Duke Aramis is Alive!

Ducal Court Returns, Defeating Traitor Count Requin

A personal account by D. Gadlen J. Chimeran; see the article on the next page for background information about the treacherous actions of the ex-Count.

The report came in that two armies were approaching the town. Six thousand troops. Did I hear that right? Oh, but we probably have troops of our own to back us up. So I went over to the nobles to see what they had to say. All I saw was the look of fear in each and every one of their eyes. The Duke was dead. We had no great hero to lead us.

Some measure of worry entered into my mind.

Someone suggested that we place explosives in the roadway to block their path. “That might slow them down and kill a few hundred of them.”

To this, I frowned. A few hundred? I know a few things about traps and the best I’ve ever seen a trap do is kill some tens. . .and these soldiers were smart. In any case, what would killing a few hundred do? But we had no better plan than that. The call went out for explosives.

The troops were rapidly approaching. The scout had told us that the army would be approaching from the north so we massed our forces, all 60 of us (that’s 100 enemies for every ally!) onto the field of battle. We saw them approaching.

It was a horrible sight. Great warriors and mages marched in unison toward our line. Behind them was a liche, and a number of gigantic grotesque creatures. Behind them, the forest looked as though it had come alive. The swords and aura of an entire army glimmered in the shade of the trees like a million fireflies. Their numbers audibly shook the earth with their steps.

They approached shouting, “Let us pass! Let us pass!” I looked down and saw that I was standing on the road that they might use to continue upon. My instinct was to step aside but I was galvanized against their threat by the teams forming up on our side. The smell of battle was in the air. On the road blocking their way were a row of sword and shield fighters. As the troops approached, they hunched down, preparing to block them by sheer force. One fighter listened to his own doubt and began to stand aside but the rest filled the gap. The army was stopped — for now.

There was a moment of silence as the two armies stood opposing each other. Fighters on both sides held their weapons tight, weighing the steel in their hands. Mages found their aura and recalled their spells, each eyeing their targets with suspicion. One man pushed through the lines from our side to meet the enemy. It was Count Requin.

For a moment, I was relieved. He would satiate the mob and they would be sent away. He shook the hand of what looked like the general, turned back toward the Ashbans and smiled. These men knew each other well. . .too well.

Count Requin spoke, saying how glad he was that they were here and how Ashbury would be set to right. It became clear the Count Requin was going to stay on the other side of the line. There was some discussion between Requin and the nobles of Ashbury. Our nobles, however, had nothing to offer but scorn. Though it was admirable that they had the will to fight for their homes, I had no faith that this would work as a tactic against so many troops. My nerves were shaky. The forest rumbled with the army’s presence. Trolls and humans, necromancers and fighters, all poised against us.

The discussion on the line was growing louder. I knew that it would soon erupt into a volley of spells, then swords would clash and the army in the hills would rush down and crush us. At this thought, my hands grew cold, my spirit weak.

From behind me, I heard a shout, “The Duke!” His memory flashed through my mind. The most noble among us! I recalled that the traitor that stood before us had killed Duke Aramis! I eyed the bastard and thought of what I’d do to him. For a moment, I forgot about the armies that opposed us and only of what a wicked a thing it was for him to kill my Duke. My mind grappled with this atrocity. It was all I could do to not start throwing spells at him until he fell to the ground. I would rip out his heart to bring back the Duke.

“The Duke! The Duke!” I looked to my compatriots to ready a cheer for the fallen hero but low, what did I see, a vision! Before my very eyes, rising up the hill to meet us was Duke Aramis Llyrr!

A trumpet blared, proclaiming his arrival. As he strode to meet Requin and his army, the Duke’s golden hair streamed behind him, his magical sword gleamed brightly in his hand. Marching with him was his entire court, the Ducal colors emblazoned on each warriors chest.

Every Ashban on the field fell to their knees together, mine among them. A cheer went up to their honor. The trumpet sounded again, heralding the return of our hero. As he strode past me, I looked into his eyes for a single moment and knew there was hope!

Then he reached the line. He barely addressed the Count, simply ordering him to stand down immediately. When the Count refused, laughing, our Duke raised up his arms and called upon the land, the land that he had become a part of. Before us, a monolith of light and stone rose from the ground, shining light and power. Upon reaching its full majesty, it began to strike down the enemies hiding in the forest.

At this, the Count turned white with fear! The odds were quickly changing. Requin stood by while the Duke spoke. He marched before us all, proudly striding up and down the ranks. He called us close and rallied us.

“People of Ashbury, we stand at yet another turning point in epic history. Now is the moment when heroes emerge from obscurity and enter into heroic glory! Are you with me?”

At this, every Ashban within earshot shouted a triumphant “Huzzah!” “Then despair not the gloom. . .but rage and give cry for sunlight!”

The trumpet blasted once more. “For ourselves! For Ashbury! Forward!”

There was not a spirit there that was not strengthened by his gallantry. Energies flowed from the Duke and from the land itself into us, through all of our bodies. We were strengthened by his words. I would lay down my life for our Duke, our land, our people!

Duke Aramis raised his sword high toward the noon day sun. He called a rallying cry and was met with every voice crying in unison. “To Ashbury! To Ashbury! To Ashbury!” The charge was spontaneous.

We were so filled with our purpose that they stood no chance of victory. Count Requin and his men ran for the woods with ten Ashbans at his tail. A few minutes later, his unconscious body was dragged out, to be imprisoned.

The Duke’s powerful weapon had killed most of the enemy’s troops but a few hundred still came from the woods. They threw all manner of magics at us, sometimes one at a time, sometimes in grand waves of fifteen or twenty but they were no match for our might!

With the battle done, and the enemies defeated, it can now be said truthfully to every race that lives in Amora Fortannis that Ashbury stands tall, proud and strong. It will not fall gently to any usurper, or any outside force. Ashbury has solidified its place in history and the future of Amora Fortannis.

A personal note: with this experience, I came to such a realization about the importance of the land and my connection to it that I have pledged myself to be a defender of the land at every turn. In every way, I will protect and nurture it until I have not the strength to do so any more.

Requin's Attempts to Murder Duke Thwarted

Count Requin Drager attempted to murder Duke Aramis Llyrr and his court and steal the ducal throne but was unsuccessful. His stone elf council, Lord Ingregavor, turned out to be a dragon in disguise. . .the very dragon that, years earlier, His Grace and his company of soldiers nearly died in the killing of the monster.

In war-torn Trellheim, Ingregavor sent out a fake distress cry from a supply caravan. When His Grace, the ducal court, and the Screaming Phoenix company responded, Ingregavor ambushed them with several companies of trolls and deep trolls.

During the fight, the ducal paladin, Sir Edward Valerian, childhood friend of His Grace, was permanently killed when struck by an obliteration from the dragon.

The Screaming Phoenix company, to a soldier, suffered a death and at least four permanently died. Duke Aramis called upon the powers of Amora-Fortannis, but since the Trellheim Watch Stone still remains trapped by Galantri’s curse, all that was summoned was a small earth quake. But it was sufficient to swallow up the troll troops as well as the surviving and severely wounded ducal court. As they plummeting into the crevasse, Dimsdale managed to rift the court away to the Enchanted Mists.

