October 2014 Favorites! :)

Here it is! Ye olde Favorites thread!

- "Snore trolling"
- Vadis and Binks getting intoxicated and trying to pull each other up, only to have the other fall over again.
- Vadis catching Socora when the Gryphon Hunter threw her. It looked pretty awesome.
- Teaching Vadis how to read and write using ancient Cyclopian.
- Boot stew
- Kuyak actually finding a 10-foot pole, which was actually a pretty sizable board.
- Demple's Delvers going into troll territory, and finding a secret passage later on that would have been really useful earlier...
- Asking one of the muddy buddies for his opinions on how we should make their new bodies, and not getting much of anything. It was kind of what I had expected, though. Poor guys don't know what to do with all that freedom.
- Going to the Basin in Troll territory and sort-of-cloning Vadis. The angry spirit that came out of that was actually super in-game terrifying. And having a spiritless body to carry around now is a little bit messed up, but I'm glad that it seems to have worked.
- Medreskal coming into town after we made the spiritless body. There could be a lot of weird potential there.
- That mod where I was totally lost to what was actually going on, and ended up having to choose between Death, Order, and Chaos. I'm pretty sure I won, though, after choosing Chaos and having to fight a thing swinging Earth.
- York: "When did I turn into Fern? ... Don't just smile at me like that."
- The Ritual of Remembrance. I had a lot of people to remember, but I debated too long whether or not I should share. "Remember the millions of people in the Empire? Yeah, they died. Remember the oozes? They're dead, too (although I don't feel too bad about them, because they probably would like the lack of structure in an abyss). Remember that Biata guy with the big family of cute badger-kin? Yeah, we killed him, too. Remember the twelve people who are stuck in golems? They had bodies once. Those are gone." I also just wanted to remember Tal's grandmother, who died peacefully in her sleep at an old age. That lady did something right. Every year, I want to remember people who were our enemies, like the Forsaken, or the Emperor and Mandrake, because even though they were the "bad guys" they were still really cool, and were still people.
- The encounter with Strava went really well (or as well as it probably could have). Socora was awesome! And I was really glad that the rest of the adventurers didn't go berserk when Strava beat her down. Although I'm not happy about losing that stone, it was definitely a better decision to avoid a war. Gathering the artifacts isn't just about collecting a bunch of junk, it's about uniting the races.
- Prepping race reavers, just in case.
- Falim came to visit! And that vision thing was super cool.

This whole event was great! I love October! The weather was beautiful, the food was delicious, and it was awesome to have less people and more organization among the adventurers. Thanks NPCs for dealing with us breaking plot through the whole weekend, and still making an awesome game! Expect to see Leah and I back in November! :) Love you guys!

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I forgot about everyone that ceased to exist when we took down the Empire. Oops!

It felt like the quickest (multi-day) event I've ever been to, but so much happened. Let's see...

-Benedine's quest for intoxicates leading to many thinking she's a bumbling drunkard.
-Benedine's habitual lazing around not helping persuade anyone otherwise.
-Icey somehow becoming Benedine's lover boy
-Kuyak, Icey, Artemis, Naomi, and Benedine having their late night talk. It was quite enlightening in many aspects.
-Giving Benjamin my blood to make his potions. If you drink one of his racial dodge potions... Think of me.
-"I'm not a Dryad; I'm a wolverine-kin!"
-Comforting a distressed rabbit-kin at the Ritual of Remembrance
-The two longest resurrections. Including Jemina's enthralling story!
-Being so moved by Socora's death, I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face.
-Artemis saying Ted the Bear eats worms. Benjamin going to open the door, saying something impolite about Ted. The door opening in Benjamin's face, revealing none other than Ted the Bear. Awkward moment ensues.
-"The elephant-kin? Kuyak."
"I'm gonna call him Kayak."
-Seeing Dave and Vaughn made up in dresses. Yes.
-Eve and Benedine's hat escapades
-Cho Ko Nu is his own rank in the Broker's Guild
-Alexander complimenting me on how nice the bracer looks with my outfit. Not so much when Lily was checking to make sure they weren't Biata feathers. I swear I didn't make it and they're normal feathers!
-PCs completely avoiding Saturday night mod... Oops
-Seamus' PC/Mac joke
-Cho Ko Nu-learning to read and write, one letter at a time. Per market day.
-The Binks. His storytelling was superb! Having him show up for my res made Benedine feel preeeetty important
-Going to heal a puma, only to be struck down by her master. Smooth move, Dave.
-Seeing old friends and making new ones~

There's my excessive list, but the most important is hearing through the grapevine that Benedine's voice amuses Alexander. So ha!

