The Fallen


4884 people resurrected during the war against the Hive. 835 were unsuccessful in doing so. Whether they be Parnan, Dryad, Orc, or Myr- they shall be remembered. Always.

Sir Renfield Usher
Order of the Zinnia
Let it be known that those soldiers, citizens, and people did not die in vain. The whole of Parna was successful against the creatures that had plagued this place.

Their Queen is dead, their hive flooded, and their carapaces shattered.

A small note of thanks to all of those who helped in this endeavor. It is in this era that we can look to a new dawn, and citizens can return to their lives, and breathe freely once more.

I would make the recommendation of a collection be gathered, so that a monument can be built to recognize those that gave their lives. I will personally give coin from my own treasury to any stone-worker who wishes to take up the cause, should the nobles allow for such a monument.

Indeed, those souls who gave of themselves for the sake of all others should be memorialized so that their sacrifice may not be forgotten.

I, for one, would be honored to assist in the construction of just such a monument, using what little knowledge I have of masonry. No compensation is necessary for my contribution.

-Valím Bloodclub

I echo your thoughts. If you wish to take the lead on this project all I ask is that any designs for the monument be approved prior to construction beginning.

In service,

Sir Marcus Husarri Saephis
Baronial Regent, Barony of Stonehaven
Order of Prince Michael
Sir Marcus,
I will absolutely do so. It will keep me from visiting Stone Haven this upcoming gather, but I feel it is more than worth it. I will make sure the plans are sent by courier as soon as I find a stone mason.

Valim - if you would wish to offer your services, I would find them most acceptable. Thank you.
