[0.10] Potion Coating, Poison Cache, Poison Trigger

There are a fair number of protectives and status removers that can be stored from a scroll into an item and touch cast out. It's not quite a spellstrike, but it's close enough to a potion blade for government work.

Abilities to use a potion = nothing
Abilities to use a scroll = Read Magic + celestial spells depending on level of scroll.

Spellstrike = no incant
Spellstore = Activate + incant

See the differences?
I don't think the spellstrike aspect of this ritual combo is the broken part. Being able to take an infinite number of production items and hand them out on activated items is just a poor man's expanded enchantment.
Spellstrikes are limited in range, always popping spell defenses (which are going to be rarer) and there's a chance your friend won't be able to grab your potion weapon and smack you with it (Weapon training issues). Also the offensive nature of potion blade is good against a narrow field of enemies.
Being able to store celestial scrolls with spell store doesn't let it be delivered via a weapon strike, but if you're close enough to smack a friend with a release you're close enough to touch them with one.
These effects are similar enough to both be pretty broken and considering that removing expanded enchantment is the one thing most people seem to agree on, this seems like a massive oversight.
There are a fair number of protectives and status removers that can be stored from a scroll into an item and touch cast out. It's not quite a spellstrike, but it's close enough to a potion blade for government work.

Not hardly.

A Spell Store requires one to use an incantation in order to activate a spell from it; the differences don’t sound like much, but are incredibly so in practice.

Spellstrikes are -usually- offensive in nature (there’s something to be said about support spells like Purify or Life for a fighter’s emergency rescue). Sure, you can put protectives and status removals on a Spell Store, but that’s for a much different function than most Spell Strikes.
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