The Ashbury Times

October 607

“All The News That Fits, We Print”

King Gareth ap Moire Dies!


All of Icenia was in mourning upon news of the death of beloved King Gareth in mid-September.

King Gareth ap Moire began His career as a minor knight in the days of Queen Sidraste’s first reign some 2800 years before the present day. Respected as an honorable and eloquent man from a small feif, He would never have been known to history had King Melagar not succumbed to the dark forces of the Mal Draco. Lord Gareth became the voice of the common people as King Melagar’s injustices grew, resulting in His loss of title and imprisonment. Upon escaping from prison, Gareth led revolt against the Dark King, and successfully ousted him. He ruled faithfully and well for a decade until His unexpected and untimely disappearance caused further backlashes within the kingdom.
     In 599, Duke Aramis Llyrr in particular came to personally believe that a this man of impeccable nature, King Gareth ap Moire, was in fact not dead but asleep, held in abeyance by the Virtuar for a time of future need. Duke Aramis Llyrr (with the help of many Adventurers of Ashbury) recovered and awakened the Sleeping King, and brought Him before the Mons Regalis -- a revered place of power which is said to greet those worthy of the Throne of Icenia with song from the earth itself.
     Just as the lifting of the Curse of Glantri freed the Icenian people, the assumption of the Awakened King did much to set them in order. King Gareth toured the land, bringing cheer and inspiration to the populace, and speaking in praise for such good works as were being performed by former Ashbans for the former Icenians together in this new kingdom.

In the dawn of the year 600 the newly awakened King Gareth ap Moire held a series of councils of Icenian nobility. It was at one of thse councils in Castle Cil-Cilurion that King Gareth would first show symptoms of the Monarch Malady -- a strange curse that was placed upon Icenian Royalty by the corrupt King Melagar. This disease did not affect all royal families, and not every member. Nevertheless it was this fatal disease that had claimed King Thrombolis Avacar. It was thought that King Gareth had been cured of the Monarch Malady in the early months of 601, during the time when the adventurers and nobles of Ashbury took a Fairy Rade to recover the Lady of Swords, Queen Sidraste, from her fate as well. However, the condition reappeared in the early months of 607. The Royal Healers attending His Majesty were unable to discover a possible cure for the Monarch Malady, and King Gareth Himself requested the news of His weakening state be kept private. As the months grew on His Majesty’s condition continued to weaken, until there was simply nothing that could be done. His spirit finally succumbed to the condition on the sixth of Gryphon.
     Presently, His throne remains empty, the Grand Crown sitting upon a satin cushion which bears the sigil of King Gareth ap Moire’s personal coat of arms. Queen Sidraste Deannen has assumed all duties of the Monarchy, with the aid of Seneschal Dame Sonia Forthiatis. It is not expected, due to the Monarch Malady and His temporal travels, that a Spirit Farewell will be possible.
     In private life, King Gareth was known to be a dedicated father to His children Bron and Branwen, and sincerely in love with His first wife Dejah (who died in the rebellion against Melagar). He was generous with artists and tolerant of all races even though he was new to the acquaintance of the elves and biata, who did not inhabit Icenia in earlier days. His aptitude for strange customs and practices suited him well to rule over the many races and cultures now present in the kingdom. While He will be sorely missed by all citizens of the Kingdom, we should stand thankful that such a great man was brought to us through the depths of time, and be pleased for His Majesty that He has finally been reunited with the family He loved so much. 

His funeral was held on the 21st of September and was attended by grieving people from all across the kingdom and also from other kingdoms, including Duke Frost and the nobles of Ashbury, and most of the nobility of Icenia.  Also in attendance were nobility and ambassadors from all over the world, including Imladar, Moorgrave, The Three Kingdoms, Tarzaterranzan, Dwarrenagor, Cuulanis, Stone Hollow, Trollsgate, Lempur, Saribdis and the Blaus Getregan.   Even the Wind Folk and some Lizardmen sent representatives.  There was even a rumor that General Lochaber of Galanthia sent a missive of sympathy and a large assortment of flowers.

