Starkenstein, with the homestone only meters away. As soon as they arrived, the biata and stone elves in their midst clapped hands over their ears. They reported hearing the screams of thousands of tormented biata echoing in their minds. The Homestone was damaged from the first Getragen war thousands of years ago, and had been effecting the minds of those bound to it ever since.

Quickly a Circle of Power was cast around the stone, and the ritual begun. As the battle raged around him Rowan would not allow his concentration to waver and the ritual succeeded. A shockwave emanated from the now-destroyed stone, and struck the Dominion down to their permanent deaths.  

As the healers checked over the bodies to find that there was nothing they could do, the enormity of what had just happened struck hard. Some began to cry. Baron Ivan, having found the body of a dead Rotes Getragen child, was overcome, and began manically insisting that they stay and bury all the bodies. Within moments, the Evorran and Allied armies that had been fighting outside the city began pouring through, securing the area. Duke Broomis ordered the retreat back to Fairdale, while Duchess Jacelyn’s troops took over. 

The biata adventurers, though they were not tied to the stone, had in the meantime fallen to the ground in agony. In haste, the others dragged them back to the table and transported back to the Black Stag Tavern. After a round of Purify potions and rest, the biata adventurers made a full recovery.

Not long after returning from Starkenstein, the Reidic Legion arrived in Fairdale. No doubt aware of what had just happened back at their capitol, the last of the sons, Jager Reidic and the remaining troops assailed Fairdale. As the Icenians too the field, Jager approached, backed by a liche and another apparently high-ranking rotes and demanded honor combat with Duke Frost.

But His Grace was deceived, and found himself trapped inside a Circle of Power.  Gassed into feeblemindedness, he stood helplessly giggling while an Obliteration ritual was begun.

Several gryphons then descended from the skies and began to rip into the adventurers. Many of the adventurers’ weapon strikes hardly scratched the adult gryphons, but Sparticous was able to vanquish them with assistance from the scholars attempting to bind the gryphons with spells.  Still more arrived.

Guildmistress Zatarina sent a Guild member back for rope in which to build a larger circle and Baron Rorii and others ran to get the needed Destroy Formal Magic ritual scroll and components. All the pieces were in place save for one: a piece of truesilver. Several adventurers raced at top speed to search for one, as the rest of the town held off the remaining Reidic Legion. After what seemed like an eternity (but was in reality only a few minutes), the mystic wood elf Aishling dashed down the hill, truesilver in hand.

Despite the Dominion army attempting to stop it, a bigger Circle of Power was raised around the original, and a ritual was begun.  Willingly trapped inside the Ashbury Circle but before the Dominion Circle were Baron Ivan, Guildmaster Nathan, Zat, Shya, Balls, Ronan, and Qualinthalus Brightoak, all waiting for the ritual to be completed.

Realizing that if the destroy ritual was successful it would backlash the obliteration, the Reidics backlashed it on purpose, and instead cut off the Duke’s head, holding it up for all to see. They forced him to regenerate on the spot. His Grace attempt to make a stand, but after being weakened by the land bond and one resurrection, the three took him down again.

Suddenly, the ritual was completed and the inner Circle went down.  While Baron Ivan and others attacked and distracted the Dominion within, Zatarina and Balls threw Life and healing spells through the spread legs of the Dominion caster, hitting the Duke. 

The battle was raged, and especially with help from Squire Raven, Dame Darlassia, Joaquin and Wizard Alushtas taking down the gryphons, the Ashbans were ultimately successful. Jager Reidic was captured, incapacitated, and imprisoned in a ward. Those returning to that ward later found that the last Reidic had killed himself, but before doing so he had scrawled on the wall, in his own blood “You will not take me.” Jager Reidic’s permanently dead body lay upon the floor. 

Although some are still questioning the morality and wisdom of destroying the homestone, across Icenia, commoners and merchants are thankful of the actions taken by the brave nobles and adventurers who have released them from the ongoing war.

Adventurers Debate Dominion Destruction


Was the decision to destroy the Dominion Homestone and thus end the war justified or genocide?

Many adventurers, primarily biata, have argued that the decision was wrong and that another way should have been found to fight this enemy.


