Posted on the taverns around Andar


Ezekiel, the great Romani Bard invites one and all to a tournament of fair and equal combat. The spectacular spectacle of spectacles will be held on the 26th day of June at Breaker's Field near the settlement of Iron Falls. Those fabulous warriors interested in competing please become familiar with the rules below and declare your entry. Those who arrive unannounced may be unable to compete, depending on attendance.
This will be a grand show of one on one combat for all! The fabulous grand prizes are a ritual scroll and a trinket of some value, that will be awarded to the most skilled fighter. Combatants of all physical styles and ability levels are welcome. A healer shall be on hand to remedy any unfortunate accidents. All combatants and non-combatants are encouraged to enjoy the services of the gambling booth and our wonderful concessions.
Those interested in staffing the event should contact Ezekiel the Great via private message. We are currently in need of a healer, concessions attendant and referee. Compensation will be discussed privately.

Rule of Engagement:
1.Players fight using their melee weapon(s) of choice. Shields are permitted.
2.Once an opponent is struck both combatants will break by taking a step back. A strike qualifies as anything that would trigger a magic armor if one were active.
3.The battle will resume immediately after the break by referee signal.
4.No magic is to be used during combat.
5.The first opponent who scores three legal hits against their opponent wins.
6.All combatants are expected to pull their blows and strike with the flat of their blade.
7.During the tournament all combatants should not leave the tournament area.
8.Failure to comply with the above rules will result in immediate disqualification.