Lost Time is Never Found Review Thread

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t's that time again! Give us your review of November's event.

1. Post your favorite moments
2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
3. What you would like to see more of
4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Posting rules, respect everyone's views, no debates. Everyone sees things differently.
Reviews get you 15 Goblin Stamps, so make sure you tag your review with your name.
Although my involvement as PC was very small I really enjoyed it.

1. My favorite moment was the ritual casting. Not only was my PC nervous. I was really nervous. I knew what would have happened If the rituals failed and it would have been bad.
Thank you to Sheena and Cory for talking to me and telling me to breath.

2. My less favorite moment was getting everything ready with the other PCs. I had to figure out what had to be done and get everything. The problem was that since I was not in game prior to this moment I was not aware of any of those things which would have made it easier. It was great to see that everyone was willing to help. Thank you to everyone who helped me get this mission going.

3. I am not quite sure I can answer this one as I was not there long enough. But I do have to say that I very enjoyed when the whole town works together in unity leaving their differences aside.

4. Bota is carrying the bag that Thistle generously prepared to help him with the ritual casting. However, he is missing a reagent. Aezir comes to him bringing the missing reagent. He looks at Bota very seriously and tell him " I give you this because I trust you" Bota looks at his friend for a few seconds and does not know what to say. Aezir must have know the dryad did not know what was going on. He tells him " People lie and they don't deserve trust". Bota responds "Thank you. I do not lie to you and if I did something would be wrong with me"
Bota starts walking to the location of the Control spirit store. He is surprised one of his friends would have such problem but at the same time he is quite happy that he has the trust of his friend.

Bota walks nervously side by side with his friends. Holding his staff and focusing some magical power to make sure he can reach its destination safely. He walk so fast that he ends up taking the lead with Thistle. He was expected to hurry to destroy the magic item. However, he is carrying very important items and if he does not reach the ritual everything is lost. He stops and tells thistle we need to be better protected. He turns back and ask his friends to come with them. They join them and escort them.

As Bota set up for the casting of the the rituals he sees his friends Sarryn, Thistle, Siegart and many other grey shapes surrounding him and realize that he is very lucky. He begins casting the ritual but then his friends get attacked. His heart racing he looks around and feel sad that he can't do nothing but he recover his focus and hear Thistle telling him to breath and they will take care of the fight.

He calls upon the forces of the earth and cast both rituals successfully to free Fredrick's spirit.
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1. Post your favorite moments

Shiv finding out that the Vault mission was so difficult with the Razorwire and Goliums.

Stig granting me the Gift of Life during the Fredrick fight when I ran the wrong way and took three NPC with me. Thanks again Stig

Aziar's and Shiv search for adventure and discution, it one of my best RP times at Alliance.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

I am not the biggest fan of combat in the pitch black, it think we were amazingly lucky we didn't have more mishaps and that some one didn't get hurt.

3. What you would like to see more of

I liked the fairy and the handmaid and the noble daughter RP mods especially. they added a good deal of flavour to the game. it easy to get lost in the idea

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

I can't think of a good one to share.
1. Post your favorite moments
Reminding the PC's that I really like alchemy when I was throwing nausea poison gas :)

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Having our assassin ambush not work out because the party caught us in a pincer maneuver
Also Sunday morning when Rachel got into the ritual circle, not having something more happen..

3. What you would like to see more of
Multi part mods where what happens in the first one effects the second

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
'I thought that these Breacher's were suppose to be smart, but After sending more than a half dozen waves of Undead at them they still haven't tried to stop me.' In that moment I spot movement to my left and I face off against a Dryad. After breaking her spell shield with a throw away spell I grant her a gift of death, but realize to late that I had recited the wrong words of power and she throws one of her own at me. luckily I had my own spell shield to block that deadly spell.
1. Saying NO FREDRICK BAD FREDRICK BAD and getting him away from the injured

2.Cant think of anything at the time. Or wait this is kinda combined with 3.

3.More chances to do things.... or maybe this one was my fault I felt like I couldn't find something to do.

4. It was dark very dark Bota had just finished the ritual to destroy the thing preventing us from properly killing Fredrick. HAH now he should die...... wha why is he still moving craaaap. The fighting continued and seemed to drag on people were going down.... Talon did what he could to help them getting between the healers and the undead X earth-weaver. Yelling out "NO FREDRICK BAD! BAD FREDRICK!" blocking any swings he was throwing. Later the fighting stopped and everyone was hovering around his corps wondering why it didn't turn to dust... after a few moments it did we were done..... Talon didn't know much about him but he did know ever since he went and became a necromancer bad things had been happening during the early winter gatherings hopefully they wont happen any more.
1. Post your favorite moments
Meeting Lady Alastia, and her Handmaiden Meredith, and having the banter with the Handmaiden about the fact Aezir wasn't wearing a shirt. He did try to cover up with a cloak.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
The confusion on the fact we were on one mod then getting pulled into another one while we were doing ours.