There they stayed to regroup and assess just what had happened.

When the ducal court did not resurrect anywhere, Ingregavor was pretty confident that they were permanently dead or otherwise trapped beneath the earth. He gave the Count the go ahead and Requin assumed command of the duchy. He blamed the Icenian royal court for the murder of the Duke. He began to systematically place his friends and allies into key positions of power. He imposed high taxes on the people. He made a pact with Galanthia to have Ashbury become a colony of their empire, with himself acting as the governing ruler.

And the Galanthian armies came, six thousand troops strong. Just as the Galanthian general and Requin were about to formally close the deal, trumpets blared and Duke Aramis Llyrr and the surviving members of the ducal court appeared.

The Ashbans were victorious and Requin was captured. However, he called upon the powers of the Spirit Recall ritual placed upon his spirit and escaped. It is rumored that he is somewhere in the ruins of Trellheim.

Some believe that Count Requin is the dragonheart of the Mal Draco, that dark faction of the enigmatic Order of the Wyrm.

Dwarves Retake Trollsgate in Trellheim

On Saturday, September 5, Kelanor V, daughter of King Kelanor IV of Dwarvenholm, came to town seeking dwarven adventurers, some of whom she had spoken with during the summer months. She was only able to find Smith and Gilwing, and she told them that her father’s scholars had discovered information on how to gain the Shield of Melding, so that a group of warriors could penetrate Trollsgate without the Trolls’ knowledge.

The Shield is an item of dwarven legend, and it was not truly known if it even existed. It is said to have the ability to allow the user to walk through solid stone, and that it was used to rescue dwarven miners who became trapped in collapsed tunnels. She bade them to gather a group of their most trusted companions, and they would make their way to the Tomb of King Kelanor I, the greatest of dwarven monarchs.

After gathering a group of adventurers including Sir Jaret, Sir Zachary, Squire Patrick, Squire Calis, Sparktet, Terendil and Luigie, they set off to the tomb. Arriving there, they encountered a group of earth elementals, who told the party that they would not be allowed to pass. The Shield causes unnatural passage through the earth, and the elementals were angered by this. Kelanor the Younger told them that they had no choice but to use the Shield, and the elementals attacked.

The battle was long and hard, and only due to the quick thinking of the party were they kept on the ragged edge of defeat. The earth elementals called upon their brethren, who continued to press the attack. Smith made his way to the door of the tomb, and examined the large hole in the center of it. Realizing it resembled a huge lock, he called out that they needed a key to gain entry. Sir Zachary looked up at Smith’s comment and noticed Kelanor’s axe looked much like a key, so shouted to her to try it on the door. The head of the axe slipped into the lock and clicked into place. With Smith’s help, Kelanor turned the axe and the door opened. As soon as the door was unlocked, the earth elementals sank into the ground around them.

Inside the tomb were beautiful carvings depicting dwarven battles against the goblins, and showing artisans creating beautiful works of art in jewel, stone, and metal. An entire legacy was etched upon these walls, and for a moment all of the assembled simply stood in awe. In the center of the room was a large stone bier, upon which resided the magically preserved body of King Kelanor I. Upon the body were a finely-crafted glowing white sword and a wide shield emblazoned with the crest of a huge stone arch, underneath which was a picture the Dwarven Axe wielded by the true King of the Dwarves.

Kelanor the Younger, Smith and Gilwing approached the bier and knelt before it, heads bowed in respect to their dead King. Suddenly an echoing voice filled the room, yet the lips of the monarch did not move. It addressed the party, demanding to know who had disturbed the tomb of Kelanor I. Kelanor the Younger identified herself and spoke to her ancestor, telling him of the fall of Trollsgate and the necessity for them to use the Shield of Melding in order to retake it. Kelanor I was upset at the news, as Trollsgate was still in construction at the time of his death. He stated that he would allow them to use it, with the condition that it be returned once Trollsgate was once again theirs. He also instructed Kelanor the Younger to choose a Champion who would wield the sword on his breast. She chose Gilwing, as Smith did not have the same proficiency in bladed weapons as the younger dwarf.

She stepped forth to accept the Shield of Melding, and it Spirit Linked itself to her as she touched it. Kelanor I said that it could only be held by those of the Bloodline of Kings. The three dwarves stayed behind in the tomb for a few long moments, their companions respectfully stepping outside to allow them some privacy. It is not known of what they spoke, but when they emerged, they had received a message from the monarch: “Render the Crown.”

On Sunday, Kelanor the Younger returned, bidding Smith and Gilwing to again assemble some stalwart adventurers to travel with her to Trollsgate. The group of ten people stood in a line, with hands on the shoulder of the person in front of them. Kelanor warned them all not to let go, or they would be stranded as part of the earth they were traveling through. She activated the Shield and they literally walked into the ground, and traveled to an open cavern in which stood a large stone arch, exactly like the one on the Shield.

The party carefully stepped though the portal, and found themselves on a high hill overlooking Trollsgate.

The city, below ground, was immense, and everywhere signs of troll habitation could be seen. There was a fever-pitch of activity, and huge Earth circles could be seen dotting the landscape, where it appeared hundreds of trolls were resurrecting constantly. All stood in shock to see what the place had become, in its long reign of trolls, and Smith put his face into his hand and wept. He pointed out the Hall of Masters, which was their destination, as was told to them by Kelanor I.

They made their way down to the Hall, attracting little to no attention until they got there. The Hall of Masters was filled with about three hundred elaborate statues of great dwarves, all in various states of destruction by the trolls. There was a huge set of double doors at the end of the room, through which the party could see trolls moving about.

They were spotted and the trolls ran into the Hall, screaming for their blood. Sir Zachary and Gage ran to lift a huge mithril bar lying on the floor, using it to shut the doors and bar them against the trolls’ entry. With a few moments to gather themselves, a huge statue of Kelanor I was noticed presiding over the front doorway. Upon his head was a stone crown. Smith climbed up to the rafter and brought his hammer down, breaking the crown in half. When it clattered to the floor, the statue’s head looked up at the party and said, “Orders?”

All were taken aback at this new development, but Smith took this moment to say, “Kill the trolls!” Immediately all of the statues began to move, walking and shuffling toward the door.

It was flung open and they methodically moved into the city, bashing trolls left and right with no trouble at all. A huge cheer went up among the adventurers, and then they were busy as they fought the trolls that were able to run by the golems. They backed toward the portal, keeping the trolls at bay.

Once on the other side, Smith told Kelanor that someone had to be there to record this event in dwarven history. Sir Zachary tried to talk Smith out of it, but the dwarf was resolute in his decision.

He activated the portal and stepped through it, Kelanor following behind as well as Sir Zachary. They bid their final farewells to him, and Kelanor shook his hand, thanked him and said, “I’ll see you on the other side in a few days.”

Smith headed back to Trollsgate as the rest of the adventurers activated the Shield and returned to Ashbury.

Upon returning to Ashbury, Kelanor the Younger was very excited and made her way to town with Gilwing to spread the news that all units were to attack Trollsgate from the outside, to crush the trolls once and for all. She spoke with Baron Olin Nordenn, who sent orders for his troops to move in immediately, and Kelanor returned to her battalion to make their way to Trollsgate post-haste.