King Gareth’s body was laid in state and visitations were allowed through the weekend. The viewing area was constantly crowded and a large line snaked its way outside, day and night.  It seemed practically all of Icenia and much of Tar’Navaria came to say goodbye.

 On Saturday evening, a somber feast was held for the nobles and high ranking representatives.  At the feast, Duke Frost made a very public speech of support for Queen Sidraste which was well received.

The burial was on Sunday afternoon.  It was preceded by a long ceremony where many speak about the king and the man, Gareth Ap Moire.   Afterwards, only the nobles of Icenia are allowed to go to the actual interment.  Duke Frost himself, along with Gareth’s other former royal knights, carried the coffin deep into the depths of the castle, to the crypt where the kings and queens of Icenia rest.  


Goblin Activity Tied to Permanently Undead Resurrecting


In the early weeks of Gryphon, citizens of Dara’s Grace near the new outpost of Fairdale reported a massive increase in the number of goblins plaguing their farms and holdfasts. All of these goblins appeared to be of the “Nobbly Fist” tribe, a local tribe to that area and “more of a nuisance than a threat,” according to Lt. Jessica Agravar of the Untiring Phalanx.

Nuisance they may have been, but no one in the area could deny that there were a lot more nuisances walking around than there had been even a few weeks before. Taking shameless advantage of the dearth of heroes and nobles who had gone off to attend His Majesty’s Funeral, the Nobbly Fist tribe attacked the outpost of Fairdale just after dark on the 21st of Gryphon. The horde was easily beaten back, but the bodies of the fallen goblins did not dissipate. Nine out of every ten goblins who participated in the attack permanently died on the battlefield and were left to rot and swell in the sun.

The coming days would see more of the same: seemingly endless waves of both live and undead goblins, with no explanation for why this was happening. Adventurers were said to have overheard from various goblins that the heroes of the past were returning to claim this land for the goblins, and it was theorized that the goblins must have a Greater Earth Circle of Power that was somehow bringing back the permanently dead.

Never one to ask why something was happening when the option to bash it on the head instead was available, Lt. Jessica Agravar of the Untiring Phalanx contracted several groups of adventurers to scout the local goblin encampments. The goal of this exercise was twofold: to thin the seemingly endless goblin numbers and to find the camp where all the excess goblins were coming from and somehow shut down the source.

Sources within the Untiring Phalanx state that Lt. Jessica attempted to requisition Ducal forces to deal with the camp when found, but with the vast majority of adventuring companies at his Majesty’s funeral or on deep patrol, the Phalanx was overstretched defending the border with the contested lands. Lt. Jessica was assigned three scouts and told to enlist help from the local adventuring population who had stayed behind. Thus it fell to the newest adventurers in the Dutchy to deal with a situation that was clearly starting to spiral out of control.

As small bands of adventurers scouted the various camps a second problem arose, one that would later shed some light on what was happening with the goblins. Just before noon on the 22nd of gryphon, newly arrived Assistant Guildmaster Douglas Boyd collapsed in pain as thousands of spirits arrived at Fairdale’s Healer’s Guild circle, screaming to be resurrected. Douglas began to perform resurrections, only to have it become quickly apparent that all those that he was resurrecting had permanently died and were now coming back. As the day wore on, more and more spirits arrived at the circle, causing more and more pain to the Assistant Guildmaster until it was finally decided that Boyd would keep his distance from the Circle unless someone specific was missing and needed resurrection.

As night approached and after several assaults on goblin camps, the adventurers of Fairdale finally managed to find the camp that had been spewing forth the goblins, and the circle of power where the resurrections were happening. Lt. Jessica had brought a Destroy Magic Ritual scroll from the Phalanx’s arsenal in Deathwatch, and pressed Douglas into service to cast the ritual while the rest of the adventurers held back the goblin horde.

  Upon arrival at the encampment, the adventurers saw hundreds of goblins gathered around a circle, and within the circle was a skeletal goblin performing resurrections. By all reports the adventurers acquitted themselves well against what seemed to be an endless army of goblins and the circle was broken. With the goblin threat dealt with, the focus now turned to finding out why the Circles of Power were malfunctioning.