Thanks again NPCs and PCs alike. Naomi told me she was super nervous about getting along but ended up pleasantly surprised. So lucky to have such a friendly group~

Oh wait, I've got another one! My skirt completely falling down at afters. I was opening the door to go outside when it happened... Another moment and it could have only gone downhill.

Weeeell, I think I've rambled enough. Thanks again guys for the amazing event and hope to see you at the banquet!

-Kat/Benedine Thistlecreek
Oh lord, this was a wonderfully fun event. Quick list of my favorite moments in no particular order:

- Bertha's appearance on Alexander's head. I was crying from laughter once I figured out what I was looking at.
- All the reasons for why I was TOTALLY a wolverine kin who had been shaved and, amnesia'd, had a weird skin condition, and the tingling when i touched metal was TOTALLY because I didn't have hair on my paws. Me? a Dryad? Pfft!!
- The "Lovely" Lady Troglodytes.
- Icey's resurrection story, despite the cranky, snippy spirit cracking wise at every opportunity.
- Somehow I managed to be a frontrunner for Shaman of an Elephant-kin
-Getting Cho Ko Nu to willingly part with 15 gold
-Cho Ko Nu needing to sell stuff, and count coppers to pay me
-Lily's masterful sleight of hand getting the Master's homestone off Succora's wrist while in the presence of one of Strava's Goons.
- The food
- "I want one for a pet!!"
"That is called slavery..."
- Getting to hang out with Eve again, so soon after the National Event.
- "You know, there is one place where ALL Wolverine-kin are always furry.
*heavy, slightly awkward silence*
Between big toes!!"
- Dimple and his ten foot pole. Glad it helped save their lives.

I had a tone of fun hanging out with everyone. Meeting everyone's Alts, and the newer players. Can't wait to do it again next season!!
- Emma/Ilana the "Wolverine-kin"
Hey everyone! Thanks for another great event! I want to start by thanking all the PCs and NPCs that showed up this game and I want to extend special recognition to our new NPCs Leah and Nikki who rocked it! Without further ado, here are some of my favorite moments of the event.

-Cackling as the Scarlet Desmodu. It was so good to be loud and not have my voice berate me for the rest of the weekend.
-The unexpected Master fight, boy was that a way to start out the event.
-Coming into town with one arm as Jarus and the extreme respect of not having everyone ask me questions about it. Not until later anyway...
-GRONK figuring out my impossible puzzle almost immediately. Damn that High Ogre Ingenuity!
-Farmer RP with Ted during the Stag mod since he wanted to help the farmers harmed by the flaming undead.
-Teaching GRONK how to wear extra armor. I love the RP with that and how you asked me questions. I find that so much easier to RP than just talking at someone for 10 minutes.
-The "fastest man in the world" and Binks's racing to see who was faster.
-Chief Pete Landen surrendering at the exact instant his bugbears died.
-Listening to the somber mist guardian tell us the river is dying out then claiming that the mist fish do bring good luck. Then obliviously stupid Pete rubs it in the PC's faces that he was right. I deserved all of those slaps. But I didn't deserve that wig.
-The bee stripes being oriented the wrong way and the mod that ensued with the vicious Vertical Bees!
-I refuse to admit that I willingly became a Trog Princess. Dave blackmailed me... Somehow... >.>
-The Ritual of Remembrance and all of the emotions.
-Eating not one, but TWO meals with ONLY ONE HAND! On the bright side, it makes for a good story.
-Trolls just want to eat your brain juice. That is a documented fact.
-Undead farmers and Betsy. Grandma was my favorite. "She's... a... She's... the Best!"
-The PCs: "We'll go South!" Alexander: "Gectis." The PCs: "We'll go North!" Alexander: "Aaravaad."
-Sunday morning antics as the spirit of Ted's trainer. "SOMEBODY HELP TED!!"

Those are some of my favorite moments of the event. I hope you all enjoyed the event as well and I can't wait to see you all at the Banquet in 3 weeks!
Good to finally adventure again and not just sit around the tavern!

