Talking when we should be listening

A number of adventurers seem to be doing a lot of speaking when as younger adventurers you should be listening.
Wycliffe, any warning from you should be taken with a grain of salt. Warning others about their associations when your own have been less than stellar seems like a waste of breath. Need a site genesis as an example? Instead of seeking knowledge perhaps you should change your focus to seeking wisdom. Instead of calling out other adventurers on what they have been doing, maybe you should focus little more on what you have done. You have spoken to us for months telling us that Genesis was not a bad guy. We said, no, no this guy has a nefarious plan. He hangs out with time mages and Dragon mages. You continued to assure us that he wasn't a bad guy. Right up and until he came into town and tried to kill us all.
Saro. We Will speak at the next market day.
I'm not the smartest man in town. But I have the wisdom to listen to people who are smarter than me. Sometimes I become focused on one detail or aspect of what is going on that I lose sight of the big picture. Listening to others helps me broaden my gaze. I don't know everything. I learned a lot from the older and more experienced adventurers with whom I found myself surrounded by. Do yourself a favor, do the same thing I did.
Barron havok
You speak great wisdom and by all counts a elder for your race. I have listen to you and have learn a great deal. I have some info I will be sharing to the Nobels this market day and would be nice to see you come as well for the experiment.

Yes. Have a theory and if it proves right we can negate the mist effects.

Baron Havok, you are absolutely correct. I have been set in my ways for centuries now, and only now that I have regained my full spirit can I see the error in my thinking. Indeed, I have spent far too long seeking knowledge without possessing the wisdom to properly utilize it. On the path of discovering the history of the Seekers, I hope to develope the wisdom to guide me to proper use of my knowledge.

That being said, a small bit of wisdom that I HAVE gained over my time Seeking knowledge: a truth told by a fool is no different than the same told by a wise man. Should a Necromancer tell you that raising the dead is a perversion of that person, it is no less true than a virtuous Earth Caster.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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A necromancer is an expert at two things the casting of necromancy and the raising of undead. So in that respect he is not a fool. He's a fool for doing it. A fool tells you that the spirit mage with his friends the Chronomancer and blood mage is a good guy.
I suppose no matter what era or land they exist in, humans will always enjoy and be celebrated for kicking others while they're down. If, indeed, this "rule number three" is to be upheld, I shall close my ears to the words of this one who presumes to be faultless. I've seen the actions of you and your kind; were the words you spoke not to carry the grain of truth they had, it would be no more than empty prose from a mortal sitting on too high a horse. Here's a tip for the future: when sharing wisdom with another, keep the venom from your tongue: it poisons not only those you direct it to, but dulls the blade of your words as well.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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Just in case I need to simplify my words to be understood, I'll translate it down. Next time you give advice to someone, and they put aside their pride to accept that advice, don't go on to belittle them further. Unless you are as petty a human to chastise others in public for the sake of making yourself look smart, it defeats the purpose of giving advice in the first place, and the irony only grows that the topic of discussion was "wisdom." It's exactly what I've grown to expect from a human, to be clear, but you are also a Baron of Ardic, and presuming to make yourself look bigger by trampling on a person of lower status, WHO AGREED WITH YOU, is far below your title.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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Whoa whoa Wycliffe, I know humans are kinda rough around the edges but you're being kinda rude.

Three months ago I would've shared that wisdom with you at the point of a pole arm. So consider yourself lucky. And I'd be real careful with that you and your kind statement. You probably should get your will in order. With that kind of attitude your fellow adventurers will leave you bleeding out on the battlefield. Allowing you to resurrect. I'm far from faultless. But I'm smart enough to follow the wisdom of people smarter than I am. That usually keeps me from doing stupid things. Although I do in fact have a long history of doing stupid things. Like charging heedlessly in the combat with no back up.
The reason I put this up here because you keep advising people on what they should do and how they should conduct themselves but I thought that maybe you should eat some of your own advice and close your mouth and be thought a fool than to open it and prove it. for example saro. She knows what she isnt a queen and seems to be willing to accept the consequences.
[The dream is trembling with fury.]
I DID TAKE YOUR ADVICE! I swallowed the pride of two hundred years of life, apologizing and admitting my fault to a member of the race that KILLED MY FAMILY, to begin to cope with this DAMNED sense of Empathy I got back from Genesis. You think I don't know my blunders? I can't go a single SECOND now without thinking of everything I should've done differently, everything I should DO differently. I thought maybe this could signal a new beginning, one where I can not only seek knowledge, but begin to share it; one where I am not defined by horrid words that I once spoke, but speak with others in mind and their situations. One where I would heed the words of those who have traveled this path far longer than I, instead of relying solely on my own experience! But this? THIS is how those who care are treated? Those who listen?Verbally flogged and beaten in front of the masses? The world can have this worthless "empathy" back!

Also, "write my will"? You want me dead, Baron Havok? I'm sure no one will stop you. Prove to me that you're just like every single other selfish, wrathful, warmongering human leader I've met, and finish the job the first one started! I can assure you that when I resurrect in the earth circle not remembering the last hour, with you there waiting to drop me till I stick, the last expression you will see is surprise. Only a hatred I've bore for longer than you've been alive.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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I would stop him. Death amongst this community isn't going to solve our problems.

That being said, he wasn't implying he'd murder you. Because he's a smart man and if he wanted you dead I assure you he wouldn't talk about it. Nor would he give others the chance to stop him. He was saying that your words aren't making you friends. Friends are there to risk their own life to get to you when your spirit is fleeing your body. Friends are what turn a young adventurer into a very old adventurer. That was what he meant. Loners tend to not be long for this world in our line of business.

You've bruised a lot of people emotionally these past few days, even if you had no intent to do so. Unfortunately, intent means very little to a wronged party. HaVok didn't murder your family. You're supposed to be an elf. Start acting like it. We are a proud and strong people, and we don't hold grudges like this. When humans displease you simply wait, and soon you won't have to worry about that human any longer.

Why don't you spend some time with us this weekend? I realize I've never taken you along. Some time adventuring with the Emerald Flame might do you some good. Let us find a healthy outlet for all this rage and anger before it consumes you alive.

No one can bring your family back. You can only honor the memory of your family. If you want to do that, make the world they lived in a better place. Stop this from happening from other people. Make them proud.

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Velnaeus Xevaz, all you needed to state was that you would think on Havok's first words. Instead, you seek to burn bridges and olive branches. Before this dreaming goes any further I would ask all parties to take a breath and think carefuly on their word choice.

-Fredrick Crawford
[The anger slowly recedes from Velnaeus' dreaming.]
Your words remind me of something Crystal used to tell me. "You're terrible at being an Elf, you know that?" [A slight chuckle resounds, then a sigh.]
Link, I'd like to take you up on that offer. You are correct, nothing will bring the dead back, and I doubt Crystal would smile at my behavior these past few years.

For anyone I offended with my outburst, please accept my apologies: and if such is not enough, I will accept your retribution without complaint. It is not fair to the whole of humanity to be held responsible for the actions of the few: I lost my head, and for that, I am truly sorry.

- Velnaeus Xevaz, of the Seekers.

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