Looking for Bodyguards

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff

It was interesting to meet some of you at your recent gathering, and interesting to see what trades could be made. I hope your endeavors since we spoke have gone sufficiently successfully.

In any case, I am wondering as to the availability of any adventurers to serve as bodyguards for myself for an exploration endeavor of mine in the next days. Reward in the form of curiosities shall be provided.

If you are not interested, then at least my venture towards your gathering potentially will not prove a complete loss, for perhaps I can still make trades of some of my interesting curiosities. If interested in trading, recall that I hold little interest in coin and prefer interesting items of bargain.

- Kneva Geine
Trader in Curiosities
I would be interested in discussing further with you of this opportunity when you are in the area. Additionally I will dig into my possessions to see if I may have anything of sufficient interest to you for trade. One way or another I shall endeavor to make your journey worthwhile.

-Oliver Oleander, proud possessor of pachyderm paraphernalia

Your assistance at your recent gathering certainly yielded a few curiosities of interest for my trades.

That said, I have once again discovered an interesting location that is likely to yield further items of interest and am once again seeking a few members of you to assist in maintaining my safety as I collect these items. As before, I will bear an assortment of interesting items that will be available for trade once my mission is accomplished, with those that assist in protecting me being rewarded with their choice of some of the items prior to the commencement of my trading.

If interested in trading, recall that I hold little interest in coin and prefer interesting items of bargain. My Item of Lifelong Trade has already been changed three times since we last spoke, and I am interested in seeing what it will become by the time I visit your community once more.

- Kneva Geine
Trader in Curiosities