Nordenn Town Crushed by Undead

The baronial estate of Peppercorn, a stretch of land in southern Nordenn, suffered from a devastating undead attack during the second week of March. In the aftermath of the destruction, survivors reported that the unliving attackers were led by a hulking, skeletal creature with glowing red eyes; a being some in Ashbury know as Pansalore, the sinister vassal of Ashbury's nemesis, Mourna the liche.

Rangers in the area believe that the undead marched through the woods northwest of Peppercorn in the hours just before sunrise, and baronial soldiers who were on watch confirmed that with the first light of dawn, the town was surrounded. Pansalore waited until the lengthening rays of sunlight fell upon his forces before initiating a charge which quickly shattered the defenses erected by half-orc commander Colin McEwan.

Armored skeletons and massive, charred zombies led wave after wave of ghouls, skeletons, and zombies against the defenders of the town. As the soldiers of each quarter of Peppercorn were slain, the undead would summarily began to batter down the doors of any nearby homes or establishments in an effort to kill anyone within or destroy the building from the inside out. After a bloody three hours of combat, Commander Colin ordered the militia to evacuate the town. It was clear that Peppercorn was lost to the undead.

Colin bravely led small bands of half-orcs and humans in many lightning quick counterattacks and harrying manuevers against Pansalore's forces, but they were unable to stop the hideous creature's minions from slaying over two hundred and fifty people. Nearly forty businesses and homes were destroyed, and there is an estimated twenty gold in damages across the entire city. The Healers' Guild in Nordenn Keep was overwhelmed by the number of resurrections that suddenly had to be performed. The survivors have escaped to and set camp upon neighboring estates without difficulty. Once the city had been ravaged, the undead withdrew on foot to the northwest, their destination unknown.

Squire Angus McEwan, landholder of the estate, was visiting the War College in Evendarr when the attack occurred. He received word in Ashbury City a few days later, and immediately departed for Peppercorn. Before leaving, he remarked that, "This was an unfortunate example of the necessity for respect of greater evil powers, whether we like them or not."

Although Squire Angus would not name names, many have stated that the engineer of this destruction could only have been Mourna. What is unclear, however, is the reasoning behind attacking this particular estate. When last seen in Ashbury City, Mourna seemed almost friendly and pacifistic, uninterested in the traditional chaos and destruction which surround her kind and contrary to her own personal history. Some question whether the attack was caused by her.

After being informed of these events by Squire Angus, Baron Bryan Nordenn stated that he would immediately begin to raise funds for the rebuilding of the devastated estate. Any donations to this fund will be accepted at the Ducal Manor House or Nordenn Manor.

Ashbury Citizens Kidnapped in Niman; Political Firestorm Ensues

Groups of adventurers based out of Ashbury fell into a sinister series of traps during the past few weeks. While following a promising treasure map into western Trellheim, entire bands of commoners were attacked and imprisoned by Niman slavers with intent to be sold within that duchy.

Most parties reported that they were subdued with Sleep gases and incarcerated by slavers in a damp, subterranean lair in Bartleby, just east of the Niman border. Some of these adventuring groups were able to escape, and each learned that these secret caverns were linked by an underground waterway, presumably a tributary of the Ashbury River. It seems the slavers had planned to load their prisoners into galleys for transport deeper into Niman. While some parties avoided this fate, others were successfully enslaved and whisked away, probably into a life of unwilling servitude. Others reported that the slavers had lists of escaped slaves and were scrutinizing the captives in the hopes that they had inadvertently obtained one.

One adventuring group was able to capture the slave lord and deliver him to Ashbury City. Upon presentation to members of the Court of Chivalry, it was learned that the slave lord was Dimetri Thalos, Lord Magistrate of Bartleby. According to paperwork found in the different caves, Dimetri had been working with the slavers in an attempt to increase trade in Niman. Some of those present during the questioning claimed that the trap was an intentional attack against the Ashbury citizenry for hostilities which have arisen between the two duchies. Magistrate Dimetri, who was appointed to his office by Baron Morgan's predecessor Baron Stewart Medicia, was stripped of his title by the paladins and granted freedom in exchange for information about the operation.

If it is proven that the nobility and governing houses of Niman are responsible, the assault and kidnapping of more than sixty Ashbury citizens could justify some sort of action against that duchy (even though only twenty or so remain in captivity at this time). This could mean trade restrictions, communications cutoff, or war. Even if Niman nobility is not found to be responsible, Duchess Mara may press the Royal Throne for sanctions against Ashbury's neighbor, ending possibly with a redefining of their laws. Regardless of who is responsible, the actions of Asbhury's considerable adventuring community could help or hinder the situation greatly. Their volunteered resources would certainly be a welcome addition to any rescue attempt, but such actions might be misinterpreted by Niman as an engagement in hostilities, which could result in a deadly, interducal conflict.

The Duchess has asked that adventuring parties refrain from entering Niman both for fear of what might become of them and also because of the possibility of Niman reacting prematurely. She has already engaged in talks which will hopefully lead to the release of the prisoners.

