Ithawda's cell

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Languishing here since her arrest at the carnival, Ithawda is strangely serene. The first few days had her raging & storming about the cell. Now she appears to be dead but for the subtle rise & fall of her chest.
'Damn vampires! Pain in the tail feathers! How to defeat & obliterate them? Physical seems to have little effect. I must work on my mind.'
It has taken much practise to do this seemingly simple task. The instructions that mistress Najda provided were sure to work quickly but quieting her body & mind have proven challenging. Good thing she has had nothing else to distract her or do with her time these past 2-3 weeks. Perhaps she ought to thank Dunbow.
Searching her mind for the latent abilities she knows lay within her, she's has started delving into her stone as the lady golden griffin suggested. She pours her mind & thoughts into her stone, allowing her mind to take the shape of the stone, to become the stone. If that's where her secrets lay, where the powers of her mind & the chance to eradicate the Abomination, then that is where she must go.
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