Storytime with King Torg!


Chicago Staff

To all things I have been asking around for and the people I needed to find, I think it may help if I say it really loud and stuffs here. The great and powerful King Torg has something important to talk about, that needs to be heard! Super important stuff! So, if I talked to you, you should meet with him because.

Well he's really really smart, and a big deal, since he's older than old and a really big deal. So, I won't mention what it's for, but you either need to be a Chief, or have the thing I told you to have, and then we'll let you see King Torg and we'll even give you food! So um, I think it would be best to come 14 days from right now! That should be good! Remember, you don't get in without the thing, and you won't know where we are, unless you were deemed important by King Torg. So theres that and stuffs.

That is all. Wait! If you've already heard from people like Duke Monteque then you don't have to listen, but I suppose, if you want, there is like, food and drink and stuffs still.

XII Mark Kobold Scribbler of King Torg,
Rupert Albertson Leonard Patterson Henderson the 9th or Ralph for short.
awww pebbles not important. pebbles sadd now....
aww don't feel so bad......HAHHAHAHA (4 Waylay) .....Ahhh I can not waylay the one called Pebbles as dream waylay does not work....but now my hand hurts. I think I just punched a wall. I don't know is that bacon I smell....Alright laters

Yot a 12 mark Kobold in training, only made it like 6 hours so is hard
Umm, I suppose if you're with the Chief, like a bodyguard, then you can come too, or if you're with a person with the trinket, you can come as well. We just don't want HIM to know about it. Oops, I should be quiet now.

Oh no! So, there may be a problem. The person who was really good at cooking, kinda, landed on an axe or something, and didn’t make it. It’s a shame too, because he was almost a year old and stuff and survived not falling on many axes. So, Ralph promised food, but we have food, but no good way to make it for when people and creatures show up. So, we’re give up precious shinnies to someone who can prepare the food in 8 days. It’s rare we give up shinnies, so it means we’re trying to be good host and such.
I heard there is this new tavern the Skull Flamer or something, maybe they can make things—I just don’t know how to reach out to them…

-Seep, son of Spoop and proud 12-mark Kobold who survived during the Archimedes Mean Rant Regarding Stolen Shinnies from 2 years ago.
I will talk to Sam for you and I am sure we can cook something up. But Sam would have the final say on the matter.
Shinies will get you foodies. We shall help prepare your feast for you Son of Spoop.
King Torg has lots of shinnies, so you cook, you feed, we eat, we give shinnies! Hazaa!