Recent content by James Dayson-Dalion

  1. James Dayson-Dalion

    Nov Auction Lot #15 (of 18): (Celestial) Elemental Imbuement

    one of them is silvered, does that count? ;)
  2. James Dayson-Dalion

    Nov Auction Lot #15 (of 18): (Celestial) Elemental Imbuement

    10g go away Hangin :p (OOG I forgot this auction is in game lol )
  3. James Dayson-Dalion

    November 2019 A'A Event Favorite Moments

    So many good moments for me this gather. From speaking with a Disease and getting some answers so that Mordikai might win a bet with Jack Diamond to dealing with a thieving party member. Not to mention all the fun with trying to become a Wylenzia citizen. Over all just an awesome gather...
  4. James Dayson-Dalion

    January 2019 Favorite Moments

    Let's see... 1:) Gambling with my life over a game of cards with Jack Diamond, not knowing that it would have been a perma death. 2:) double hooking... Why is it I always seem to be on the out numbered side? 3:) The whole kidnapping event and chasing NPCs from one cabin to another. 4:)...
  5. James Dayson-Dalion

    July Event "Danger Zone" Favorite Moments

    Oh so many awesome and memorable moments I don't know where to start. 1:Having the faith of a healer who is visibly terrified while crawling thru tight tunnels looking for traps just in case I blow myself up. Dalion greatly appreciates that kind of faith from someone newly met. 2: Realizing...