  Little is known of the events of the next twenty-four hours, as both the Dream Realm and the adventurers themselves have been strangely silent on the events that followed. All previous information was gleaned from the soldiers of the Untiring Phalanx who participated in Lt. Jessica’s debriefing after the breaking of the goblin circle.

The one soldier who was present for that time period, one Obediah Pyrite, was away on maneuvers and could not be interviewed. Likewise, Assistant Guildmaster Douglas Boyd has been unavailable due to the mental strain of the pressure of legions of the dead pressing in on the Healer’s Guild circle and the need to recuperate after his ordeal.

All that is known was gleaned from overheard rumors from the staff of the Black Stag Tavern, and these whispers are extremely disquieting. The entire remaining adventuring population of Fairdale went off into the Contested Lands on Sunday morning led by a man who some say was the undead creature known as Gwercanner’s apprentice, carrying a huge Tome with them. These same adventurers rifted into the Black Stag an hour later with a large pile of treasure and without the book.

Exactly what kind of deal the adventurers broke is unknown?

And with whom?


Adventurers Infected by Werewolves


Some adventurers of Fairdale have been infected by werewolves led by a beast named Kral.

The werewolves came seeking a boy named Tristan, who was guided to the nobles by his mother’s spirit. She claimed the wolves were hunting him, and he needed to be delivered to his grandmother's home, where he could be safely kept. A small team of adventuers took up the task, including Baron Rorii and the Romani healer Natalia.

In their quest to deliver the boy they were set upon by a pack of werewolves. In a skirmish across the river, it was revealed that the Morfang family (Larkin, Connor, Corwin and Kaliska) are also infected with lycanthropy, though unlike the feral beings that attacked Fairdale, they apparently can control themselves when in their lupine form. In fact, Larkin used her ability to drive off a portion of the pack, while Corwin ran to retrieve reinforcements for Baron Rorii and Natalia, who had made it up the steep embankment, but were embroiled in combat at the top of the hill as well.

Once their true nature was known, Sgt. Ignatius and Baron Rorii insisted that Larkin speak with His Grace, while promising no harm would come to them, as they had helped the adventurers in the past. In a long conversation over dinner with the assembled nobles, Larkin disclosed that she and Kral, the leader of the wild pack had once been married, though when he lost control they parted ways. What was once one pack was now three: Kral’s wild pack, her own family, and a third calling itself the Nightvale Clan, which stays deep in the woods and has little or no interaction with the outside world. She agreed to return to town each night and help by turning the infected back into their normal form and in exchange the Duke would allow her and the rest of the family to remain in Fairdale, with the understanding that if any of them ever harmed an Icenian citizen their lives would be forefit.

Niabi was also present at this dinner, and explained that she knew where the cure might be found, and promised to search. As of yet she has not reappeared with an answer.

Later that night Kral appeared in town with a small pack of werewolves. In a fierce battle they attacked the town, but many of the adventuers were not in the fight for some reason. Kral was also able to control the adventurers who had been turned. When Larkin heard this, she came running to assist and commanded Kral’s pack to retreat. Kral was furious at this and attacked with new fervor, but was cut down by Baron Rorii and Lt. Ithica of the Ash Forest. When he was felled however, Larkin ran to his side. She did not heal him, but instead held him until he dissipated, her tears falling into his coarse hair. When she rose, she seemed more determined than ever to end his threat.

The infected are as follows. They are to be quarantined for one hour after midnight until they regain their normal form. All citizens are still responsible for their actions, regardless of their infection.

Dame Daralassia Vanyatari of the Ash Forest

Squire Man-At-Arms Aven of Blythedale

Squire Osrick of Nordenn

Sgt. Ignatius Vex of the Ducal Army

Man-at-Arms Joquin of the Ducal Army

Man-at-Arms Cinder of the Ducal Army

Guard Laguna Hallik of Blythedale

Two Headed Monster Defeated!