Once the city was retaken, all of the adventurers who assisted in gaining the Shield of Melding and activating the Guardians of Trollsgate were invited as honored guests to the Great Hall of King Kelanor IV in Dwarvenholm, for a celebration to be held in their honor.

The gala lasted three days, in which time each new Hero was presented to the Dwarven people and applauded for their bravery. Gilwing was publicly announced to be the Champion of Kelanor V, as he wielded the magical blade of her ancestor. He will be expected to mold himself into the ideal dwarf, to forever and always uphold the dwarven culture, and act as Champion to the dwarven people. Smith was given the title of LoreHammer, for his brave exploits into Trollsgate to document the defeat of the trolls.

Plans were also unveiled for a new Hall of Legend, which will be the first new structure to be built in Trollsgate after restoration is complete. All of the statues from the Hall of Masters will be reproduced and placed here, and a statue of LoreHammer Smith is to be included among them. All of Dwarvenholm’s guests were given the finest accommodations King Kelanor IV could offer, and their tales were recorded in the annals of Dwarven history for all time.

Princess Lilyth Missing!

After the treacherous Count Requin Drager was defeated, Duke Aramis Llyrr ordered the ducal prisons opened and his bride-to-be released. But to His Grace’s dismay, Princess Lilyth was not there.

Framed and arrested for the supposed murder of His Grace, the Icenian Princess was said to have been locked away by Requin Requin.

It was later learned that a member of Princess Lilyth’s entourage had avoided being arrested by the Count’s enforcers and later convinced several of the ducal guards to release the Princess.

The Princess and her entourage fled to the ruins of an old Icenian Healers Guild. The Duke suspected this and dispatched the Order of the Black Unicorns to see if the Princess was there in hiding.

Raiden of the Black Unicorns came running back at a furious pace and approached His Grace. Raiden and then later Johnny Falcon explained that the Black Unicorns had found the Icenian Seneschal staked to the ground of the old Healer’s Guild. The Seneschal told them that Princess Lilyth was captured by Ingregavor the dragon!

His Grace was visibly shaken by the news and townsfolk fell quiet and watched with growing anxiety as the normally disciplined and composed Duke Aramis sank down against a tree and put his head in his hands.

Sir Daniel was seen quietly talking with His Grace, obviously offering words of comfort. His words seem to help Duke Aramis.

His Grace is calling for any and all good folk to seek out and find Princess Lilyth. Any information should be reported to a noble.

The History of Thessi and What is Needed to Defeat Them

by ex-Professor Jozlin

It is apparent that soon there will be a major confrontation with Thessi; my research has provided me with the following information which Baron Olin has requested I make public for the benefit of all Ashbans.

Approximately a thousand years ago, a group of biata and gryphons from Thessi had tried to settle an area in what is now Nordenn. They used the tactics all superior forces use: war, threats, broken treaties. . .all the things that would prove to be successful for Evendarr many years later. Many of them later moved north and started the Gryphon clan of barbarians.

Some of these biata objected to the ruthless manner in which their new home was being run. They were all aware of a biata dream prophecy that they had been experiencing in which four golden gryphons would stand against the tormenters.

Eventually, to make a long story short, the prophecy came true. Four golden gryphons began a war against the leaders. The Thessi Emperor himself, who apparently was a gryphon, arrived to lead the charge against the rebels. The rebels were successful, capturing the leaders. However, they didn’t want to risk killing them or obliterating them, as they didn’t want them to resurrect. Instead, they used ancient magics tied into the powers of the biata stones. They used a cave, and performing a strange ritual that can only be performed with four golden gryphons, closed the evil gryphons within. The ritual used three small homestones (large black gems) and tablets with ancient gryphon writing to form an archway entrance. This sealed those within in temporal stasis.

The tablets had been created and forged by the Ardynnites, a race of beings who lived under Ashbury and who could shape stones with their own hands.

The war had also been joined by other races and beings in the area who also wanted to see the evil gryphons captured. The brave kiergani were also fighting there and were in the front lines. Unfortunately, the ritual, upon completion, trapped their spirits within where they have been for all this time.

After the ritual was completed, biata elders and their gryphon counterparts were met by a strange group of biata that none of them knew. These biata told them that they were prophets and that they knew what was in the future. They told them that 1,000 years in the future, a nonbiata leader would come forward to rule the land and would heal past problems by uniting biata with the other races. They also presented the biata with a future history of the biata race in the area and a prophecy written on leather. They stated that the prophecy must be delivered to the leader 1,000 years hence. They then left, never to be seen again.

A few years ago, Thessi began to send spies to Evendarr because they knew that soon the magics around the arch would weaken. One major battle took place in October of 594, and Baron Kelial and then-Baron Bryan were especially involved in uncovering the evil behind that attack.

In 595, Selina Vardik (Kelial’s sister) married a gryphon (Tiercel) and had twins -- one of which was a gryphon baby. She gave the baby to Xapano Corak (Biata Elder of the Bloodstone Council) for safekeeping. Xapano told her it was an important omen and was needed for a prophecy.

In February of ‘96, I uncovered information about the Arch, hidden in an ancient book, and told Duke Bryan of it. He hired me to investigate. He and his wife Duchess Mara inquired with the Bloodstone Council about it and they advised them to keep it sealed, as there was only evil within the “tombs.” They wouldn’t elaborate, and Bryan ordered all excavation stopped. Baron Kelial, without Bryan’s knowledge, arranged for there to be an avalance collapse which would enclose the tomb.

Before that occurred, I knew that to hide such knowledge was illogical, so I was able to remove one of the stones and one of the tablets and take them to study alone. I copied all the information within and sold the pieces to pay for my studies, and hid within a secret area in the Bardic College, surrounded by my library.

I sold the homestone to a dwarf, and apparently someone attempted to retrieve the stone, because dwarven caravans were randomly attacked and ransacked for quite some time afterwards yet nothing was ever stolen. These attacks were especially heavy during the summer of 597.

Meanwhile, King Kelanor’s gemcutter, a woman from the Stonecutter family, came into Ashbury looking to sell the gem. She was murdered almost immediately after announcing she had the homestone to sell, but of course she did not have the priceless gem on her. She of course never came back to Ashbury to sell the stone.

The Arch, meanwhile, not being guarded, was uncovered by the Thessi. Its powers weakened over time, and some of the kiergani spirits within were able to “escape” and cause some havoc in a small area around the Arch. The kiergani spirits could not be harmed by anything, but yet they could harm others. At first, the “attacks” were more like poltergeist attacks, but as time has gone on, they have become more deadly.

In June of 596, the central area of Ashbury city went back in time to relive the battle against Fangthorn, and Selina and Kelial exposed to the then-biata council information about the future, warning them about their future battles against the Evendarrians. Unfortunately, Baron Justice and the court of Trellheim learned of this and also warned the local Evendarrians of the biata and declared that all biata were to be killed. When Ashbury returned to the present, they found that many more biata had died in the wars against Evendarr than had been previously known, weakening biata power in Ashbury as a whole.