-Walking into game with over 100 gold, leaving with just under 100 copper. Coin well spent.
-Eviscerating the Spirit Shepard after Binks and Cho figured out how to remove the nearby spirit.
-The stag mod and attempting to appease him by throwing down my leather armor.
-Negotiating to get all the items needed to finalize the Traders Guild post in only one afternoon.
-Getting my own rank named for me in the Broker's Guild, and potentially in the Trader's Guild.
-The golem "easier" Vanguard mod. If that was easy... oh man... the Vanguard does not play around.
-Buying almost all of Benjamin's resist potions. Those will save lives someday.
-Buying three full batches of Iganeous's blacksmithing to get nearly 1,000 bolts. I'm good on those for a while.

Thanks to Alexander for helping me with logistics before I had to leave on Saturday evening. Thanks to all the NPCs who rock every event with their constant energy and willingness to be repeatedly beaten down all day.
An overall good event!

- Losing my acsent while intoxicated and continuing to fall over with Vadis trying to get up.
- The Fastest Man in the World race. "Binks, you did the right thing, but you lost"- congrats from York.
- Socora talking back to Strava. Can't go wrong with logic.
- Telling Kuyak the Paragon Brave Story about the Island of Thonesh in a grand way.
- Talking the ears off of the Necromancer Sibling. He kept throwing spells over Socorra to hit me and lectured for 3 minutes straight. Poor guy.
- All the spirit puzzles. It took me 6 hours to find #10, only to find out Lilly had one. See folks, communication is key.
- Stealing the town box(book) after telling Lilly if it's left out in the open someone can take it. Then doing an "I told you so" and then giving it back when she wasn't looking. Needless to say, the town loot was safe after that.
- "Binks, we've chosen you to be the body model for the Province 3 people" Binks gain +3 ego. Then being told they wanted a human body and chose Vadis. Their loss!
- Talking with York and Lilly about how PCs shouldn't follow the Trog, it's a trap, not once, but twice.
- Being told by York that as fellow Captains, I'm not allowed to our rank him by getting a second boat. I told him he can build a boat in Wayside, and then we'll both be Commodores.
the most interesting for me was talking with lily and finding out that the dwarven race artifact and the methren sphere are one and the same!, then seeing socorra struck down, and if anyone had gone to help i would have been two steps behind them. and to i want to thank all the NPCs and the new PCs that showed up.

David Raatz
aka: iganeous
I realize that we totally threw the Plot team off, not once by twice - Sorry guys - but we were all on board with OUR plans :)

- Alexander's ancient story in the dark, with the colored lights
- Chasing the Stag around the field - herding him to Atremis to release his explosive trap, then everyone working together to get the Stag caught in a circle only for Kuyak to get distracted so he could escape.
- Finally taking down the Hunter and getting his Memory Stone - great job Lilly with the prison and killing blow!
- Trying to be friendly and cooperative with those stupid Bomaen Biata, only to be tricked and attacked.
- Socora sacrificing herself to prove that the adventurers could be a worthy ally in the fight against the corrupt & NOT to again another enemy. Having the whole town's support for that plan but still making fast work on an awesome back-up plan should Strava decide to be a jerk-face.
- GRONK!!! Socora has SO missed having you around. Thank you for all the great RP!! When Strava killing blowed Socora, I forgot to start the death count because I could hear you growling back there wanting to take his head off.
We may have had to give up the Hunter's memory stone, but there is still a field of possibilities as to how our relationship will play out.

It was so nice to see both new NPC's & PC's show up for the event. Thank you for coming and playing with us! We look forward to seeing you again :)
I realize that we totally threw the Plot team off, not once by twice - Sorry guys - but we were all on board with OUR plans :)

