National Event Information?

We do allow tents.

The question is does the site allow tents ( @Kasuni ) not chapter staff. Yeah, chapter staff has allowed tents in the past (ten years or so ago now *cry*) back on one of the trails up the hill, but I don't know if they (we) had full knowledge of the Site's policy on tents. We are usually left alone by staff until Sunday afternoon, so I don't know that it's come up and I don't know that we've actually asked.
It's come up. I had the question fired at me a few months ago by a new player.

It's been answered by our GM, Paige.

I just want folks to know I'm not shooting answers out randomly, here.
Hey all,

I plan on posting up event pricing and site details over the next couple of days - we had a couple of pricing details to work out. There is indoor heated cabin space with bunks to accommodate 150 people. We will also be permitting tent camping in designated areas.


Alliance Seattle General Manager
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Are there good places for camping hammocks? dose the park allow them? are there outdoor pick-nick shelters or tables or does most of the socializing happen in the tavern building? Thank you for all the good info
I have seen people use camping hammocks before, but please do not nail or screw into the trees. There is an outdoor picknic shelter with tables, but be advised, that is typically the designated smoking area. There is an open air picnic table at each of the building "clusters" that I've seen used for cooking and talking when the weather is nice. Of note, the buildings have been renovate recently, so please do not use nails/tacks/staples/tape that will leave residue on any of the buildings.
We do not have camping hammocks approved at this time, but we can look into it.

The main socializing takes place in a large "tavern" (seats near 100 of it needs to). There are also picnic shelters near the parking lot, but that is the designated smoking area.

The entire site has been renovated recently and has some new guidelines (which are still in progress). It is taking a little time to work with the site to have everything finalized, because it is new for them as well.


Hey guys,
I'm very happy to see everyone excited for this event, and appreciate your patience at this time. Once we have the event pricing/details finalized and Emily has put it up, we'll be able to better field questions.

-Ali Buntemeyer
Alliance Chairman
Where would one send an e-mail to advise staff of an existing medical issue? Better safe than sorry.