Duke Vordan Nicadaemus has completely denied his government's involvement in the incident, and has stated the following: "If these abductions did in fact take place, and are not the fabrication of an extremely hostile people, it is probably the actions of a group of rogue slavers operating outside the legal boundaries of this duchy."

Duke Vordan went on to claim that Baron Vladymir Post of Jennith would personally be leading an investigation geared toward finding out just what happened, but stated that there was little that could be done considering that Baron Morgan refuses to allow large groups of Niman soldiers into Trellheim.

The Royal Army has been put on alert, and many anxious eyes have fallen upon Duke Vordan and Duchess Mara. However, neither appears ready to take direct action just yet.

Duchess in Evendarr City

Duchess Mara Tirane has sent word back from Evendarr City that the coronation of new Duke Andros Ravenhurst of Ravenholt has gone well and that she will return in time for the faire.

"She reports that she is greatly enjoying meeting old friends and acquaintances," stated Lady Seneschal Laurelin Goldsong. "In fact, I heard a report that a certain poker game with His Royal Majesty lasted late into the evening with Her Grace winning a considerable amount."

One unconfirmed report stated that the Duchess is very upset about one announcement made by King Joseph, but Seneschal Laurelin denied any disagreements between Her Grace and the Crown.

News From Around the Duchy

Aldin Mirk: Severe snowstorms over the winter led to a series of flash floods and mudslides in this small community, catching the poor citizens unaware. Eleven deaths were reported as well as much structural damage.

Bristol: This small town has had a share of bad luck lately; first, an attack by giant rats caused over seven deaths. Goblins hunting for food because of the harsh winter then caused another two deaths. Soon after, an altercation with a group of Ducal tax collectors led to a small riot and caused many golds' worth of damage. The Duchess immediately sent in supplies of food, medicine and money to help rebuild this estate.

Crystal Falls: The discovery that a dwarven guide of the famed caverns was in reality the great war hero Dorin Hammerhand led to great celebration among the local dwarven population. Dorin had apparently had his memory removed over 40 years ago and only the intervention of a local Mystic Wood elf helped to restore his past. Old friends and acquaintances in Dwarvenholm were relieved to find him alive and well.

Entholm: An unidentified elf, apparently unaware of the town's history for bigotry, was found hanged from one of the great trees on the last full moon. Elven/human relations in the neighboring estates were strained and blame was pointed in all directions but no one has been charged in this terrible crime.

Linduria: Like many towns in central Trellheim, there has been an accelerated amount of attacks by trolls in the past few weeks. So far, the armies of Trellheim have prevented the trolls from making any advances, but the death toll has been great.

Mishrak Fens: The first warm weather of spring brought the local lizardmen out of hibernation and into civilized areas in search of food. More than 20 deaths were reported from a recent attack from King Mishrak.

Tolman Head: The dried out husks of many large black bug-like beings were found recently. A local resident who discovered the husks brought one to Greenstone for the resident healers to examine but so far the guild has not reached any solid conclusions. "It is a creature similar to the brood, yet it has many differences that cannot be explained by its condition. Its death was caused by spells of some nature, not by weapons, given the uncut state of its exoskeleton."

A Little Birdie Told Me

by Cleo Smith What's been going on with Sir Angus lately? He fell in love with some monster, who reportedly "didn't have to charm him." Meanwhile his newest squire Sonya has been running around with Baron Bryan's newest squire (Tsarbane) behind his back.

If you want to know how to get rid of a Spell Shield on a paralyzed person, go ask Sheriff Kelson (if anyone ever sees him again that is). Elves in town: watch out!! It has been revealed by his closest friends that Taur the dwarf has secret homicidal desires.

Apparently, Shalizar has been busy lately though hobling Gadlen doesn't seem to mind, or in his own words "Shalla walla bing bong, I'm glad she's not here." Baron Morgan has been feeling a bit neglected lately ("Do you have time now. . .for a Baron?") Also, if you're low on cash, Shalizar has been asking for body parts from non-humans.

Speaking of non-humans, Isabella is apparently willing to invest a non-healer type into the Healers' Guild (stealth skills a requirement) though she does warn that if anything "untoward" were to happen she'd have to obliterate the person in question. That is, just as soon as the Healers' Guild finds its Obliterate scroll.

Here's some real news: Baron Morgan did not insinuate that the town would be better off without certain people and no one is taking his words to heart.

Also, the particular people mentioned know nothing about this. Baron Morgan never said to the Magistrate that Squire Aloryn "convicts only innocent people or people you want to find guilty" and the Magistrate can do something about it. Also he's a perfectly reasonable guy all the time. Baron Bryan, Baron Morgan and the Lord Magistrate are now all the best of friends and getting along famously well. None of them have bad tempers and no one is using any of this to their advantage.

The Koromobos brothers Donovan, Elric and Tarlyn are now all dead permanently and the town will miss them greatly.

Somebody should bring me up on charges for writing this. That way, when I'm found guilty, some of the parties involved may be found innocent and not get into any trouble for nothing they are doing. It would definitely not serve the public interest to press these issues.

Finally, in honor of All Fool's Day, everything in these last five paragraphs has been a lie.