Also while back in time, the biata met a biata hero and gryphon hunter named Brendan who, in their timeline, was long dead. They warned him about his upcoming death. As a result, he was able to prevent it by building a stronghold and a small army. He has since spent the last 100 years watching his mercenary army grow in preparation for what he predicts (because of the prophecy) will be a long war against the gryphons.

This leads to an interesting question about the Prophecy that was given to the biata a thousand years ago: Does it take into account these changes? Will Brendan’s presence, and the information provided a hundred years ago, change what is supposed to happen? And if so, for the better or for the worst?

In September of 596, a golden elf (one of the original stone elves) was in Ashbury, and she warned all to be distrustful of the biata and to not open the Arch, but she would not elaborate.

In June of 597, because of the Storytellers, Ashbury went to the island of Thessi where Ashbans learned of the prophecy, the houses and political situation in Thessi, and the need to get four golden gryphons to perform the ritual to keep the Arch closed. One gryphon baby was rescued there and was taken back to Evendarr by a biata named Kelsea.

Within the last few years, various Thessi agents have been infiltrating Ashbury society, enslaving those they can and assuming positions of power through these means. Many of these have already been uncovered and removed, but it is not known how many more exist. Others who have discovered the Thessi had their minds and memories wiped by the powerful gryphons who are working for the Thessi, and so far only a few have been able to have these memories restored.

The Thessi also hired some rogue barbarians to take down adventurers and search them for celestial items, which of course are more harmful to the earth friendly biata and gryphons. A few citizens in Ashbury city proper may have already been the victims of this without realizing it.

(The attitude of the Thessi is best explained by this quote from one of their spies who was recently captured in Ashbury by Sir Daniel: “You in Ashbury have conquered lands by killing those who previously lived there. When we of Thessi wish to take over lands, no one dies. We are the good guys.”)

Brendan and his army meanwhile, upon learning that the Arch had been uncovered by the Thessi, began guarding it. This angered many of the Ashbury nobles, who ordered him to take his army to Trellheim to prepare to fight there. Brendan protested but led his troops away, allowing the Thessi to make a slight inroad into Bloodstone (Baron Olin’s troops did replace Brendan’s so the casualties were not that high) but more significantly, Olin did not replace Brendan’s troops in Safehaven where one of the large biata homestones resided. The stone was destroyed by the Thessi and there were many casualties. Many biata today now refuse to help Ashbury, saying it would serve Ashbury right if the gryphons did take over.

An Ambassador named Ruud came to Ashbury in September of 598 and spoke to many about Thessi, and stated that the gryphons were needed by their own country to quell a rebellion and that the Thessi had no intrest in Ashbury. Many believed him.

Thessi wants to rescue their trapped gryphons from the tomb. They believe that soon the magics will be so dim that the Arch will be able to be completely pulled apart. The biata councils, on the other hand, are attempting redo the ritual to keep the Archway closed. It is logical to assume that the Thessi will attempt to prevent this.

To redo the ritual, Ashbury will require the piece of the arch that I broke into four, the stone that fits within the piece, and four golden gryphons to perform the ritual. As soon as these are obtained, they will waste no time in performing the ritual.

Ideally, a stone elf will assist to keep the golden gryphons from losing control, as the ritual involves celestial magics. It would also be wise to have a few kiergani warriors who can Spirit Flight and thus be able to either battle the kiergani spirits trapped within or otherwise convince them not to attack.

However, even if this is accomplished, there are still a few problems standing in the way. One is that the Ardynnites apparently did not travel with Ashbury to Amora Fortannis. There is no one who can mold the tablets back into place. The second problem is that the ritual requires four adult goldn gryphons, and, as far as my research has indicated, Ashbury has only the one child golden gryphon.

Logically, the chances of Ashbury’s success in keeping the powerful gryphons within the Arch are slim.

Adventurers Named "Masons of the Lightstone"

It was just after dinner time on a recent Saturday night. Rasq and a few of his companions were outside, waiting for Ator to finish suiting up and getting ready for whatever the evening might bring, when a small patch of Mist formed.

The Mist appeared much like others seen lately around Ashbury, beginning to waver and dissipate almost immediately after it appeared. Besides Rasq, those witnessing the Mist included his brother Tithrak, Luigie, and a few others.

The group called for Ator, who was still dressing, telling him to hurry before the Mist disappeared. Luigie warned that a Mist much like this had led another group into a Galanthian stronghold, and people had died, but the other gathered adventurers were anxious to enter anyway.

Finally, a half-armored barbarian ran out of the Ash Forest manor house with sword and shield in hand, and charged into the cloud of mist. Rasq and the others followed quickly after. The party found themselves wandering through thick mist, with faint sounds coming from all around them. They pressed forward until they emerged, finding themselves in an underground cavern, at the edge of what appeared to be a ruined city.

The only accessible building appeared to be a small tower, which the six approached slowly. Climbing the steps, the adventurers peered around the doorway into a large open chamber. At one end was an enormous crystal column, a small pod-like creature of energy sitting at its base. Four tendrils of energy snaked out from the central creature, ending in humanoid forms of electricity.

Rasq and Luigie moved forward with scrolls and aura, to test whether the creatures could be harmed by spells. The four energy shapes were tethered to the central pod, and the group found they could move easily in one half of the room. Approaching the edge of the creatures’ reach, Rasq threw a magic missile and an ice bolt into one, both of which damaged it, but did not destroy it.

The other adventurers moved forward. Tithrak and Ator attacked with weapons, which appeared to do normal damage to the element-based creatures. As they moved in, the central pod began hurling Magic Storms through the air, and the tendrils retaliated with claws formed from their electricity bodies, each of their swings delivering a lightning carrier attack. Rasq continued using his scrolls and spells to fight the forms.

Before long the remaining tendrils were gone, and the group was dodging Magic Storms from across the chamber. Ator looked at Luigie and yelled “Keep me standing!” He then charged forward with the scholar at his back, sidestepping many Magic Storms, and taking a few in the chest. Luigie was quick to heal the warrior to keep him from falling, and the two made it across the room without difficulty. As the barbarian reached the raised dais at the base of the crystal column, he hacked repeatedly at the energy pod, destroying it in only a few seconds of fierce attacking.

As Ator landed his final attack, the energy pod appeared to become brighter and more pure, asking if the six had come to accept the positions as “Masons of the Lightstone”. The group answered yes, and the form extended a tendril, giving Rasq a small shard. The form told the “Masons” that they would be summoned when the land is in need, and the Shard would call them.

In addition, the creature told them that their actions had cleared the obscuring Mists from the northern border of Ashbury, and our people may now travel in that direction. The Masons thanked the guardian creature and left the tower, returning to the mist and heading back to Ashbury.

The Freejyn Horde Demands Tribute; Attacks Ashbans

The sun was shining as the citizens of Ashbury moved about through another day. The Duke was believed dead, the war was going poorly, taxes were high, and the crops were beginning to fail. The day could not have grown darker.

A chorus of booming voices was heard in the distant. Then the sound of marching feet came up the road and all heard many voices chanting “Hail and kill!”

The heroes of Ashbury gathered.

Coming up the road were about a dozen or so leather-clad figures in blood red headbands, with long blood-red streaks of war paint trailing from their eyes.