In response, Regent Dame Sonia Forthiatis added this comment, giving the views of the nobility:


To all Icenians and noble Allies,

I recall clearly the day when I was summoned to Ashbury City a few years ago. I was charged with the task of determining whether His Grace Duke Frost and his nobles had violated the Code of Chivalry with the decision they had made that day. The decision to unbind The One and release the five civilizations of Getragen.

I wrote to you then as the seneschal to Their Majesties, may their spirits rest. I wrote to you then and swore support to Ashbury for the decision they had made to release and destroy an abomination upon the land. I wrote to you then and told you that the right choice is rarely the easy choice.

Recently we as nobles were tasked with another decision. We were informed that if we destroyed the Rotes Getragen homestone in their capital of Starkenstein, we stood a chance of defeating them completely. This was not a decision made lightly. Duke Frost, Duke Broomis, Baron Ivan, Baron Rorii, Dame Keegan, Dame Daralassia and myself spoke at great length, and sought council. I wish to make public some of the elements that were considered in making this decision.

While most of the peerage are not biata, we do understand the importance of a homestone, and obviously His Grace certainly does. There were questions as to whether or not we could have fixed the homestone instead of destroying it, thereby relieving the pain it was causing. I know not whether such a thing is possible, but I know this - the Rotes Getragen were bent on fulfulling their prophesy of world domination thousands of years before their homestone was sundered. Repairing the stone may have restored their sanity, though that likely would only have made them a more formidable enemy.

The part of this decision which weighed heaviest on my heart, and I'm sure on the hearts of the other nobles as well, was whether or not we were also condemning innocents to their deaths. My dreams have been fitful since that day, but in my dreams I heard the words of you - the adventurers of Ashbury and I will refer to some of you now. Joaquinn Illiam of the Ash Forest mentioned that not once since the beginning of this war had he seen a single Rotes Getragen defect from the Dominion and seek asylum - seek a different way of life. A gentleman named Tieran whom I have not met reminded us of another point - that by living within a society one condones its practices. Was each and every Rotes Getragen a soldier and necromancer? I'm sure not. But did they do anything in their power to remove themselves from the situation? The farmer who feeds the soldiers, the smith who creates the weapons - they do so because they are as sure in their belief of their prophesy as we are in the Code. I had not one single report of any rotes getragen who were captured asking for mercy. Not one mention of defectors seeking a better way of life.

And remember this: while you would ask us to consider their children - those who perhaps could be spared this life, you ask us to do so at the cost of the lives of our own children. You would ask us to put the lives of individuals who could perhaps be saved, ahead of the lives of those we have sworn to protect. Would you ask this of the parents whose children were mercilessly dropped from the sky by griffons? Would you go to the ophanages throughout Icenia filled with children who have lost their parents to the hands of the Rotes Getragen and still say that we must protect the Rotes children instead of our own? I grieve for the Rotes children who were lost that day - that they never had the chance to know a better life. But better that their spirits rest, than to know a lifetime of cruelty and pain.

I am aware that while Starkenstein was laid to waste, there may be some who survived by virtue of their distance from the city. It is by my decree that any Rotes Getragen who are found within the borders of Icenia are to be given quarter and shown mercy. Any who now wish to learn a better way of life shall have it. And those who wish to die for their prophesy will be obliged.

Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the right and good against injustice and evil.

Regent Dame Sonia Forthiatis


Better Know a Noble


By Ixis Donai, Staff Writer

The Ashbury Times has always been interested in bringing understanding to the people of our fair duchy. In support of this very understanding we bring to you a new article appearing in the Times. We grill nobility of the important topics and see into the minds that guide and protect us. Our first interview goes to none other than the Duke of Brittington himself, Duke Broomis Brouchard.


Ashbury Times: Thanks for taking time out of your busy schedule today, your Grace. How have you been?


Duke Broomis Brouchard: As well as one could hope in these times. I find myself relieved that our long war with the Dominion is finally over yet grieve for the lives lost, the potential wasted, and the decision that was forced upon us. 


Brittington was instrumental in the defeat of the dominion, how do the Brittington people feel about this victory?


Brittington played no larger a role in the defeat of the Dominion than Ashbury, Evorra or Falkirk. While it is true that Sir Nevin Kendrick formulated our final military strategy and the Duchess of Evorra rallied our allies to our aid, without the time that the valiant defenders of Falkirk and Ashbury bought us the Kingdom would have fallen before we were ready for our final strike. The people of Brittington are tired of war, tired of squabbles over who shall wear the royal crown and wish for a speedy return to peace and monarchy.


