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  1. Mike Brenizer

    April 2017 Event Registration

  2. Mike Brenizer

    cold weather warning

    Hey all, it looks like the low for Saturday night is going to be around 34°. Please make sure to dress warm and bring plenty of extra bedding.
  3. Mike Brenizer

    Gold to $ conversion

    Always works for me.
  4. Mike Brenizer

    Gold to $ conversion

    Well...private auctions aside, the guild auctions were quite low, and the high bidders in those were all character with over 15+years of play, plus has a team with a substantial treasury. In game money is a odd ball thing to be sure. One second your broke, the next you're loaded. Thanks...
  5. Mike Brenizer

    Gold to $ conversion

    As a personal rule of thumb, I consider 1 gold to equal about $5 oog. This however is really about supply and demand/comfort oog. A individual chapters economy is a major factor too. Many people have said I run my bar cheap IG, and indeed I make ALOT more in a richer chapter when I increase...
  6. Mike Brenizer

    recent developments

    Oh my fellow Guild members I have some news to inform you on. I afraid the ranking guild member Vox has recently ran into some legal trouble in another land and has been exploded, or whatever happens during a obliteration ritual. While I have heard contradiction in rather he has survived the...
  7. Mike Brenizer

    Platinum questions

    Lol, it will be good to RP with ya again Ali. Izer could use a tour guide when he gets there. As for the platinum, I didn't realize it was standard Alliance coin until I received them. Good to know. -Mike
  8. Mike Brenizer

    Permanence Scroll for sale, yes indeed.

    Oh mys and splendids! Sapharia and Chulainn, my two favorites of people! I will most definitely do my best to carry your favor of beverages despite my self induced destitution. Damn yellow ickyness is a very expensive and very difficult problem to solve it seems. On a separate note; Taryn...
  9. Mike Brenizer

    SALE Oh yes my, what a sale!

    Oh my and bothers, my poor scroll is not selling so well. *shrugs* *sniffs*, well no use crying, I guess I must sell some other treasures too. Come this gather, I will be selling the following in best attempts to finance my poor, poor bar. Multiple components able to help quality trap makers...
  10. Mike Brenizer

    Platinum questions

    Good advice, will do.
  11. Mike Brenizer

    Platinum questions

    Awesome, thanks for the info, time to reduce my heavy coin load.
  12. Mike Brenizer

    Platinum questions

    Hello all, My wife and I hope to be moving to northern California in the next few months and attending some of your events next year. What is your chapter's policy on honoring platinum currency from other chapters? Thanks, -Mike
  13. Mike Brenizer

    Platinum questions

    Hello all, I hope to be moving to northern California in the coming months, and attending some of your events. I was wondering what your policy was for honoring platinum coins from other chapters. Thanks, -Mike
  14. Mike Brenizer

    Platinum questions

    Hello all, My wife and I plan to be moving to northern California in the very near future and I hope to be attending your chapter very soon. I was wondering what your chapters policy on honoring platinum coins value from other chapters was? Thanks, -Mike
  15. Mike Brenizer

    Permanence Scroll for sale, yes indeed.

    For those who may see this and have their interest peaked, the bidding for the scroll has reached 275 gold. Please keep this in mind if wishing to place a bid. Thank you, be well. -CmDQ
  16. Mike Brenizer

    Permanence Scroll for sale, yes indeed.

    Oh my yes, it will be good to see you as well Sapharia, it's been long. A update on the scroll: Many have asked and inquired about the nature and price of the scroll. It is a normal ritual scroll and it's effects will allow travel to other lands. I am not interested in trade, I need...
  17. Mike Brenizer

    Permanence Scroll for sale, yes indeed.

    Oh my, its finally nice out again! Now that it isn't so terribly cold out, I find myself ready to roam once more. I would very much like to start brewing and providing drinks to you lovely people, but alas, I'm quite out of funds. So, for this reason I have decided to part with my cherished...
  18. Mike Brenizer

    Golem ability inquiry

    (Oog: Hey guys, while we're on the subject. Can anybody link the list on the cost to custom build your golem to spirit store into. I.e. a quicksilver soldier gets 60 pts to use and x ability cost x pts. Damned if I can find it. Thanks!)
  19. Mike Brenizer

    Goodbye and Goodluck

    To the people of Ashbury/Icenia and those who travel the mist to these lands. I will keep this short, as your time is precious. Some of you may have noticed that over the course of this year I have been seen less and less. This is not by choice but by what I feel is necessity. I am not...
  20. Mike Brenizer

    Troubled Dreams (Official Plot Sept.)

    ((Any PC with in a 50 mile radius of Dunnis Wiche will awaken this morning groggy and despite the cold, soaked in sweat. All night long you have been troubled by nightmares, (your personal choice on what kind), and only have a vague memory of what they were about. What you do notice however is...