Recent content by BromFarsmythe

  1. BromFarsmythe

    June 17 favored moments!

    Hello! Wanted to pop in and say a few things: Friday night: -The trial. Though I was distracted with guard duty what I did see and hear was great. I liked the atmosphere, the tone of the situation and the RP of all that were involved. So glad I could spectate! -The 3 thieves in the tavern. Brom...
  2. BromFarsmythe

    Alliance in the Fall

    I agree. We really do need an October game even if just for the ball. Maybe we could do some mods during the day Saturday and have the ball that night. If we can get PCs to jump ship for shifts we could run the mods a bit larger than normal to better accommodate larger teams, so that no one...
  3. BromFarsmythe

    Very realistic animal/kin masks

    B and I play in the same chapter here in Colorado. Many of our player base wear masks made by her. I can first-hand attest to the quality and beauty of her masks. Great stuff! Definitely worth trying to get into her next rotation when she opens up again.
  4. BromFarsmythe

    Hunting Undead in late October

    [A weak voice can be heard growing in strength. A t first it is unrecognizable but as its volume rises so to does the recognition of who the voice belongs to.] Greetings! Apologies for my silence in this... realm? I'm unaccustomed to communicating this way. I find it unsettling. Many things...
  5. BromFarsmythe

    July 415 Favorite Moments, Deadlines, Feedback, & IBGAs!

    1) Getting to run with a Rivervale-only mod team earlish Saturday while waiting for monkey task. I called us having to fight coconut crabs (which was a good but tough fight), then we fought a large gator (thanks Tim for running it for us!), and then as soon as we finished up our gator fight we...
  6. BromFarsmythe

    Results of Endeavors in Garthok

    My Lord Baron Morningtide, Ambassador for Her Grace Duchess Tiberion, I, Squire Brom Farsmythe, would like to inform you, and the rest of the kingdom, of the success of "Team Gooses Gander". The winter weather had delayed us by a day. My Lord Baron Rivervale, Alexander Fairfax, Banks...
  7. BromFarsmythe

    Mod Day: Thanks, Notes, and Favorite Moments!

    John Siadak and myself were able to find much enjoyment portraying Kobolds. We were "hidden" in a room with David as the semi-big-bad Gnoll. I was sort of crouched behind a mattress against a wall, waiting for my chance to spring my trap. William/Parcival pushed at my mattress and I feared I was...
  8. BromFarsmythe

    Favorite November Moments

    Here goes nothing. Per the standard I will do what I can to express adequately as many awesome moments as I can. Apologies in advance if I miss a person here or there, or misspell something, etc. Now, ON TO THE BULLET POINTS!!! Shock and Dread. This is the first thing Brom experienced Friday...
  9. BromFarsmythe

    Favorite October Moments

    Greetings! What a great weekend! Per the norm what follows will be the moments that stick out in my mind the most. As I elaborate my greatest hits of the weekend, and I seem to forget you in my telling of said hits, please do not take it as me forgetting you. Simply, I was exhausted all weekend...
  10. BromFarsmythe

    September 2014 Event: Best Moments, Quotes

    Greetings! Late to the show but, you know, school work... Overall a pretty good weekend for me. What follows is but a few of the moments I was apart of. Please take no offense if I spell a name wrong or forget something... it is not intentional I swear :-) -First field battle to rescue...
  11. BromFarsmythe

    August 2014: Best Moments, Quotes

    Greetings one and all! I have to admit I ended up enjoying the weekend more than I thought I would! Alliance is my first real LARP, hence this was my first tournament experience, and I went in with much trepidation. Now, I can't wait for next year! A big thank you to Jesse, Jen, and all those...
  12. BromFarsmythe


    Greetings one and all! I can't believe I have neglected to this as of yet. It is time to correct this oversight methinks. My name is Mark. This is my first legit LARPing game/experience. I dabbled ever so briefly many years ago when I lived in Greeley with NERO, but the drive was just too bad...
  13. BromFarsmythe

    Consolidated Shout-Out and Feedback thread

    Greetings! I suppose I should do a shout-out as well. Firstly, I would like to thank Barbara, Jenniffer, and Lacey for all they did in the kitchen. Taking care of so many hungry gamers is not easy and they did it with Grace and style! Secondly I want to thank the whole NPC staff. Your tireless...