“Hail and kill,” they continued to chant, pumping their fists in rhythm with their words.

At the front marched a terrible figure in black studded leather. He wore a war helm with a face plate made into the semblance of a fanged skull. A pair of bat wings spread from the helm’s sides and a pair of horns thrust up from the front. Spiraling along the back and top of the helm were a pair of serpent skeletons.

Beside this figure marched a tall figure bearing a gaping, skull with a rotted eye bulging from a socket.

The helmeted figure ordered the marching troop to a halt. Then he shouted loudly to the Ashbans, “People of the Lost Kingdom Returned, I am Warchief Zueshahara of the Freejyn Horde!”

And when Zueshahara (pronounced Zoo-sha-har-ra) spoke the name Freejyn, the warriors behind him gave up a cry of “Glory to the Red Rage!”

Warchief Zueshahara then said, “We are dedicates to the path of the Red Rage!” And at that, the warriors cried out, “All hail the Red Rage!”

Baron Olin invited the Warchief and his delegation to the Dragon’s Flagon for negotiations over drinks. . .much to the joy of the Freejyn warriors.

The warriors proceed to march toward the tavern, chanting, “Hail and kill!”

Negotiations began in the tavern, with the Freejyn Warchief shouting every word, including a boisterous thank you for the drinking glass he had been given.

Basically what the Horde wanted in exchange for their help in the war was the odd price of 100 gold teeth and a freehold to serve as a winter camp.

Warchief Zueshahara said that he would allow the Ashbans time to consider his offer and then asked if the Ashbans would like to see a display of the Freejyn’s military might.

Curious, Baron Olin agreed.

Warchief Zueshahara ordered his horde members to cease drink and prepare themselves for the display. Unfortunately, one of the horde members was still in the midst of a drink. Zueshahara spied the warrior and ordered that the Horde strike the man down. The Freejyn sprang upon their fellow with eager blades before the surprised warrior’s drinking cup hit the floor. The Freejyn left him bleeding to death on the tavern floor. Squire Azura was seen attending to the warrior.

Outside the tavern, the Freejyn split into two lines that faced each other. The heroes of Ashbury gathered to watch. Zueshahara shouted, “People of Icenia, now you will see a display of the might of the Freejyn Horde.” Again a cry of “Glory to the Red Rage!” went up at the mention of the name Freejyn.

The skull-bearer raised his trophy high and muttered something. Suddenly, random heroes of Ashbury went into a berserk rage and began to attack all near them. The Freejyn Horde turned and simply marched off, leaving the chaos behind them.

Later, the Freejyn returned to hear of Ashbury’s decision. On the field gathered the heroes, lead by Barons Agnar and Olin. When told that their offer was declined, Warchief Zueshahara shouted, “Perhaps they need a second display of our might!”

Again the skull-bearer raised his trophy and again a berserk rage fell upon random heroes of Ashbury. And again the Freejyn Horde turned to leave.

But this time, the heroes had had enough of the Freejyn. After the berserked people were dealt with, they charged the Horde.

The fighting was fierce and in the end, Zueshahara was captured as well as the skull. Both were taken to the Mage’s Guild and identified by Guildmistress Tabitha. The Warchief had no rituals upon his spirit but the skull seemed to have an unknown ritual placed upon it. When fresh blood of a victim was spilled upon it, it could house a spirit. It also had the ability to instill a fighting madness in people.

As the skull was being identified, the Horde attacked in full force, demanding return of the skull. Warchief Zueshahara was seen escaping capture and fleeing into the woods. It is not known how he managed to awaken and escape. The Warchief was not recaptured.

The horde hurled a number of death magic at the heroes and after a time, Baron Agnar demanded that Sir Zachary give back the skull and end this senseless fighting.

The skull was returned and the Freejyn Horde departed. Reports indicate that they maintain a large encampment just outside our northern borders.

Battles Continue in Trellheim

With the liberation of Trollsgate at the hands of Ashbury partisans, trolls in massive numbers have been moving to the Tower Hills. Ducal Army forces invigorated with the reappearrance of Aramis Llyrr have sprung forward like a falcon released against a hare. Baronial armies have linked within the Tower Hills and Trollsgate harry and crush troll forces.

As the assembled troops of Ashbury have driven deep towards Alegas, they encounter some resistance but are mainly driving trolls regiments into disarray and flight. As they reached the edge of the estate of Alegas, Ducal Armies were assaulted by the forces of Requin Drager. Leading two regiments of troops and several mixed companies of trolls, the ex-Count was driven off and pursued by several cavalry companies hot for his blood.

The companies were met by the Dragon Ingregavor between two hills and attacked brutally without remorse. Magic flowed off the Dragon like rainwater, but minor damage was reportedly inflicted on the beast. Casualties however were massive in Cavalry regiments — one third of mounted troops were resurrected. This draconian ambush crushed the pursuit and stopping Ducal Army advance cold.

Surviors were pursued by Requin’s forces and many fell beneath the blades of Requin’s Maulers as they attempted to flee the fiery breath of the Dragon. Requin’s whereabouts at this time are unknown but communication has been lost with the estates within northwest central Trellhiem.

Golems Stalk MWEs

Two more golems were out hunting Mystic Wood Elves early September. The first was an already familiar form: a bone golem. It strode throughout town insolently, making it quite clear what its purpose was. It was unable to find any MWEs and later left.

The second golem came out a night later; this time it was an obsidian golem. This golem did not declare its hunt for mystic wood elves, but instead introduced itself as “Sir Lucas of Moorgrave” and claimed it was on a mission to collect celestial components and scrolls to rebuild the celestial guilds of Moorgrave and turn the country away from necromancy.

As it turns out, the golem was actually following Squire Rune of Nordenn. When several of the townspeople headed back to town, the golem attacked, throwing arcane fears and imprisoning Rune. The golem dragged Rune to the Tree of the Kanoredhil. Grandin LaMorre attempted to stop the golem, but was webbed when his own spell reflected off the golem. Several other court members of Nordenn fought with the golem for several minutes while others ran to get help. Upon being surrounded and seeing the town’s elves advancing into the circle, the golem disappeared into the tree.

Luvo Piper Strikes Again

In mid September, a large merchant caravan was attacked by gas-wielding bandits. The highwaymen were described as well-dressed and polite individuals who were very courteous during the course of the robbery. They were led by a hobling, who apologized to the merchants for the delay in their travel schedule.

This description matches that of the famous outlaw Luvo Piper and the Quick-hand Bandits who are known for never harming their victims.

For the past year, Luvo Piper has plagued the merchant world with a series of daring and successful robberies. From what has been stolen during the previous year and now, it is believed that the Gentleman Highwayman has already amassed quite a fortune.

Then why does he still risk life and limb to steal from rich merchants, when he could simply retire into legend and enjoy his wealth?

Angry merchants could care less. They are willing to put up a reward for the capture of Piper and the Quickhand Bandits.

News From Around the Duchy

Ashbury: Luigie, Celeres Dorjan, Ator, Wolf, Gilwing, and Rackashack went to help out a bear scavenger by going to a cave and bringing back some magical honey.

Dragonhart: Sir Daniel Grimbsy and Sir Jonathan Dragonhart recently put down an uprising by the fanatical organization the Sons of the Dragon.

