Weather report!



Looks like rain for the days prior to the event, so it'll probably be muddy (what's new, right?). Things look like they'll clear up by friday night and it'll just be kind of cloudy over the weekend. Highs look to be around in the mid 50's or so.
Diera said:

Looks like rain for the days prior to the event, so it'll probably be muddy (what's new, right?). Things look like they'll clear up by friday night and it'll just be kind of cloudy over the weekend. Highs look to be around in the mid 50's or so.

It almost never fails to rain at NERO.

(New England Rain-on-you-if-ya-dare-to-step Outdoors)

why does it always have to rain at nero events?
BS! We WISHED it would have rained last June! Hot damn!
Aeris said:
why does it always have to rain at nero events?

Actually, the rest of it blame it on your avatar. Look at the little guy, he's doing a rain dance.

Besides... didn't you know that's why NERO Seattle was originally called "RAIN" (for those of us who have been around a few years)?

Mabey Its time to say goodbye to the little dancing guy. :( Im going to miss you little fellow.