A curious bystander.


I was riding in the car the other day and passed by the park on Amboy Rd. In Asheville. I saw some people playing (idk that this had anything to do with this group). Never the less I have been curious ever since and I started searching and found this group. So basically I want to learn all I can. Thank you.

Brandon Meadows.
Hey there, Brandon!

Alliance is an international organization of LARP groups that use the same rules and character database across the United States, as well as Canada.

We're a high-fantasy game, akin to Dungeons and Dragons if you're familiar, only we take away the pencil and paper and replace it with improvisational acting, real-time simulated boffer combat, and decorated sites to immerse ourselves in!

New Player Representative for Alliance Seattle
Glad to hear it!

Just so you're aware, I have no idea where Asheville is. If you can tell us what state you're in, you'll probably be able to be directed to your nearest chapter. :)

This is a pretty fantastic community of people, and if you want to give it a shot, I don't doubt you'll have a great time.
I wasn't aware of it. Alas, I don't memorize all the chapters, and I only remembered Ashbury (HQ).

Thanks for the post, Ben.
Additionally Gage, I would highly recommend downloading and taking at least a once over of the rules here. http://alliancelarp.com/books.php
It's pretty dense information-wise so focus on the parts of the book that are overview and not specifics to start with. From there work on learning the parts in line with the character idea you'd like to play and just keep learning.
And ask any questions you have. The Rules section has a New Player subsection, where a Rules Marshal will be happy to answer.