Greystone: Gadlen Chimeran, as the newly appointed Secretary of the Interior for the barony, has embarked upon a tour of the estates to ascertain their status. The grim, gray adventurer called Solemn Judgement has been seen visiting libraries and talking with local sages.

Safehaven: Flesh golems have been appearing again, causing havoc among the people of this estate. The townsfolk recognize some of the flesh golems as those deceased members of their community that had recently permanently died and had been buried. A visit to the grave sites shown that the fresh graves had been dug up and the bodies stolen.

Hopewell: Cannibalistic, pyschotic mental patients have begun to riot more and more frequently in the asylums. Staff members of the asylums say that the patients are becoming increasing more difficult to contol.


Good People of Ashbury,

I am glad to be back among you. I thank you for your loyalty to the Duchy during the dark times Requin Drager imposed upon all. Truly, you all define the term “Hero” with every beat of your good hearts. I am proud to stand among you.

Please join me in expressing gratitude to the Lady of the Mists and her court for helping us escape the treachery of Ingregavor.

We, as a people and as a duchy, have suffered much during the year. We have fiercely defended our homeland from hostile forces within and without. Now it is time we take the fight to our enemies.

As you read this, Ducal and Baronial forces are beginning to launch what I believe will be the final assault on Trollsgate. A brave group of dwarven heroes have managed to penetrate the underground of Trollsgate and activate the ancient, dwarven defense system. It will not stand long against us. Once this is accomplished, we shall sweep the invaders from our lands by retaking Trellheim.

But the dark times are far from over. Galanthia and Dur Numarie still pose a severe threat to our security. Count Requin Drager and Ingregavor are still at large somewhere in Trellheim. A bloodthirsty and insane mercenary horde sits camped just north of our borders. Lycanthropy plagues our people and a navy of cursed pirates sits in the great bay to the South.

Let us stand together against all that would subdue and subjugate us. The courage in our spirits burns bright against the enveloping darkness.

We shall not surrender. We shall never accept the tyranny of a domestic or foreign power. We shall stand and we shall overcome.

Ashbury Forever!

Yours in Truth, in Honor,

Duke Aramis Llyrr

It is with great joy I welcome back the true leader of Ashbury, Duke Aramis Llyrr. With the return of the Duke and his court, the hopes of Ashbury are renewed. Long live Duke Aramis.

It is also with great sadness that I received the news of Count Requin Drager’s betrayal of the good people of Ashbury. Never have I seen a noble turn so horribly astray from the Code of Chivalry. I am embarrassed and shamed by his actions. Hopefully we will be able to hunt down and exterminate the treasonous vermin that has inflicted the lands of Ashbury with woe.

Yours in truth and fidelity,

Sir Frost Vardik

It appears that in a recent copy of the Ashbury Times, my name was listed as either Daria Vardik, or Dahlia Vardik. Both of these are wrong, as my name is Lady Dara Vardik. Many townsfolk, including several nobles and their squires, have called this mistake to my attention by addressing me by these false names, and I would greatly appreciate a correction and an apology in the next issue. Also, please inform the public that Sir Frost still has his noble title, and therefore we should be referred to as Sir and Lady Vardik. This particular rumor was presented to me and my husband by one of Ashbury’s squires, who refused to address us as such until he was told otherwise by Sir Daniel of Blythedale. Please see to it that these corrections are made promptly, as I do believe it wears on those I must correct each time they wish to speak with me. My budding relationship with the townspeople of Ashbury is very precious to me, and I would hate this simple thing to cause a rift between me and them.

Lady Dara Vardik

To the Citizens of Ashbury:

Recently many have spoken ill against Squire Talin Guildenlily. There have been allegations made that she has taken up the cause of the Kinoridil. Many rumors have been spread that she is one of them. This is not the case. Baron Agnar, a close friend, has chosen Talin to be his Squire. This alone is reason enough to respect her and not talk behind her back. I would consider it a personal favor if everyone would stop defaming her and treat her with the respect that she deserves.

Squire Rune Brighteyes

To the people of Ashbury:

My name is Nimpatan and I am a necromancer. I formerly worked for an organization known as the Academy of the Amethyst. There I used their resources to study my dark magics, unbeknownst to my colleagues.

For many years, we of the Academy have tried to bring into our ranks a sorceress by the name of Shalizar McCoy. She refused time and time again. She even sent some of her mages to interfere with us at times. My studies were found out by my colleagues and they banished me from the Academy. I sought out Shalizar, we forged an alliance, and promised to take out the Academy together. And together we brought it down. Her with her celestial constructs and powerful star magics, and me with my necromantic minions and chaos incantations. We were truly a force to be reckoned with.

And we did make off with some loot! After Obliterating the last leader, we divided up the ritual scrolls, magic items, and gold crowns. Things were looking up, until just recently, when I became the pawn in a deadly game with the Black Widow named Shalizar. She returned to her old Guild seeking help from the members there. I can only imagine what lies she told them in order to get them to seek me out at my hideouts. Her pawns captured my spy, who is now an undead minion for failing me (he thanks you, Nordenn), and were led to a location where I was found and eventually murdered.

So people of Ashbury, know that a Conspirator to Commit Necromancy, let alone a liar, murderer, and thief, walks among you and is named Shalizar McCoy.

High Necromancer Nimpatan, Last of the Amethyst

People of Ashbury,

It is time for us to come to peace with our new neighbors and to realize our true foe. It is time for all the races to unite as one community and take our rightful place in the universe. It is time to throw off the shackles of our planar slavery. It is time to assert to the Elementals that we will no longer be pushed around, we will no longer fear their power, and we will no longer be pawns in their power struggles!

How many of us have questioned why we are in this new land? I for one was not asked by these “Story Weavers” if I wanted to leave my home on Tyrra. Who else witnessed the various Elementals chasing our people about the Capital but a few days ago? What right did the Registrar and his Elemental minions have to place our people responsible for his failure to keep Oliver Songbringer dead?

They push us around because we fear them. Fear no longer. The Order of the Rising Sun will no longer tolerate their actions. We were formed in peace, to study the ways to the Elementals, to aid in evolving the people of Tyrra so that we too could master the planes. We were content to study and to coexist in peace with the Elements. No longer. When pushed too far, even the most timid of animals must fight.

The Order of the Rising Sun welcomes all races to our brotherhood. Come join our cause to send a unified voice to the cosmos. We will no longer be treated as lesser beings! We will no longer be torn asunder by conflicting forces! We will rise above the dominion of the elements!

A peaceful discussion for any interested beings will be held early afternoon Saturday, October 10th, in Ashbury City. Please come and add your voice to the Rising Sun.


Citizens of Ashbury,

On behalf of the Thessi Empire, I hail your courage and perseverance in the face of danger. I salute the return of your valiant Duke Aramis Llyrr, a strong and capable leader in every sense of the word. I commend your bravery in facing the traitorous Count Requin and his fell allies. I applaud your valor in reclaiming Trollsgate and breaking the back of the Sunless Empire.

We feel that the valiant people of Ashbury and the ancient Thessi Empire have much in common. We have both faced stern tests to our character and leadership, and weathered them all. Having spoken with your Barons Agnar and Olin, I feel that our peoples can coexist in peace and prosperity.