We wish to apologize for a mistake in the last Ashbury Times. Duchess Mara stated that every group in the Tournament would receive one silver per person per point, not two. Two silvers would be awarded per point for the Hunt part of the competition only. According to Her Grace, the reason for the greater reward for the Hunt is because of the time and effort that will go into it. Others close to the Duchess reports that it may also be because she is personally working on the Hunt puzzles and is anxious for people to take them seriously.

The Duchess also announced that there would be extra rewards for the top placing teams. She has asked that any citizens who have interesting magical items, jewelry, or artwork contact her seneschal who is authorized to buy worthy goods to use as prizes.

Public Notices

A REWARD of 20 gold is offered for the safe return of the magic swords owned by Baron Morgan Blackbourne and Duchess Mara Tirane. If found, these swords are to be returned immediately to their owners. Anyone found in possession of these swords unlawfully will become very unhappy. - Duchess Mara Tirane

BARON MORGAN: Let it be knownthat from this day forth and only until I say otherwise all open communication between our houses will cease. Furthermore, I will no longer be a buffer between you and those you choose to trample upon thoughtlessly. So until you show proper respect to those in my household and espacially to the people of Ashbury, you and your court can contact me and my court by documentation via my vassal Mortimer Fallon. Long Live Duchess Mara! - Baron Thomas Sullivan Gray IV.

EXECUTIONER: Take a number and wait your turn. - The Magistrate (on the edge).

SORCERESS SHALIZAR will be holding her first in a series of seminars on Celestial Ritual Magic at Midnight Guildshall on Saturday, April 30th. The seminar will begin promptly at one hour before noon. The seminar is open to Ashbury Mages' Guild members only. Since seating is limited, attendees should arrive early. The doors will close when the seminar begins. Latecomers will not be admitted. Topics of this seminar are as follows: The Basics of Ritual Magic Casting, Frequently Requested Rituals and Their Components, and Ritual Resources Available to Guild Members

TO ALL THOSE INTERESTED: Squire Bretton Moore of Nordenn is currently serving in the Evendarrian army. He is in no way causing Lisa to steal your possessions. She will be punished. Any who question my honor or this statement--bring it to the battlefield. - Sethric

TO THE COMMONERS in Ashbury that don't break the law: Have no fear. I understand. - Justice.

I WISH TO THANK all the healers in the Dragon's Flagon on 2/26 for their undying devotion to the preservation of life by constantly checking through their Healing Arts skill if I was injured. This attention shall not go unrewarded. - Vexius.

BARON MORGAN: Your flagrant ignorance of the Code of Chivalry has been duly noted. Countless deaths, robberies, false imprisonments and abusive actions due to the abuse of your station can no longer be tolerated. Death shall not claim you; that would be too easy. For the oppressed commoners you have slain and the plague of poverty you have caused in within your barony, we sentence you to a fate of unknown agony. You have been convicted and sentenced. Your punishment begins in April. - The Oppressed Citizens of Ashbury.

CAMILLA SHE IS SORRY but she can no longer give potions to friends until friends return the bottles so she can make more.

DUCHESS: How can a liar become town guardsman?

RECRUITS WANTED! The mercenary company of the Gold 'n Sword is looking for a few good sentients. Applicants should be of good repute. Oathbreakers, kinslayers, marhime, and convicted assassins or necromancers need not apply. To join, see Captain Jennar Leggan, Sergeant Thorm, Nicoli or Titania of the Wolverine Kompania of Gypsies or myself, Margoli Lupescu, Company Clerk.

I PASSED YOUR TEST. Contact me. - Justice.

I IDENTIFY COMPONENTS. I do not write them down. I have a poor memory. Isabella Nault, Guildmistress of the Ashbury Healers' Guild. P.S. Magical items made to order.

MORGAN BLACKBOURNE: The Lord Magistrate is trying to set you up. Several people in power want you gone.

MYSTIC WOOD ELVES and other races: a new group is forming called The Clan. We are now accepting new members. Contact Seth or Squire Daven.

TO THE COMMONERS in Ashbury that break the law: Fear. - Justice

DEAR MAGISTRATE: I am still working on the mission you gave me. Have the money ready. - Alaric.

MAGIC ITEM FOR SALE! The Ashbury Mages' Guild is auctioning off a temporary magic item which has the power of Restore Limb four times ever. Bids can be placed any time before April 29th at 9 pm. The item will be rewarded immediately thereafter based on the bid most useful to the Guild. This extended auction is open to all but the actual bids will remain secret. Contact Apprentice Faustus Neumacht of the Brewwer's Guild to place your bids.

EXECUTIONER: Don't take the law into your own hands.

MORGAN - Are we still on for dinner? Isabella.

NEED INFORMATION? If it's written down somewhere, I can find it. Items evaluated, potions identified, scrolls read. Also contracts, legal representation, and scholarly advice. - Quentin Dunbury

I AM THINKING of leaving this town. I ask everyone who cares to tell me why they think I should stay. I have time for all. - Justice.

THE ASHBURY MAGES' GUILD would like to congratulate the following new Apprentice: Thorm, Gold 'n Sword