Copy of the laws?

Maxwell is in the process of looking then over and making sense of them.

HOTH, Aira'yen clan of the Mala'kari
I presume that we are discussing the laws of the Elorian Empire, but it would also be good to know if Ardic has any laws unique to the town.
Also, who is the Sheriff and were they appointed by the Empire or the town's leadership?

Travel safely,
We are discussing the Ardic laws. Maxwell is in charge of that. The laws that were handed to us are of the elorian empire. Bartholomew is the appointed sheriff from the empire and has worked with us since the last market day. Seems to be on the up on up so as of right now there is no challenge in his authority.

HOTH, Aira'yen clan of the Mala'kari
His Sheriff Bartholomew was appointed by the Empire to help develop our town. Sheriffs of the Empire are equivalent to Knights in most realms we travel and should be regarded as such. He does indeed have copies of the laws of the Ellorian Empire. The laws are quite similar to the common laws found in most adventuring communities. The most notable difference is how they handle enforcing the laws. The Empire is an economy driven organization. Most disputes are settled by whom provides the most coin.

The only law that I would consider unique is that breaking shards of Arden is illegal. While we are not confiscating them at this time, we encourage them being turned into either Sir Sorn or Sir Karstark.

A written copy has not yet been transcribed to the dream realm.
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