Over a thousand years ago, Thessi occupied what would eventually become the Duchy of Ashbury. As we brought our civilization to this then-untamed wilderness, a minority of the local biata grew disaffected with our rule, eventually leading to open revolt. Typically, a revolt that occurred a millennium ago would not be our concern. However, this was not a typical revolt. The revolutionaries kidnapped our leaders, including our great emperor, and imprisoned them behind a great arch. To this day, our leaders are kept away from us.

You know the pain in having your leader, your heart and soul, taken away from you. You can understand our desire to have our Emperor back in our kingdom again. We have no quarrel with the people of Ashbury. We only want what is rightfully ours.

It is our hope that we can foster a mutual understanding between our people. With luck, our leaders can lead us once again and our resilient nations can set centuries of peace into place.

Ruud Gullit, Ambassador of the Thessi

Healer's Guild Report

This month the Healers Guild is most pleased to see the Ducal Court and Duke Aramis Llyrr back in Ashbury and quite well indeed! Welcome back! Condolences are extended to His Grace and the Court concerning the death of good Sir Edward. May he go swiftly to the Grand Waymeet, or wherever it is Humans go.

The Guild would like to welcome its newest member: Initiate Shya Corak

The Guild bids a sad farewell to Clement Orion Denmarsh, who was Permanently killed in battle against the Galanthians in August, 598. May his path be clear before him.

A few people have expressed interest in joining the Healers Guild Auxilliary, which would essentially be a group of dedicated people who, during battle, would form together and turn their attention solely to the aid of others. Anyone who wishes to help in this capactity, either by being a Healer themselves or acting as a guard for those who are aiding the fallen, is welcome to do so. There will be a meeting at one o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday, October 10, 598 in the Guild to discuss the formation of this group, and what one’s duties shall consist of.

There is a mandatory meeting for all Healers Guild members at Midnight on Friday, October 9, 598 in the Guild. All members who are in town but do not attend the meeting will be held accountable. A schedule will be set for duties as well as discussion of upcoming Guild Tasks and seminars.

At one o’clock in the morning, on October 10, 598 (one hour after the mandatory meeting is scheduled), all interested applicants to the Guild are requested to make an appearance in order to set up an interview.

The Guild will be closing for regular business at Midnight every night, and reopening the next day by Noon. In the period the Guild is officially closed, no merchanting Guild functions will be available, unless myself or another Invested member of the Guild wishes to make an exception. Of course, Resurrection services are twenty-four hours upon availability of an Invested member of the Guild.

The Guild offers the follwing services: Potion sales (1 silver noble per level of the equivalent spell); Elixir sales (priced by availability); Ritual Component Identification (5 copper commons per component identified); Spell ink and Spell book sales (two copper commons per level of the spell being scribed); Ritual Scroll sale and purchase; Ritual Component sale and purchase; Necromantic item and Ritual Component rewards; Ritual Casting; Resurrection (no fee); Training in the Healing Arts, Earth Magics and Alchemy; Earth Magic Research

Please inquire in the Guild for all of your Earth Magic and Healing needs, if they are not listed above.

Safest of travels, dear citizens, and until next we meet, may Fate guide your hand.

Guildmistress Natasha Roskaya

Royal Healers Guild

Mages Guild Report

The Mages Guild is pleased to announce that Rasq DarkMoon has recently been promoted to Guildsman.

Interviews for Guild membership will be by appointment only.

Guild members: We will be having a quick meeting on Saturday 10/10 at midnight to discuss the new Mages Guild symbols. Please bring your ideas, designs and sketchings for a new symbol. I would also like to address any complaints or issues at that time. Please bring any suggestions and construction criticisms to the meeting.

The Guild is interested in purchasing Ritual scrolls and Components.

May the Moon and stars watch over you.

Guildmistress K. Bandar

A Little Birdie Told Me

by Sue D’Onym

Time for another edition of the News They Don’t Want You To Know!

Lady Azrael gave Duke Aramis and Sir Eros a surprise cake recently. She brought it to His Grace, said it had a “secret ingredient,” and then dug her hands into it and pulled out the Chalice of Sovereignty! (She called it a “cup cake.”) Apparently, she had baked it into the cake months ago in order to hide it from the Count and had given that to Lady Alyx to hide, so that if asked where the Chalice was she could honestly and truthfully say that she didn’t know. (Lady Alyx meanwhile could honestly and truthfully say that she hadn’t even seen the Chalice since the Duke had drunk from it.) Lying is, of course, forbidden by the Code of Chivalry, even for Ladies.

Sir Frost seemed fairly upset recently when he received as a gift from a secret admirer a beautiful little box which held a small white rose. His wife Lady Dara seemed to be very friendly with Elder Zandar during Ashbury’s battle with the werebeings.

The Guildmistresses seem to be doing pretty well for themselves. Sir Dugal was seen cozying up with Kismet and Tabitha was seen snuggling with Gage. I guess Natasha will be jealous now.

We seem to have found some emotion in Talin! She’s afraid of bats — but you didn’t hear it from me!

Baron Agnar nearly killed Rune when he accused Talin of working for the Kannoridil. He also attacked Smith for trying to attack trolls in the tavern. For attacking trolls? What’s wrong with that?

Speaking of dwarves, King Kelanor’s daughter has finally decided to settle down: she took quite a liking to Gilwing! Will we see a King Gilwing in our future?

Robert Oakwood was murdered by Oliver recently, but Oliver claims to have been given an Amnesia so he cannot recall what happened to Robert’s treasure. How convenient!

Hey, did everyone hear about the Mighty Nordenn fleeing into the night? Looks like Sir Jaret got them all into a heap of trouble with a dragon! Jaret, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to tease someone mightier than you?

Looks like there will now be two Elemental Planes pissed at Luigi. He had already been hunted by a Death Elemental for some reason, but when he helped Ator kill an Order Elemental for the gypsy Nightbreeze, he certainly didn’t make any Pals from the Planes. Excuse me if I am wrong, but doesn’t Nightbreeze wear the symbol of Chaos on his head?

The Black Unicorns are having some serious problems lately. Xavier left and rumors are floating that Cormack and Raidon are next. Sparticus of the Black Unicorns proposed to Solosia (Sir Daniel’s Cousin) and she said maybe!

Briqa went nuts recently in the Dragon’s Flagon when she discovered some peppermint tea, and she attacked Braq. Zatarina was not very pleased that most of tea was ruined and unusable and that she had to clean up after the kitties, and has banned them from the tavern!

Looks like Sir Zachary is in trouble. Sir Rorn had to give him a talking to to remind him of the Code of Chilvary. “I’m not a nice guy,” Sir Zach supposedly replied.

Well, that’s all the room for this month. Until next time, remember — If you can’t say something nice about someone, come sit by me.

Public Notices

ASHBURY MAGE’S GUILD looking to buy Celestial Ritual scrolls & items. Please see the Guildmistress.