3. What you would like to see more of
I really enjoyed the RP situations that came about over the weekend. I always love to see as much RP possibilities as I can.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
Aezir and the other Earthweavers entered the next room of the Maze while they were on the search for one the the catalysts they needed to deal with Fredrick. Only to be confronted by a Minotaur.
"Why are you in my Maze and killed my Gnolls?" asked the Minotaur.
Realizing they were intruding on another beasts home and causing a ruckus Aezir realized the right thing to do was not start attacking him. "We are looking for a certain item that will help us cast a ritual to rid us of a Necromancer attacking our homes"
"If you happen to talking about this, why should I give it to you?"
Thinking he realizes they didn't really bring anything they could propose a trade with, and since they were the intruders there was no Honor is just attacking and taking the item. Also if they took it by force there wouldn't be any guarantee they could find their way out. Though it would be a great fight against this beast.
"I would like to offer my services at a later point in trade for the item in question as we haven't brought anything for trade" Aezir finally said.
"Alright but it will be a huge favor when I call on you" The Minotaur replied.
Taking the Catalyst the Minotaur opened the door to allow the party to leave.
"Thank you fair Beast, I look forward to working with you" Aezir said as they left.
1) Favorite moment
Can't really pick one, everything is so new and exciting. I guess it will be npcing for Darcy water element summoning quest.
I learn a lot from Curtis rping as the undead captain and the multiple small puzzle fit very well into the setting.
The assassin part was fun too, we don't stand a fighting chance but it was a lot of fun just to have a good fight. Also, the rping after one of the pc (lion pirate, sorry, I can't remember most name yet) capture Morgan the banit, was funny.

2) less favorite moment
Sunday morning, was expecting more thing to happen after step into the circle, it was a bit confusing about what's going on afterward, especially in the end, we r just sitting next to the cystal .

3) what would u like to see more
So far, everything, I can't wait to come back and have more fun

4)character prespective (as undead npc during Fredrick night)
Brain..... brain..... raising slowly, growling for the delicious flesh nearby,
my debat as an zombie was rudely interrupted by a walking plant with his staff of sparkle and heart...
(reality: pc cry out "4 earth! 4 earth!" With passion and accent, poor zombie misunderstand it as ""4heart, 4 heart" and think this is a weird carrier to hit a mindless undead....)

Not sure how to tag review
So tag: Rachael Y. Of monster camp
1. Post your favorite moments
I personally had a lot this weekend, I'm glad the core spar group had a chance to show off this weekend by thwarting would-be assassins! /flex

I also loved being to get more into my Tari-Nor self this weekend with a bit of goofery. A lot of people don't know this but after playing ultra-stoic Krow for a year and a half a lot of my goal for Siegart was to bring a bit of joy and positivity to the Breach and when I can do stupid things like get locked inside a circle of power with an audience I feel like I really do that.

My back and forth with Thistle has been an endless source of fun for me, whether it's intentional or not I've loved the backhanded RP we've had the last few months and the bit of personal story I've been given to do with the Eternal Forest has really made it come to a head. I'm not sure why it didn't click earlier but it made Siegart realize that he and dryads have more in common than would appear on the surface.

I really also loved the way that the Eternal Forest mod/catalyst was handled. It was something I had been pursuing pretty passively for a few months and didn't expect that much to come of it. I thought maybe having my own personal forest would be an excellent source of roleplay. I think plot went above and beyond with this one, I absolutely loved the trials and they granted the whole ritual a brevity that I hadn't really given it prior. I think this piece of roleplay alone is going to define most of my winter season.

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)
Richard touched on this earlier, and there's nothing that could've been done about it but much like last November when we put the Duergar in the stone, it was dark. I mean DARK! Pitch black kind of dark, and the whole Saturday night fight was difficult simply because I could only make out silhouettes the entire time I was down there.

3. What you would like to see more of
More interpersonal RP. It's no secret that we had a swack-load of people drop out of this month, which forced a lot of people that don't normally roleplay together to do so and I think the weekend was ultimately better for it.

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character
"Wait for them to breach the entrance and draw their attention, then we'll head in." Siegart said under his breath to his companions. Aezir and Sarryn nodded their agreement silently and the three of them watched Boris and Stig walk seemingly off-guard towards the group of assassins, like two bears walking into a wolves den asking for a fight.

As the two of them broke the treeline Siegart and his cohorts padded their way into the side entrance, immediately seeing an ensuing battle where Stig and Boris were outnumbered 3 to 1 with even more waiting on the sides of the fight for their openings. Quickening their pace, Siegart and friends kept to one side of the path, hoping that the shadows would keep them hidden long enough to emerge upon the assassins.

Getting halfway up the path Siegart cursed under his breath after stepping on a dead branch, a shadow up ahead turned around and almost yelled, "Oh ****! Behind us" and three more shadows turned and started towards the three heroes.
1. Post your favorite moments

The whole event was great. Yes could have been more to do but with all the cancelations I get there wasn't much more that could be done. Also the choices to do or not do mods was great (due too scaling and PC numbers) was great, really felt good to control what we were doing based on us rather then just going for everything we were presented with.
Barbarian rage sunday was great, kinda came from Stigs anger with the Fredrick fight and triggering his sorrow of the 1yr loss of Krow.
Also being perceptive of things happening here and there that others were missing and comments from some NPCs later regarding it felt good, Stigs not dumb just different :)

2. Post your less favorite moments (if we don't know, we can not fix)

Not sure really...maybe the higher price of coffee lol but I get that's cause someone stole the coin in Oct.

3. What you would like to see more of

Choices and things needing to be noticed. Don't spoon feed :D

4. Give us a moment from the perspective of your character

Kneeling at Krows spot Stig stares down with anger and sorrow for his lost cousin.
They had finished his work with the liche and Fredrick now gone, but, his death had still not been avenged.
After a short while he begins to calm and can now think clearer.
"Once back in city need talk vith does dat look in too da beast. Vill have revenge. Vill have peace for Rothmund"
One quick note on "pitch black battles". Anyone think of cracking liquid lights, or casting the Light spell on some lanterns? Those options are always available to PCs. If you don't want to walk around blindly in the dark, invest in a suitable lantern, glowsticks, etc.
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