Where do you think Icenia is headed from here?


While it is not my place to speak for the Regent, I feel that it is time for a peaceful expansion of our borders. Duke Rogan Exeter of Glenmoore has confided in Duchess Jacelyn that he would be interested in joining his lands to ours, creating a fifth Icenian duchy. I also feel that it is a time for Icenians to look inward, and address problems within our own borders. Trellheim remains a wasteland ruled by monsters filtering in from the Plains of Rage; Widowcroft still faces stubborn resistance from the hobgoblin tribes there. In our war with the Dominion we had to focus on the outside enemies, and have allowed our internal foes time to rest and regroup.


In your opinion, how are relations between Brittington and Ashbury?


Stronger than ever. I knew Duke Frost, though not well, during his time as a Royal knight and have since watched him mature into an able leader, just lawgiver and brilliant general. His knights and barons are men and women of sound judgment and noble bearing, and I must admit to a certain fondness for Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale whose knowledge of the Code of Chivalry is matched only by his compassion and humble demeanor.


How are Brittington’s relations with nearby nations?


We are fast friends with Glenmoore, having spent the last four summers helping Duke Rogan reclaim the last of his lands from the disgusting Brotherhood and rebuild his cities and roads. Amisara is another story, the Palintate of Talhatheron Athanasios has long been rumored to be a necromancer and the difficulty of traversing Widowcraft makes it hard to gain any real sense of the state of affairs in that Kingdom. The Cuulanni are amongst the list of friends of Icenia but they have been known to turn our merchants away from their borders if the stars are not aligned properly. It can be vexing, but the Cuulanni rallied to our banners in our encirclement of the Reidic Legion.


You’ve visited Ashbury on several occasions recently because of the war. Is there any chance of a visit for pleasure in the near future?


Sadly my duties do not allow me much time for touring. That being said, I have grown fond of the Duchy of Ashbury. Coming from the most traditional and stable Duchy to the least took some adjustment, the Ashbans are a droll and lively lot and draw much strength from their apparent disunity. I am aware of what is said of my Duchy, which was hammered home to me on my last visit to Ashbury City. As I was leaving for Fairdale I approached a pair of guards who were chatting while looking outward for enemies. One turned to the other and did he put it? Ah, “It’s about time the Brittings pulled the sticks from their arses and started hitting the Rotes with them.” Poor man, I think I scared him out of a year’s growth when he realized who was chuckling behind him. Ashbury is an interesting place, and it is always refreshing to be able to have an actual conversation with someone who does not owe you fealty.


Is there any advice you’d like to give to the new adventurers who have recently taken up arms in Ashbury?


Thou shalt love the country to which Thou hast sworn fealty. This does not mean just putting Icenia first in your heart, it means respecting all those who choose to dwell within our borders. Never let avarice or hardness of heart turn you from your duty to protect the people and ideals of Icenia, for the extraordinary freedoms that adventurers enjoy have a price.


What is your preferred monster to face in battle?


The undead. In the undead we have an enemy with no moral ambiguity, a rarity in these complex times.


As our bonus question, the people want a Duke’s true thoughts. Whose hairstyle was more intimidating, Duke Aramis’ flowing locks or Duke Frost’s obsidian smooth pate?


Rumor has it that Dukes cultivate baldness for tactical advantage. When positioned correctly it is possible to blind an opponent without the use of magic or dishonorable trick. The truth or falsehood of these rumors is impossible to ascertain. Aramis Llyrr was once described by King Gareth as the greatest Icenian Duke in living memory; I feel he spoke the truth, though I must admit to being jealous of his scalp.


A Few Words About Wands


By Wizard Nathan Westwind

Guildmaster, Fairdale Mages’ Guild

Recently you may have noticed the Celestial mages in Fairdale running around with all manner of strange pointy things in their hands and seemingly channeling some kind of Elemental Magics though said pointy things.  As many of you are aware, Magic, as it often has in the past and will again in the future, has changed the way it manifests itself in Fortannis.  What was once a powerful and rare ritual creation – the magic of Wands – has now become common place among Celestial Mages.  Many people have been asking me about wands, how they work, who can use them, and though I was reluctant to say much before because of the war with the dominion (we needed every advantage we could get), I would be happy to do so now.   