It made for an interesting first event as an official plot member. Did ya'll plan that during PC talk? "Let's throw the plot team off just to mess with Vaughn." I wouldn't be surprised if Dave and Alexander were in on it too :p
I'm so glad to be back from Paris for good now it was hard for me to miss everything in the mean time but thank you to everyone for accepting me back and helping me fill in the gaps of what I have missed.
-Throwing the first blow and the last on the friday night baggers and master mod, best use of a once ever prison ever.
-York helping me with my temper that duel was about 27 to 1, in favor of York but it really helped Lilly out nothing like just wanting to hit something and not being able to to make you slow down and think clearly.
-Getting Dropped dead at York's feet, scariest and safest place to be.
-"I miss my little green battle buddy" I miss her too
- Staying up too late both Friday and Saturday night talking
- Getting together a fairly complete band, would have made great minds for the bodies.
- Making a dissision with most of the town and following though with it, and having a great back up plan, I don't feel bad about the resources being used at all it's what they are there for, to help us not die. I was so happy to feel like we made a plan and we were able to change and affect the world around us. It reminded me of the game where corrupted talan came to town and we changed the game.
- Going North South East and West, not necessarily in that order.
- using flowers to distract vertically striped bees
- Writing fairly well in the dark during awesome story time
- Dinner was so yummy
- Helping put so many spirits to rest I love the problem solving and RP involved with them
- Being so frustrated that no one was helping Vanugh's spirit on sunday morning that I had to jump back in after my ankel twisted,
- Also being Frustrated at the one tidbit that Gorka knew that Lilly dosen't and no one else remembered.
- Meeting the new players and being able to help the gals get used to fighting a bit, I really enjoyed meeting you all and I hope to see you again.

I am so glad to be back with all my larp friends I love you guys.
Man, you PCs really know how to throw Plot for a loop, I'll tell ya that! Regardless, I still had a great time and I hope the rest of you did as well. As always, thanks so much to Chris for the great food and all of my NPCs for helping me run stuff all weekend (especially Vaughn, who did great with his first weekend on plot), as well as all the PCs that made things happen the way they did! Here are a few favorites, in no order:
  • The "Goblin Grocery List" and the shenanigans that resulted (boot stew, 10' pole found by Kuyak, etc.)
  • Best use of a 1/ever Prison EVER.
  • Kuyak's blunt practicality
  • Coming in as Falim and delivering the Dark Tale from Dark Times
  • "You are now a Cho Ko Nu of the Broker's Guild."
  • Talking to people as the Ophidian Shaman about the Ten Beasts, as well as the following Sprint Stag fight (shout out to Raeker for such an awesome job!)
  • Fastest Man in the World race!
  • Deciding on a Mind Catalyst for the Basin
  • Seeing PCs' reactions to the spirit conjured at the Basin
And so much more. See you at the Banquet event! Remember to get your pre-regs in as soon as you can!
Really had fun over the weekend! Sorry for posting this late, this is the first time I have access to a computer with internet. Thank you NPC's for letting us mercilessly beat you into the ground, and thank you Chris for the delicious food~!

-All the RP w/ Benedine
-First night, I rift us out, "Hey guys, one of you is invested in the circle we're headed to, right?"
-The entire battle afterward was intense, props to Lilly not giving up
-"Hey Binks, you know that feeling when you should've asked a friend for a weapon because you could use it for the weekend, but you totally forget to ask?" "Or that feeling of when someone thinks about bringing a weapon for someone, and was going to, but totally forgot?"
-The first resurrection, and the back-talking spirit sitting there
-The spirits wandering around town, and Binks collecting all the spirit residue or otherwise buying it.
-Story-time with Alexander, though I had sat down on my foot and it took several minutes to get back up afterwards
-Our confusion in not knowing what was going on with Spirit(?) at first, and Talitha's smart choice in picking Chaos (though shame on you for using a force that is primarily associated with necromancy, Talitha)
-Getting to go to bed early because we started and finished what we wanted to do in like 1 hour. Yay PC's, go us!
-Waking up to Earth Guild business, undead are on fire, and then my slight confusion as to why the undead are healed by ice before realizing that burning them further would've been the better idea
-Gronk's idea of just blowing out the candle
-Trying to capture the stag, Kuyak getting distracted so the stag bolts away from us
-It doesn't bring good fortune or misfortune, it brings MIST Fortune
-Seeing Dave and Vaughn in a dress as troglodytes, although the price for that ended up with me in the Earth Circle, resurrecting poor Benedine
-My re-telling a slightly biased version of when York turned into a Death Knight as a resurrection story
-The Ritual of Rememberance, it was very cozy by the fire
-Spending so much time and money on resources for the inevitable battle with the Biata, only for us to resolve it peacefully and we all go our different ways
-Most of the talking we did in our room before going to sleep, I was the one who wanted to call Kuyak, Kayak as it was easier to pronounce and required less focus
-Bringing in one of the two new PC's into town, he said he had quite a lot of fun and wants to come back for November's event