CONGRATULATIONS to Inaque, Kolaris, Lupiticus, and Johnathan Firestorm for being named Squires of Blythedale. May you serve us well. – Sir Daniel Star Grimsby and Sir Johnathan Dragonheart

TO THE HACK ALCHEMISTS attempting poisoning and other chemical assaults: Beware, for “The Guild” is watching you. Trifle with us again and you shall pay the price. Consider yourself fairly warned.

YOU CAN KNOW THE FUTURE: Through the mystic might of the Tarot. Qualified Astrologer offers readings to any citizens with the time and interest to examine the influences and forces which surround their lives. For a reading you judge accurate, a fee of 2 SP is asked. Seek the Man in Grey

TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE BLYTHEDALE COURT. There will be a meeting of the court to discuss some issues that are important to our Barony on the weekend of October 10th. If you cannot attend please send one of us a letter stating so. New members are welcome to attend. – Sir Daniel and Sir Johnathan

AGNAR: Your forest is a lovely place. I’m glad I could be of help in keeping it that way. - GM

BRIQA AND BRAQ: I scolded you about the piano. You made me have to get rough with you. But having to clean up after you in the tavern is too much. From hence forth, until you can prove that you can socially act with respect for others you asre not welcome in the Dragon’s Flagon. The tavern is not a playpen for toddlers, it is a place of business. – Zatarina Norik

ATTENTION ALL CITIZENS OF ASHBURY: There has been much confusion concerning who leads the Order of the Black Unicorn. Up till now there has been no leader in the Order. After much discussion, Faelynn has been chosen to lead the Unicorns. Faelynn has stated that under his guidance the Unicorns will become what the Order was meant to be. He has also said: “Our fealty lies with his Grace, Duke Aramis and our hearts with all the citizens of Ashbury. People of Ashbury rest a little easier, there is a Unicorn watching over you!”

AZURA: I hope things are well. I’m thinking of you and miss you. Say hello to our two friends for me.

HAVE PROBLEMS that need to be solved discreetly? Don’t risk bloodying your tabard! Call us. – Cullions Guild.

MITHRAL WANTED: see Gilwing the dwarf.

THE HEALERS GUILD is seeking the primary component for the Rituals Spirit Farewell and Destroy Magic. Destroy Magic and Mark Ritual Scrolls also desired.

MICHAELA STARBORNE: I have waited months to hear what you have to say about our family and still no word. I will be in Ashbury the beginning part of October. Please send me word then. – D

ALL HAIL these brave fellows who placed their lives in jeopardy in order to secure the retaking of Trollsgate, jewel in the crown of Dwarven civilization: Lorehammer Smith; Gilwing, Champion of Kelanor V; Sir Zachary Blane; Sir Jaret Delair; Squire Patrick Darkhaaze; Squire Calis; Master Sergeant Sieghard; Terendil Rioghan; Luigie; Gage; Sparktet. From this day forward their names will grace the pages of Dwarven legend, and will be recounted in tales of their exploits for generations to come. Deepest gratitude also is to be extended to Baron Olin Nordenn and Chieftain Ator Thunderbringer for their calling to arms in and around Trollsgate. Were it not for the toil and sacrifice of these people, Trollsgate would not be freed. On behalf of my father, King Kelanor IV, and the citizens of Dwarvenholm, I hereby pledge the allegiance of the Dwarven people of this Kingdom to Duke Aramis Llyrr, to be called upon at any time in the name of Freedom, Brotherhood, and Unity. Huzzah! Long live Duke Aramis Llyrr! Long live King Kelanor IV! – Kelanor the Younger, fifth of the Bloodline of Kings

HEY!! Any information about who that little, skinny guy is pretending to be our Pedar Rasq Nafud would be really good. – Briqa and Braq

BRIGHTHAWK: Thank for saving my life in the final confrontation with the werewolves. You are a true hero. – Sir Daniel

TO THE UNNAMED HUMAN who taught me the skill of Leap-Dodge. Please let me thank you! I can be found this coming month touring the estates of Blythedale with my entourage. I’ll be hard to miss. – D. Gadlen J. Chimeran, Secretary of the Interior

I WANT TO THANK Frost and his lovely wife for helping out Luigie, me and the others. If I can do anything to repay you just ask. – Gilwing, Master Smith

HEY POINTY EARS! *poke* Thanks for your help!

SEEKING A DARK ELF THIEF. Reward of 200 Gold offered for his permanently dead head. I will be in town with details soon.

MAGOR TALINITH’ARIA: Do not worry. You are still among kin. – Turlond Gilthalion Thantellin

SITTER WANTED for 2 babeche gorbe. Must be able to lift more than 100 lbs., able to run fast and enjoy “pouncin’ and boltin’!” Serious applicants only. No necromancers please. Send resumes to S. K. Bandar c/o The Mage’s Guild

WANTED: One (or maybe two) strengthened silver long sword(s). Mine gotted shattereded by da Undoer an’ his jerk minions. Will pay in gold or services (not mystic wood elf-type services!). A strengthened shield would be nice too. Come find me in da Capitol city during gatherings. – Chieftain Ator Thunder-Bringer of the Sand Tiger Tribe

THE NEW COMMONER’S GUILD (a/k/a “Gilwing’s Sack of Stuff”) We carry the finest weapons, armor, and wares of all kinds from the common to the exotic. Celestial scrolls, potions, alchemy, elixers, weapons, archery equipment. . .and even a few rare items such as Celestial and Earth ritual scrolls and components for a generous price. We also buy anything and everything that anyone has to sell in such items mentioned above as well for a fair price. Special orders are taken in advance and dealt with first. Should be opened by October 10th, and is owned and runned by Luigie and Master Smith Gilwing. Our hours will be usually from 1 to 3 in the afternoon and from 9 to 10 at night. . . maybe later or earlier! Just listen for the bell! See Luigie for more information.

SIR ZACHARY: My humblest apologies for telling you to go climb a tree. My father has asked me learn to become more of a diplomat. – Kelanor V, General “Iron Fist” of the 38th Battalion StoneSkulls

INITIATE CELOSIA: Please seek me at the Guild as soon as you next arrive in Ashbury. – Guildmistress Natasha Roskaya

HEAR YE! HEAR YE! I am looking for an administrative assistant. Must be able to write. Life spell(s) a plus. Pay is negotiable based on experience. Perks include the protection of myself, training, and shared adventure. Get involved. If interested, contact Squire Rune of the court of Nordenn.

HONEST ABERCROMBIE’S PRE-COOKED SPIG! Ever wonder why people spend so much copper on livestock? Why not go with slightly imitation spiced pork products? Spig can be used in hundreds of mouthwatering recipes. Spig (Spiced Pig) has a number of wonderful variations, such as: Spig and beans; Spig sausage; Spig in a Kahmar Dark sauce (It’s a killer); Lo Spig; Spig Fried Rice; Spaggis; Spig in White Wine Sauce; Spig and Span; Blackborne Baby-back Spig; Galanthian Sigiled Spig. Look for our pre-packaged Spig in a general store near you! And now announcing new Hail and Kill: Spig in a delightful new sauce that is guaranteed to give you the Red Rage! (Spig is made from 100% real imitation pig, seasoned with a delightful array of excellent spices and secret ingredients. Guaranteed not to cause you to resurrect. Green color is induced by our special spicing process and is not in fact Starworm meat.)