A local farmer was plagued by a large, two-headed beast and Baron Ivan Drake sent a group to investigate.  The adventurers included Dame Darlassia of the Ash Forest, Sergeant Ignatius Vex of the Untiring Phalanx, Squire Aven of Blythedale, Guard Laguna Hallik of Blythedale and Mythos.  After capturing some rogue highwaymen led by Giorgio of the infamous bandits known as the Trellie Boys, they met the farmer who had requested assistance.  Taking a liking to Squire Aven, the local resident told her that one head of the beast spoke kindly at first while the other head slept.  Unfortunately, the second head, covered in warts and scars, awoke and apparently went into a rage, killing several of the farmer’s sheep.

“Ah, but that squire.... she was a fine lass,” the farmer said when interviewed.  “She even gave me some coins as compensation for me dead sheep!”  The local shepherd also gave the squire a cryptic note that the giant two-headed beast had left behind.  The note was a riddle and seemed to indicate that the monster was somehow trapped with two personalities: one kind and gentle; the other evil and dangerous.

Following the path to the cave, the adventurers were attacked by a strong group of ogres that nearly ended the heroes’ quest.  When all appeared hopeless, Guard Laguna managed to avoid being taken down while the others lay nearly lifeless, dodging around until he was able to resuscitate one of the other members of the party.  Soon, the violent ogres were defeated and the monster’s cave was found.

Upon entering, they found a huge, 20' tall giant, its ugly wart-covered head snoring loudly.  The other head, however, was awake and he warned the group to keep quiet, saying that if the evil head, which called itself “Muck,” awoke, then they’d be in danger.  The beast told the adventurers his story.  He claimed his name is Sir Krynn, a former knight in service to Duke Aramis Llyrr and that many years ago a nefarious dragon mage somehow transformed him into this two-headed atrocity.  He also said that he can only control his body when “Muck” is asleep and begged the worthy adventurers to end his life before he kills again.  Not satisified with that solution, the group questioned him and soon discovered that the dragon mage had used a musical instrument to initiate the magical transformation.  In addition, they found a horn inside the cave and decided to blow it, hoping that even though it would awaken “Muck,” the sound might remove the knight’s curse.

Sargeant Ignatius tentatively gave the horn a blast and “Muck” did indeed awaken from his slumber.  But Sir Krynn realized that he now had some control of his body.  Muck viciously fought the adventurers as the knight tried desperaetly to regain control of his limbs and all the while Sergeant Ignatius continued to blow the horn.  After an anxious struggle, the monster collapsed and Sir Krynn magically returned to his own form.

The knight was quite grateful for his rescue, but refused to return to Fairdale with the adventurers, saying that he must atone for the evil that was done while transformed into a monster.  But at least there is one less monster plaguing the countryside, thanks to these brave adventurers!



Adventurers Cut Down Tainted Plants, Animals Still Running Rampant

Controlled by a tainted fey calling herself Xin, the very plants of Fairdale have been a thorn in the adventurers side for a few months. However help came in the form of Seelie fey, calling herself Niabi. She offered the adventurers a recipe for a poison that would kill the plants, but they would have to retrieve the ingredients.

Several groups of adventurers answered this call, including members of Black Forest, the Storm Blades a bard known as Pippin, Sgt. Ignatius and several newer adventurers. Once the ingredients were collected, Andros of the Storm Blades managed to mix the gasses in Xin’s own lab, before the battle.

It was discovered that Xin’s control came from one main plant, nearly three times the size of any the adventurers had seen before. Once it was dispatched, Andros was able to deliver the final blow with the gas that he had mixed.

The adventurers did not fare so well with the tainted beasts of the area. It seems that the black stag that Baron Ivan posted a reward for (and whose head now hangs in the newly named Black Stag Tavern) was not necromantic, but was another one of her creations.

Recently, a black deer scavenger named Kordok came to Fairdale, pleading for help. He explained that Xin controlls the animals of Runwin Wood through him. Unlike a plant however, it seems he was attempting to fight the control. Unfortunately before he could give much more information, in the middle of talking to the adventurers, he was rifted out. He later reappeared, his demeanor much changed, with chains around his neck. He commanded the beasts to attack the adventurers, and was taken down himself in the battle. It is not yet clear if he can be cured, or if he must be an unfortunate casualty of Xin’s cruelty.


