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  1. ClavicusEVile

    Need Current Emails Please ASAP BJ
  2. ClavicusEVile

    I have tried to keep tabs but can you help

    You know you ha e my sword, Pyke.
  3. ClavicusEVile

    Any news on BJ

    I'm alive , going home tomorrow.
  4. ClavicusEVile

    2018 Master Donation List (5/23/18)

    Are the masks still needed?
  5. ClavicusEVile


    I will have coffee
  6. ClavicusEVile

    Void and Time

    You have my sword.
  7. ClavicusEVile

    A girl comes to talk

    Find me, or my brother, Maxwell this next market and we will help you, young lady.
  8. ClavicusEVile

    August favorites

    In no particular order: 1. All things Bob Hope! He has a great skill set, just needs some refinement on timing. "Begining first aid."... "Thanks Bob." 2.The deck of many things, super fun! Really added some fun RP opportunities this weekend. 3. I liked the mechanics of the shadow fight. It was...
  9. ClavicusEVile

    June event

    Great event! A little touch and go at times, but everyone did great! Always nice to see some fresh faces. And a big thanks to everyone that helped me out this weekend.
  10. ClavicusEVile

    The trial of purity and justice

    I am a member of the White Wyverns, but this is news to me. I'm excited to participate...
  11. ClavicusEVile

    Tavern Donations for October event

    I can bring a few cases of soda.
  12. ClavicusEVile

    *spooky music* I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

    I'm still here Jon. :-)
  13. ClavicusEVile

    Tavern Donation for September event

    I can bring a few cases.
  14. ClavicusEVile

    Collecting the knowledge.

    Despair is next on our list. We just need the item capable of holding him. Fear not Pyke.
  15. ClavicusEVile

    Tavern Donation for August event

    I'll bring soda as well.
  16. ClavicusEVile

    Pre-Reg For August 19th event UP Dated 8/17/15 2:55pm

    I sent my pre-reg, just wanted to make sure I'm in. :-)
  17. ClavicusEVile

    Treading the mist

    Pyke, I most definitely know a short cut to your homeland that will cut our time in the mists significantly. Ser Robert
  18. ClavicusEVile

    Donation, Donation, Donation for June

    I can bring a few cases.
  19. ClavicusEVile

    Monster book

    Goodman Pyke, I would gladly aid you in this endeavor. Should you like my assistance, please seek me out. Also, I can offer some more intimate details on a few extra nasty creatures. Yours, Ser Robert Karstarke Guardian of the "V"