Each Celestial caster has within him/herself an amount of Celestial energy which is directly related to how much you have study the Celestial arts and how powerful you have become.  These casters use this energy to draw upon the forces and power of Celestial magic to channel or manipulate it in the form of spells.  However, because of the recent dramatic changes in the Celestial landscape this energy can also be tapped into in a new and exciting way which does not affect your ability to cast spells.  This new way is the channeling of Elemental energy through a Wand.

A Wand itself can be crafted out of any common or rare material, Woods, metals, Bone, etc.  It is up to the Celestial caster how they wish to construct it, though we have found that the wands usually must be around 12 to 14 inches in length and a half inch to an inch thick for them to correctly channel the Elemental energy.  When crafting a wand, keep in mind which Element you wish it to channel, for a normal Wand can only ever channel 1 of the 4 elements (Ice, Stone, Lightning, Flame).  I find on average most mages spend about 2 silver in materials to craft their wands, but remember that wands can also be strengthened and rendered as well if you’re looking for something more sturdy

Wands can be used by any mage, even if they did not create the wand themselves. Remember that the power is inside the caster, and the Wand is just the channel for that power. 

The amount of damage a mage can inflict with his wand seems to be proportionate to how powerful within the 9th circle of Celestial Magic that mage has become. 

If anyone has any further questions about Wands, or wand usage, please don’t hesitate to speak to me or my Guild members.     


Mages’ Guild Report


Guild Symbol / Colors Chosen:  After many months of deliberating and designing, I have chosen a new symbol and colors for the Fairdale  Mages’ Guild.  As we are our own autonomous organization from the other Guilds In Ashbury and Icenia (save the Royal Guild, to whom I report directly to), I felt it was time I put away the old symbols I have worn for so long to commemorate my past affiliations with former Guildmasters and GuildMistresses.  Our colors (represented in our symbol and in the dress of my station) are Gules (deep red), Sable (black) and Gold.   

Our new symbol is depicted below; an Eight pointed Black Star on a field of Gold eclipsed by a Red Crescent Moon.

I hope it to represent a new commitment to the Celestial arts these lands have not seen in many years.  I am commissioning Smiths to create new Guild amulets and other heraldry depicting this symbol so that our members might display their rank in our Guild with pride.  I will have more information on the amulets in the near future.   


Formal and High Magics The Celestial Mages’ Guild of Fairdale has been given the tools to teach those who are still having problems tapping into Formal Magics how to correct this problem as well as those who haven’t yet learned the Elder Magics of the Children of Autumn how to begin to channel this ancient power.  Please see any Guild member for more information.


Guild Meetings:  As always we will be holding our Guild meetings after the Squire Meetings on Saturday mornings unless otherwise announced.  Also, for those who attend and are wishing to join the guild, you need only pick up an application at the new Guild Hall in the Black Stag Tavern, and turn it back in to me or one of the other Guild members for my consideration at your earliest convenience.   


Member News:  The Guild would like to welcome Initiates I’zer, Lanna Rose, and Greyesmere and wishes them luck on attaining Apprenticeship. The Guild would also like to acknowledge and thank Apprentice Squire Raven Nevermore who was inadvertently left off of our previous charter due to a record keeping mistake, but has been working with me to further himself in the Guild.  

I would also like to take a moment to thank my Guild members for their unyielding bravery and sound battle tactics in the past few months as we have fought off wave after wave of Dominion.  I personally fought along side my guild in a number of battles recently and was both proud and delighted to see how well you all work together to make rational and strategic combat decisions.  It is this kind of effectiveness in both defense of Fairdale and our scholarly endeavors that will make our Guild the force for good we intend it to be. 


Guild Commerce:  The Mages’ Guild of Fairdale buys Celestial and General Aspect Ritual Scrolls; offers Spellcrafting services and rents ritual scrolls for Spellcrafting to other Wizards.  We also buy and sell battle magic scrolls, Identify items, and offer a host of other scholarly services such as research, scribing, and more.  We also now offer Celestial and Alchemical lights for sale.  Various brightness and colors available, see the Guild for current pricing.