Tranquis Returns


Arbiter Tranquis, the self-proclaimed “Overlord of Death,” returned to Icenia the beginning of last month, appearing in the hamlet of Fairdale before a few adventurers. As their were none of the nobility present, Squire Aven spoke to him on their behalf.
     Arbiter Tranquis explained that he was willing to offer Icenia a reprise in his war against all living things. Apparently, the Arbiter has some form a preference in the order in which he eliminates living things, and finds Icenia less “offensive” than our enemies. For this reason, Tranquis had offered that his Order of Tranquility and his Knights of Oblivion would be willing to engage the enemies of Icenia. The exchange was that once Icenia had no remaining enemies, the kingdom would voluntarily accept what the Death Elemental referred to as “Peaceful Oblivion,” by which we can only assume he means the permanent death of all life in Icenia. As of the writing of this report, there has been no response from the Nobility. 



Dominion Sends Letter Announcing Change


A messenger delivered the following letter to His Grace recently when he was visiting Fairdale:


From the desk of Iesenverfecter Tagas Riedic to the Supreme Commander of Icenian forces:  

I send you this letter in accordance with the great tradition of Chivalrous Commanders throughout our exalted history. As you may or may not be aware, Iesenverfecter Aindend has been reassigned to other duties for her repeated failures in the Icenian Campaign. I see this as an honor to fight a valiant enemy, an opportunity to face a valorous opponent in the glory of field combat.  

Without speaking ill of my former comrade Iesenverfecter Aindend, your successes are at an end. You will no longer be capturing our beasts. You will no longer be rescuing slaves en masse. You will no longer be pushing our forces backwards towards Starkenstien. The Reunification Prophecy will finally be realized in its grandest potential, and the Doctrine of Perfect Order will bring structure and discipline to your chaotic and scattered existence. I understand it is in your nature to rebel against the Perfect Order. Such is the way of lesser beings. However, as you know how to train and break a horse to become a great mount of war, so will your Kingdom be broken, and absorbed into the Ordnungkorps.   

I look forward to meeting you on the Field of Glory.  

Iesenverfecter Tagas Riedic 

Field Commander of the Riediclegion  

Supreme Commander of the Ordnungkorps 


Adventurers were overheard laughing and commenting that it seemed unlikely that the Dominion would have sent its worst General first.


Aloysius Pens Song About Fairdale


Guildmaster Aloysius recently wrote a song about the people he has met upon moving to Fairdale.  He performed the piece in the tavern one night, and has asked for submissions for more verses.  He hopes to perform it every once in a while, inviting people up to sing their submitted new verses.  The original is printed below:


I was an apprentice in the Mages Guild
In my life I had great plans
Then they assigned me to this wretched place
On the border of contested lands


Here I met Skirfir, a dwarf of some note
His sense of humor is weird
He'll give you free ale if you laugh at his jokes
But never laugh at his beard


I could be lost in the Abysmal Gorge
Or could be rotting in jail
There are things worse, although only a few
Than to be stuck in Fairdale
In Fairdale... in Fairdale
It's the edge of the world in Fairdale


Guildmistress Zat is a healer to all
Be sure to show her respect
If you want healing on the battlefield
Or ever need to resurrect


And Baron Ivan’s as pure as can be
While gypsies sleep in his tent
He’d save the world and all monsters within
If they would only repent




Baron Roriiathanderhil Colaen-
lothrodarjil serves His Grace
I’d tell you more about him if I could
But his name has taken all my space


Dame Glorianna is a gypsy knight
This duchy she has traversed
She’s always lost and I could comment why
But I don’t want to get cursed




And Duke Frost Vardik’s a hero to all
He sent The One to its doom
His portrait stares from its spot on the wall
And his eyes followyou around the room


So that concludes my song for this fine day
Here’s the moral of my tale
If you piss of people who are in charge
You could end up in Fairdale





Mages’ Guild Report


I am pleased to announce that the following people have been named Apprentices of the Guild:   Dazzle, Ren Suzume, and Nathan Westwind. 

