Mindless pointless stuff I thought I'd share


Looking to geek out? Try reading WWDN. Its kind of addicting, in that semi-soap opera, Endless Summer kind of way. (Never seen Endless Summer? Don't worry, you're not missing much. I'll tell you about my experience some time.)

Geek though it may be, however, it did point me to a new fun activity to try with Holly: GeoCaching.

So, ever have one of those days? I'm working as a tech supporting tax software, and as April 15th looms one week away, tensions are on the rise. It's 5am. Now, as a supervisor on the site, I get one of these lovely balls of joy (CS = customer, AG = agent, ME = moi, italics are internal thoughts):

CS: So, I have too many >blah< forms.
AG: Well, which screen are you looking at?
CS: You don't know what you're talking about! You're an idiot! You're being belligerent! Give me your full name, social security number, and employee id number! You have to! It's the law!
AG: Sorry, sir, we can't do that. Company policy forbids us from doing this.
CS: It's the law, you're breaking the law!!! Let me talk to a supervisor!!!
AG: One moment please, sir.
(cut to ME, oblivious to the woes of the world, reading the latest UserFriendly)
AG: JP, this guy is being an pootyhead. (further explains situation)
ME: *sigh* I can never leave a lady in distress Alright, conference him in.
(necessary introductions are made)
CS: This >insert a name not resembling the agent's in any way< person doesn't know what the hell she's talking about. I want her name, social security number, and employee number.
ME: That would be nice. I'd like more money, and a trip to Europe. Hmmm, somehow, despite my being an employee for a tech sweatshop, I think I have a greater chance of having my wish fulfilled. I'm sorry, company policy forbids us from giving out this information. If you would like, you can discuss this with our corporate legal counsel >blah<.
CS: WHAT?!?! YOU ARE A >insert a five minute string of epitaphs<.
ME: Hmmm, gonna have to write that one down. That was a good one. Bless your heart too, sir. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
(Obvious sounds of the neanderthal foaming at the mouth can now be heard. I sip my Diet Coke w/ Vanilla while I wait for the heavy breathing to stop. Kinda makes me uncomfortable, like when the coach kept having me pick up the tennis balls after gym class. Oh well.)
CS: Yes! You can give me your address so I can serve you papers! You're violating state law!
ME: Which state would that be? State of Undeniable Pickleheadness? Our corporate headquarters can be mailed at...
ME: Oh my. Can he serve me a new diet Coke w/ Vanilla too? I seem to be out. I'm sorry, sir. It appears that we will be unable to assist you any further in this particular matter. Are there any other issues you would like me to assist you in? Can I pour you a fine glass of ShutTheHellUp?
AG: I think he went away. Got a black light on him now.
ME: Me too. What's his email address?
AG: >blah<. If its consolation, JP, you are the coolest >insert abbreviated list of epitaphs< I know.
ME: Thanks. Hmmm. Hello, Mister Picklehead. Nice Social Security number ya got there. Oh my. Looks like you signed up for some animal farm pr0n. Tsk tsk.


So. How's your day? :)
Geocaching is the COOLEST thing ever! My dad, Hayley, and I did it a bit last fall. . . at least I think it was last fall. It could have been spring. In fact, I think it WAS spring. . . It was really fun, and a good random activity to do.

Try it!

I would have to agree.... geocaching can be great fun. One of the few mountain/hiking ones I did was insane, the guy must have been a mountain goat with telescoping legs (or like us, had climbing gear...)