Wizard Nathan Westwind

Guildmaster, Fairdale Mage’s Guild

Elemental Warden of Icenia


Healers’ Guild Report


On behalf of the Guild, I would thank all for their sacrifice and assistance over the last few months. I have had to be cryptic and say little since we knew our writings were being read by the Dominion forces. I am grateful to all of those who have done their best to do so in the dream realm as well. I truly feel this has saved lives. To the Stormblades, there are not words sufficient enough to thank you for all you do for/with the Guild.

 On Friday night of the upcoming gathering, I will be holding a wake in honor of those fallen as well as those who have suffered from this war. When you come to the Guild, upon stepping inside state what you are thankful for now that this is mostly over. Then write on our book you heartfelt feelings or memories. If you can not write you can dictate this. We will have people on hand to do so. This is for posterity as well as a chance to relieve the accumulated pain of this long, long war.

During this time I will have refreshments and wine for the occasion. We will also have a donation cup for those whose towns, farms, and families have been harmed. However, admittedly half of all of the money raised will go to feeding, clothing, and the education of those orphaned during this war. Upon the next newspaper we will list a thank you to all of those helping them out.

 Upon the last gathering several people wanted to interview as well as speak to me privately. I am sorry I could not meet with you all. Telokh, please come to the Guild as well, there is much we need to talk about. Also, I would especially like to speak to those whom I only started on the pre interview last gathering.

I will be purchasing potions from the royal guild before arriving to the next gathering. If there is something in particular someone needs, please send your request four days before people are expected to arrive in Fairdale.

This next gathering our Guild meeting will be at breakfast. At 10 am we will meet in the guild. I will have coffee and juice to drink. For food I will have hard boiled eggs, bagels with cream cheese, and doughnuts, and fresh strawberries. Please be sure to let me know in advance that you will attend so that I can have enough prepared, and please keep in mind if you have not attended a meeting in six months, you likely are no longer a member. We are a family of sorts.

I expect reports about how your books are coming along, and have many things to put before the table for a vote. So please try not to be late.

I am looking for a scribe to take notes on meetings and other things. I expect silent discretion and respect to others even if they are jerks.

The Guild is in need of jetsam, nightshade, wand, and feyander components in order to spellcraft healers into the Circle so that we have enough ready to help with resurrections if needed.  Please help out the Guild with your donations, especially if you realize that you haven’t been compensating those healers who keep you alive on the battlefield.

My health is seeming better. I will hopefully be back to gardening and nature walks with the Guild at the next gathering.

The Guild is proud to say our open hospitality has been a success. So, this will be a regular occurrence from here on. For those interested, we also keep sweets and fresh vegetables upon request within reason. Join us let us know how things are going for you. The guild is more than healers. We try to help in advising and day-to-day problems. We can be a good silent shoulder in these times of stress.  

Zaterina N. Norik


A Little Birdie Told Me


By Sue D’Onym

Apparently Lanna Rose and Jarrin have hit it off quite well and are together. The couple seems very fit for one another, other than the fact that Lanna is a celestial caster and Jarrin is a Biata. I wonder how this is going to work.

I guess the trolls will learn to keep there big traps shut next time they decide to attack the tavern in Fairdale, lest Aubry Darksun shove arrows down their throats. Speaking of Aubrey, he and Squire Raven Nevermore of Nordenn seem to be getting very chummy with Baron Ivan Drake from Blythedale. It looks like the end of the Nordenn baronial court is around the corner, especially since no one has seen Glorianna around in quite some time.  Well, you know those gypsies:  always wandering, wandering, wandering!

It looks like becoming Guildmaster hasn’t improved Nathan Westwind’s ritual casting abilities one whit. I heard he backlashed another ritual! Has he ever cast one successfully? If I had a ritual that needed casting, I wouldn’t let Nathn touch it with a ten foot pole.

Amaranthus Landcharmer and his friend T’Noah were awfully upset by the destruction of The Dominion, an enemy that has caused Icenia anguish for years.  Shya Corak made comments that had the nobles deciding to not allow her to perform the ritual that would destroy the Dominion Homestone for fear that she might “accidentially” backlash it.  It makes you wonder where those biata’s loyalties lie… and wait, isn’t Aislynn Ravenshire part of the group that was vocal about removing Baron Rorii after his part in the decision to release the Dominion? Why is she now defending the nobility? 