In order to become a Guild member and receive the benefits, one must first submit to me a short biography.  I have been surprised by the number of people who say they are interested yet cannot find the time to perform such a minor task.  I feel that if you cannot even do that, you probably are not organized enough to be a part of the Guild anyway.

I have received such missives from Dame Glorianna, Dame Darlassia, and Lark, but as of yet none of them have been able to perform a primary task so that they can be named Apprentices.

All Apprentices are also required to keep notes on the various monsters that we encounter so as to learn whether they are more susceptible to certain spells or elements, or to see what celestial spell(s) is/are required to dispatch an average one.  The Guild is starting to keep a book of its findings, and will share its discoveries with any who need the information.

Dazzle performed her first task for me by obtaining some materials from a strange flame-throwing bear that appeared in Fairdale recently. I was most intrigued and sent her to obtain a sample, which she did successfully.  I eagerly await her report on the monster for our Monster Manual.

Ren has been very useful to the Guild, and obtained some components I requested her to find for her first task.

Nathan’s task involved finding some information out about a strange will-o-wisp which could apparently blink in and out of existence.  I was hopeful this creature had the information I need to perfect my Invisibility spell, and he, accompanied by Ren, was able to gather a piece.  They decided to name the creature a “Glimmer Wisp.”

If you are interested in joining the Guild, please submit your biography to me in person or by missive to Fairdale.

Please be reminded that the Guild will identify magical items for 5 silvers apiece, sell scrolls for a silver per level of the spell, sell spells for your spell book for 5 copper per spell level, and purchase and sell components, magic items, and ritual scrolls for a negotiated fee.  We also will perform rituals in our Circle and buy jewelry that could be used for enchanting.  Spellcrafting is also available, but if you wish for something to be spellcrafted, it is wise to ask beforehand so that I may study accordingly.  Guild members, of course, receive large discounts for all of these services.

Wizard Aloysius McManus, Guildmaster


Healers’ Guild Report


To all Ashbans:

I apologize for being so harsh previously in bringing healer concerns to the public.  For those who helped and are now openly supporting the healer community, you are wonderful and dear to our hearts.

I especially wish to thank Gilwing and his friends who dug deep into their pockets and made keeping our healers alive a task equal to taking down those attacking Ashbury.

In Healers’ Guild news, the Stormblades have graciously agreed to be our protection front, so if anyone wishes to be our “right arm” protection unit, you must pass through the Stormblades first.

We welcome into our family Dame Darlassia, Dame Glorianna, Ko the high orc, Obediah Pyrite, and Sariah.  Insignia will be arriving soon.  When it does, I will have an evening party to celebrate.

From here on, I will be saving several Sanctuary spells for those who may be defenseless during attacks where they may not be able to participate.  If you find yourself in such a situation, please come to me.  I will at least have some bodyguards and Stormblades who will help keep you safe and protect you.

We can prevent many resurrections if everyone has a “buddy system” where you keep an eye on someone and they do the same for you. It only takes a few seconds to check on your buddy during battle, and it can literally mean the difference between life and death.

I should also mention that all the trunks in the tavern in Fairdale are filled with blankets donated over the years.  Please don’t go cold at night.  Feel free to borrow one, but also please return it when you leave.  If you discover that we are out of blankets one night, be sure to let me know.

There will be a Healers’ Guild meeting every Saturday when His Grace is in town, right after the noble’s meeting.

I plan on always bringing baked goods to the tavern each gathering and will distribute them for free.  However, since you will probably be using the tavern’s plates and utensils, I advise you to please tip Skirfir and his staff well.  I also urge you to be kind and not leave messes and garbage on the tables that they have to clean up.

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. 

Guildmistress Zatarina 






For the past five years, Icenia has felt the need to apply their standards to the world. They have engaged neighboring Moorgrave, Glenrake and Galanthia in wars and skirmishes, while putting diplomatic pressure on Lempur and the Gorban Kingdoms. Icenia claims these actions are to make the world better, safer and stronger. We challenge these actions; they make countries weaker, destroy the cultural heritage of kingdoms, and soften all borders giving the true enemies access.  

