May Event Favorites!!


We just had a great event and I'd love to hear some of y'all's favorite parts!

Some of mine in the order I remember them:
  • The expedition mod; big learning experience for myself but I had a lot of fun on it
  • Alexander reminding me that I can on the field Regen and that it'd be boss as hell
  • RPing with Yorvick and learning more about his history
  • Slowly getting better at resurrecting people as I resurrected 3 people this event
  • Watching 2 NPCs go higher and higher for a magic item at auction
  • The flame moths was so much fun! Finding out that a light distracted them enough so so much fun, coupled with the charms to just get lights
  • Morning land sharks, for once I was actually awake for a morning mod and I'm very happy that I was
I'll edit as I remember more!
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  • "Fighting" the Shadow people. (They live in the walls)
  • Waking up to the sound of a Baby Landshark getting murdered.
  • The non-combat interactions with the NPCs during the expedition mod: prison(s), walls of force, avoiding repeat possession from Alexander.
  • Imposing my will upon the guardian constructs of the city (and teaching them the hokiepokie)
  • Screaming to the sky about ley ore for a good two minutes while my friends were fighting for their lives vs one very angry Fae Huntmaster.
  • Being told "Travis, we need to you cast a celestial ritual" and then High Marshal Cassandra walking away with absolutely no context for what I was signed up for.
  • Being entrusted with a powerful relic and told to keep it safe, then immediately handing it off the Owlbear.
And so many more that I can't think of right now.
Some of my favorites

Listening to enoki and Aicha scold me when they ressurected me

Kicking in an old ladies door to return the baby

Becoming Aichas official pocket archer

Being forcibly "chosen as the youngest" to eat a ginger bread man's arm

Buying my first ever magic item at auction
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There are so many, and the amount of stories I heard in monster camp were amazing!

Being a flame moth in Anna's mod was amazing. Once Travis and Aicha learned that a flashlight could distract them enough to just killing blow them was hilarious, and both of them running around saying "I'm shiny!" and "OOOO look at this light" and running around trying to get moths to flock to them.
The dog racing was fun to watch, and watching all the npc's get ready and hyped for it
During the expedition mod, just creeping around buildings and trying to freak people out. My favorite hiding place was behind the trees as PCs walked down the path.
Attacking the Ice elementals, they had it coming.
As a shadow person, nearly being able to swing 45 Lightning at PCs only for Elros to hit me with a 0 normal, and then I had to use 0 normal as a carrier
The general comradery in NPC camp, I love the stories, lore, and catching up with everyone
Had a lot of fun this weekend! A couple of my highlights in no particular order!

Land sharks! I really enjoy the "wake up" mods. And the "it didn't go as smoothly because we forgot to do the shark chant!"

The expedition mod was a lot of fun, defintely a favorite. Its been a while since I've been apart of a situation where we were actually out of life spells (apart from a small handful of once-evers). And really needed to conserve resources.

Using my first ever rebirth as well. Jester charmed me to come dance with him, and someone else beat me down (forgot that breaks the charm / that I could fight back, whoops) I wasn't terribly concerned because there was fighting going on all around me! Until it suddenly went dead quiet and I realized nobody was gonna be able to make it back out to get to me. (Venrick did try though! And I did hear Travis yell that I was dying, so much appreciated to both!)

Packet duels with the various elemental spewing undead through the mod. And through the event - a number of enemies saying some variation of "STOP SHOOTING AT ME"

Interactions with the Selunari mayor of Arcadia was fun!

Even though we lost, I enjoyed the fight with the Chaos guy who we were trying to trap in a circle. I have no idea what "I consume the life around me" would have done, but I wasn't gonna let him finish that 10 count.

Probably a lot more, but I gotta go mow the lawn now! Its too bad it'll be 2 and a half months before next gathering, but I'm looking forward to it! (And very glad I bought some warm weather costuming as well!)

-Zach (Elros)
I enjoyed this event, wasn't too sure how I felt about it initially but upon reflection I think it went well!
some of my favorites being:

More Veydii stuff, I'm happy with the turnout of people who did the ceremony! I have some fun plans for yall
in addition talking to Owlbear about the planes and planar philosophy, I was wondering if anyone would ask deep enough questions to get to that kind of lore, he did!

Ritual casting to summon jonathan as a big scary elemental! it was my first technical time trying to ritual cast I am surprised I didn't mess up too hard, especially when people were trying to make me backlash.

morning Kobold Honey Raids!

having a pc kick a door down to return a baby
and playing the baby

All of Anna's NPCs garb

playing the flame moths seemed as fun for me as it was PCs

and just overall getting more confidence in mod running and plot stuff (slowly)!

also It was mentioned on the forums, but NPC camp conversations! thats where its at
all the new NPCs did amazing and I hope they come back!

one last NPC related thing being not having good enough connection on my phone to see that Gordon wasnt gonna make it friday, the minor panic was setting in when he hadn't arrived, and then he arrived on Saturday! bro be kicking so much *** as a NPC

I cant wait to run another event for you guys!
What a blast :)

Asking Cole as the Death Elemental if the candles laid out were a circle. "No, it's a triangle" "I know what shapes are"

Being hit with a Slow by Alexander ... you can't run! Then us both realizing it's kinda like no effect on me and the small shrug he had :D

Asking Bud what kind of Dryad he was, him saying "I'm a Bud!" the realization that hit me and small smile and confirming nod from Sid was classic.

Squire's Breakfast with Squire Aicha and Squire Honks!

Seeing things pop up that referenced previous games, like Ambassador Thrace from Lannek, the new mayor of Arkadia, and the Spidery Seaman's figurehead of Roff

Jamina and Sir Victor running down to rescue me and Jamina sacrificing everything she had on her for my return. Much love to you two, huge thanks.

Plenty more ... thanks for an amazing weekend everyone!!