On the other hand, there were some, including the stone elf Ren Suzume, who were a little too eager to wipe an entire race of people of the map. Do they condone casual genocide?

Dame Keegan and Duke Frost seemed to be together a lot when she was last in Fairdale, and even went on a date for dinner! Keegan also seemed exceptionally upset at the Duke being caught in a Circle. My ears are everywhere, but for now, it seems the nobles aren't talking!

After the barracks were reassembled, it would seem that the prisoner Orlantha Rotewut Riedic was nowhere to be found. Maybe the Nobility moved her to Ashbury city proper? Or did she escape in the siege? Maybe we’re finally rid of her!

Apparently the Regent seems frustrated at the lack of concern the Adventurers have in listening to her. Sources here heard that she had to raise her voice on more than one occasion to get the rabble to settle down.

Well, that’s it.  That’s all the gossip I have because that is all I have been given.  If you want to see longer gossip columns in the future, you know what to do!  And in the meantime remember:  If you can’t say something nice about someone, come sit by me.

Public Notices


CELESTIAL AND ALCHEMICAL LIGHT FOR SALE :  Multiple colors and intensities available.  See Guildmaster Nathan Westwind at the Fairdale Mages’ Guild for more information and pricing!  Celestial casters:  You really need to visit the Fairdale Mages’ Guild.  We sell Spells like new, we have wanderful service, and are interested in trading secrets.  Seriously. 


GREETINGS to the victorious adventurers of Icenia! Long will your crushing and cost-effective defeat of the foul Dominion be celebrated in song and story, and long too shall the friendship between humble Home and mighty Icenia endure! As a show of goodwill and good business between our two peoples, Queen Lolita Throttlebottom has authorized me to offer up some choice items recently acquired by the Royal treasury up for auction at prices that will make you question my sanity. Items both Magical and Mundane (and a good amount of the things you need to make mundane items magical) shall be offered up for your purchasing pleasure. The festivities will begin after dinner two Saturdays from next in the villiage of Fairdale. Libations will be served (just buy them from the tavern staff). Come ... spend ... leave happy! - Lord Wesley Berrybucket, Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Icenia.  PS: I would also be willing to anonymously auction off any items you may wish to sell, provided they are legal and you agree to a 10% commision of the sales price. I would further be delighted to meet any fellow hoblings interested in certain business ventures I’m hoping to set up in Ashbury.


BALLS’ SHOPS ARE OPEN come one come all and partake of his wares. All pre-sales get a bonus 5 copper (production cost) worth of healing potions per gold spent. Easy pick up for each order too. I’ll be running the tavern so come and see me there to pick up your order. Potions are my specialty but Silver weapons are what’s in stock at the moment. Also, I am looking for others who can make things for sale. There are times that I can’t completely fill the orders that I get in and will distribute the work to others instead of turning them away if possible. This is a first come first serve type of offer so if you want to be the first person on my list get back to me soon. Your trusty Fairdale merchant, Balls


SCROLL FOR SALE. I am currently looking for bids on a Formal Magic Scroll of Arcane Armor that is from Icenia. I have held it for some time as I wished to make one for myself but with my travels being so sparse it seems unlikely I will finish acquiring the rest of what I need to make use of it so I am selling the scroll. Interested parties please send me private missives regarding offers. To those I spoke to a few days ago, I have not forgotten you, but I wish to obtain all fair offers. Simon Neville


HELLO FRIENDS! I am in need of a few basic weapons. I will not be at the gathering coming up shortly, but I will be traveling to Fairdale in early June. If you will be at either gathering and would like to do business you can let me know here, or send a private missive to my bakery in Ashbury City. I am in need of the following: 2 silver long swords, 2 normal short swords, 3 long bows. Thank you, and safe travels. Perwin Poppinfresh, Black Forest


TO THE ELF fighting alongside Baron Ivan in the final Dominion battle:  Thank you so much.  I might not have been able to Life the Duke without your help.  Zatarina


ATTENTION! Lanna Rose and Wynter Rose will be singing in the Tavern on Saturday night, June 6th, for everyone’s enjoyment. Donations of Coin are welcome. Also if you know how to play guitar, please contact Lanna or Wynter. If willing to learn a song you will be paid.