Icenia has determined that they have the right to apply their standards to foreign lands. We argue that this gives us the right to apply our standards to Icenia. 

The Duchy of Ashbury, aside from the political maneuverings in the Gorban Kingdoms, has also begun diplomatic relations with GNOLLS to attempt to give them citizenship. By our standards, all who consort with gnolls are to be killed on sight, and the lineage from them killed as well to purify the bloodline. WE have done no different in your lands than you have done in ours: applied foreign law and standards regardless of the will of the people. We shall continue to act as Icenia has acted until such time as Icenia halts all attempts to culturally obliterate our kingdoms.

Zdefolwa - The Defenders of the Old Ways


Greetings to the people of Fairdale:

I intend to be traveling to your town a fortnight from now. I bring a challenge to all those skill in the Apothecarial Arts… also known as “potion making.” I shall present four Challenges to all those so skilled: A challenge of academic knowledge, a challenge of volume, a challenge for “best recipe,” and a Healer’s Row challenge to see which potionmaker is best able to recognize and treat injuries. Coin and prizes will be awarded, with a special reward for the Grand Champion of all four events.

For those skilled in Earth Magic or even able to read and write who are interested in competing but have not yet learned the Apothecarial Arts, I will be on hand before the competition to instruct you. I am hoping for a good turnout, and may the most skilled person win!

 Headmaster Ebeneazar Rynnel,

Greystone Institute of Apothecarial Arts


Good Peoples and Good Wizards of Ashbury.

The reassignment of Guildmaster Aloysius McManus to Fairdale and his opening of the Fairdale chapter of the Ashbury Mages’ Guild have granted us a unique opportunity to reunite and refocus our collective minds and magics to the aid of our lands and peoples.  In the short time I have spent with Guildmaster Aloysius I have been revitalized with a sense of purpose and direction regarding my studies of the Celestial arts.  Guildmaster Aloysius has shown himself to be organized, analytical, and he has exciting plans for the Guild. 

One of those plans is outlined below.  Due to its overwhelming scale, I felt that a public plea for information and assistance was necessary to aid us in quickening the beginnings of this project.

We ask for all those skilled in battle, and specifically battle magics, to assist us in growing our catalogue of the many creatures, monsters, and beings we are encountering in Fairdale.  We are collecting any information about them that might aid us in understanding their habits, defenses, and relationship with celestial magics.  If you find yourself in an encounter with any being, be it hostile or friendly, any information you can provide to us (names, descriptions, locations, fighting habits, etc.) will be greatly appreciated and used to grow our archive which we one day hope to publish so that the citizens of Ashbury, and specifically, Fairdale can be better informed and better equipped. 

To those who can cast Celestial or even Binding magics, if you find yourself in an encounter with a hostile entity be it a new foe or common one, we ask that, if you find it possible to do so, you might test to see what effects your magics might have on your foe and record your findings.  Learning that your foe took more severe damage from a specific element, that it could rip from specific binding spells, or that it resisted the magics you threw at it, is very valuable information to this project.  We ask those who collect this information for the Guild to seek out any active member, or the Guildmaster himself to report your findings.

In closing, I personally suggest all those seeking to better your understanding of the celestial magics, those that are in need of celestial scrolls (both for battle or ritual casting), or those in need of item identification or other scholarly tasks, to contact us at the new Fairdale Mages’ Guild or to seek a meeting with the Guildmaster to see for yourselves how we might be of service. 

A reminder to potential members that the Guildmaster requires a written statement telling him of your history and why you wish to be a member and support the celestial arts in order to be considered.

In service to the stars,

Apprentice Nathan Westwind

Ashbury Mages Guild, Fairdale Chapter



News From Around the Duchy


Connor:  Large herds of cattle have been stampeded through the estate’s largest village and locals fear that a mischievous prankster is at work.  Authorities have been searching for clues as well as a motive, but have come up empty-handed.


Dragonhart:  A formerly unknown businessman named Ternis Kave has moved quickly to gain political power in the estate.  He was recently elected to the post of Guildmaster of the local Merchant’s Guild and many say that he has great political ambition.  With Baron Ivan Drake spending much of his time at the war front in Fairdale, many are worried that Ternis Kave could be filling a power vacuum.


Ector: A very successful local thief continues to evade authorities and calls for assistance from the Baronial Court of Blythedale remain unanswered. 


Elindil: Tresha Klindarin, the daughter of a prominent local merchant has disappeared.  There are rumors of foul play as she was apparently involved in a love triangle.  It is said that Squire Koshi of the Ash Forest has been dispatched to investigate.


Eldor:  Locals report that Baron Rorriathanderhil Colaenlothrodarhil is personally handling the case of an active arsonist in this estate.  Several buildings have been destroyed, but one local official claims that the good-hearted baron is paying to rebuild the structures damaged by the arsonist.


Fenwyck:  Wagering on wagon races has apparently become a popular pasttime in this estate and there are rumors that the local crime syndicates are profiting handsomely.


Kiri-Ashton:  Tubby Grist, the patriarch of a local merchant family and reputedly the wealthiest man in the estate, is claiming that two mushroom-growing families, the Fiths and the Treenans, owe him money that they refuse to pay.  Dame Darlassia Fairseer of the Ash Forest has announced that she will personally oversee a resolution to this issue.


Nymphwood:  The annual harvest faire has begun, but many residents are complaining about a large rise in the prices of the local goods sold at the faire.  Some are whispering that the steep prices are the work of an active thieves’ guild.


Waterwood:  A local wedding has caused an uproar as some guests are claiming that the bride was under the influence of a spell or potion. 


A Little Birdie Told Me


By Sue D’Onym

Hello drearies!  It’s me again, with the News They Don’t Want You To Know.  Many of you have noticed that this column does not always appear and when it does lately, it is quite short.  Well, there is a reason for that:  I don’t plan on dirtying my boots traveling to Fairdale, so I have to rely on you, dear adventurers who read this paper, to submit gossip to me.  Honestly, how can I report what I don’t know?  If you want to make sure your friends are embarrassed, I’m the one to write to.

I heard that General Lochaber of Galanthia sent a missive of sympathy and a large assortment of flowers to the king’s funeral.  That man has some nerve, even for a vampire.

Recently two new squires were added to Duke Frost’s baggage train.  Man-at-Arms Aven of the Untiring Phalanx was squired by Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale while Osrick the Forgotten was named squire to Lady Knight Glorianna.  Our condolences to the new squires.

Speaking of Baron Ivan, he seems to be putting a lot of pressure on Laguna Hallik.  The poor guy just started adventuring a few weeks ago and already the self-righteous baron has been forcing the poor lad to memorize the Code of Chivalry.  Perhaps the Baron should repent.

Lieutenant Ithica seems to be more of a mercenary than an officer.  It seems that he’s trying to start a bidding war for his services, pitting his current employer, the Ash Forest, against Blythedale!

Rumors have it that the Raven has stepped up activity in Fairdale, being so close to the border as it is.  Apparently slaves have been transported around the area, and the Raven wants none of that. Raven agent Meghan was seen speaking to certain adventurers recently – but was that someone from The White Rose watching in the background?

Douglas Boyd was appointed to be an Assistant Healers’ Guildmaster under Zatarina, and he seems as pleased to be in Fairdale as Mages’ Guildmaster Aloysius (who even sang a song about his dilemma).  Douglas had a small raffle for an Enchant scroll which was apparently won by a high ogre with the pleasant name of Phart.

Well, that’s all for this issue.  Send your cards and letters, and as always, remember:  If you can’t say something nice about someone, come sit by me.


Public Notices


THE EXODUS TRADING POST is Open for Business!!! We buy, sell and trade goods of all kinds. We also have our help wanted service, where local folks come to find adventurers to help with odd jobs. Talk to Camelia Warmwinters in the Black Stag Tavern!


ISSALAURA, you will be missed by many, and missed more by those that never got to know you.  Squire Ulthoc